Piano Guidance
Photo by Ivan Samkov Pexels Logo Photo: Ivan Samkov

Why music is so powerful?

Engages our Emotions Music is all around us intersecting our lives, regulating our moods and bringing good vibes to those who are listening. It raises your mood, bringing excitement, or calming you down. It allows us to feel all the emotions that we experience in our lives.

Are Yamaha pianos bright?
Are Yamaha pianos bright?

There is misconception being circulated that Yamaha pianos are excessively bright, or cold sounding. This may often be true of the smaller, cheaper...

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What is the saddest key in music?
What is the saddest key in music?

D minor From there it's an easy skip to D, the root of today's subject, the “saddest key,” D minor. That the key of D minor is the key of true...

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Universal Language

While every country has it’s own ways of communicating, there’s only one language we can all understand: the language of music. We don’t even need words to understand what music is saying. Every year people from diverse backgrounds come together for live performances and festivals. When the music is being played, it seems every one understands what’s coming out of the speakers as they move in unison. In a time of deep divisions music stands to be the magnetism that is able to draw humanity together.

Music has the power to change the world.

Provides Meaning

Musicians provide a powerful therapy that helps the listener make sense of the world we are living in. People have always found music significant in their lives, whether for enjoyment in listening, for a emotional response, performing or creating. This is no different for classical music or contemporary music performers. Today we see many uncomfortable questions being asked, questions that need to be asked as society takes a stand. What side of history will we be on?

Engages our Emotions

Music is all around us intersecting our lives, regulating our moods and bringing good vibes to those who are listening. It raises your mood, bringing excitement, or calming you down. It allows us to feel all the emotions that we experience in our lives. It has the profound ability to help those who struggle to express how they feel too feel. Music let’s your imagination flow and that’s a good thing for your creativity and mindfulness.

Infinite Perspective

Live performances takes it to another level, providing the audience the sound as it was meant to be heard. As you play, the audience hears the music that reflects your thoughts and your emotions. In this way you convey deep meaning through your music, without speaking a word. It is scientifically proven that music enhances brain function, our brains are most active as we listen to music. Some people consider music as a way to escape from the pain of life, bringing relief from all forms of stress.


There are many things in music, to celebrate, the melodies, the harmony, the driving or in contrast the relaxed rhythms. The activity of a piece of music and how the sounds are produced, how they relate to one another, all while understanding how the composer or producer brought the piece to life.

Celebrates Difference & Unites

Music plays a very important role in bringing people together. Whether it’s a festival, concert or a club night, people come together to enjoy the music that’s being played. It doesn’t matter where you come from, every one is the same.

Regulates Emotions

Music can do great things for your mood. If you want to feel happy, you can listen to songs that are happy and this works the other way around too. When you lost someone in your life, it’s helpful to listen to sad songs. Science says listening to sad songs can actually make you happier. For this reason our need for musicians can never be underestimated, we need you, we need your music. Music is key to creativity. It helps you in improving your mind making it more artistic. As a musician your gift, your talent must never be kept hidden. You have a responsibility to populate the airways with sound.


Is it hard to teach piano lessons?
Is it hard to teach piano lessons?

The wide variety of students can make the job of piano teachers quite difficult. Since each student has their own abilities and learning pace,...

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What is it called when you mix baking soda and vinegar?
What is it called when you mix baking soda and vinegar?

The first reaction is the acid-base reaction. When vinegar and baking soda are first mixed together, hydrogen ions in the vinegar react with the...

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What personality type is romantic?

Enneagram Type 4. Romantics believe you can regain the lost ideal love or perfect state by finding the love or situation that is unique, special and fulfilling. Consequently, Romantics are idealistic, deeply feeling, empathetic and authentic; they also can be dramatic, moody and sometimes self-absorbed.

Type Four’s journey is to realize that being whole and complete comes with acceptance and appreciation of what is here now, in the present moment – from the inside out, not from the outside in. Disappointments are part of the fabric of life, not an indication of deficiency of being.

Path of Integration

Mental: Melancholy > Idealism

Emotional: Envy > Equanimity

The aspect of awareness called the Inner Observer allows us to witness the internal patterns that drive outer behavior. The practice consists of focusing inwardly and becoming aware of the thoughts, sensations and other objects of attention that arise within us. As we become more present, our type patterns begin to relax and receptivity increases.

For Fours, take a moment to reflect on the following principles:

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What causes yellowing of white plastic?

For one of the most commonly used plastics, polyethylene, it's long been suggested that ultraviolet (UV) light — the same light that gives us...

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Can I clean keyboard keys with alcohol?
Can I clean keyboard keys with alcohol?

You can easily clean your keyboard using rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and a lint-free cloth. In general, there are two different types of...

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What do you call a person who doesn't cry easily?
What do you call a person who doesn't cry easily?

Some people with anhedonia, especially anhedonic depression, do notice they can no longer cry easily — or at all. May 29, 2020

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Do pianists get arthritis?
Do pianists get arthritis?

It is more common for piano players to develop osteoarthritis. However, research has shown that playing the piano is never the cause of developing...

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