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Why is Song of Solomon so important?

Among Jews, the allegorical interpretation regards the book as an allegory of God's love for the Israelites, with whom he has made a sacred covenant. Among Christians, the book is interpreted as describing the covenantal love of Christ for his church.

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Song of Solomon, also called Canticle of Canticles, or Song of Songs, an Old Testament book that belongs to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim, or “Writings.” In the Hebrew Bible the Song of Solomon stands with Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther and with them makes up the Megillot, five scrolls that are read on various religious festivals of the Jewish year. This book is the festal scroll for Pesaḥ (Passover), which celebrates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The book in its present form postdates the Babylonian Exile (5th century bc onward), but the poems that it preserves date from about the 10th century bc, the period of the Davidic monarchy. The book, whose author is unknown (Solomon’s name is a later addition), is a collection of love poems spoken alternately by a man and a woman. There is no coherent story in the book. A number of the poems systematically describe the beauty and excellence of the beloved. The Song of Solomon has received various interpretations, the most common being allegorical, dramatic, cultic, and literal. Among Jews, the allegorical interpretation regards the book as an allegory of God’s love for the Israelites, with whom he has made a sacred covenant. Among Christians, the book is interpreted as describing the covenantal love of Christ for his church. In medieval mysticism, the Song of Solomon was construed to apply to the love between Christ and the human soul.

More From Britannica biblical literature: Song of Solomon

Dramatic interpretations of the Song of Solomon are based on much of the book’s being in dialogue form. According to this view, the speakers in it are enacting roles in a dramatic love story that varies in outline according to the particular interpretation. In view of the absence of drama in ancient Semitic literatures, however, such interpretations are not very probable. The cultic interpretation views the book as a collection of songs associated with the practice of sacred marriage as observed by the Sumerians and other ancient Mesopotamian peoples. The fourth interpretation, and the one that has perhaps gained the most credence among modern scholars, is simply that the Song of Solomon is a collection of secular love poems without any religious implications. According to this interpretation, the songs celebrate the joy and goodness of human love between the sexes and the sense of inner fulfillment and harmony with God’s creation that arise from such love.

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What does 👍 Thumbs Up emoji mean? The thumbs-up emoji is used to express assent, approval, or encouragement in digital communications, especially in Western cultures.

In some cultures, including Australia, Greece, and the Middle East, the thumbs-up gesture can be considered obscene, equivalent to “Up yours!” In many Western cultures, the thumbs-up emoji enjoys a wide range of use in text messages, social-media posts, and other forms of digital communication. On its own, a thumbs-up emoji can indicate “OK” or “Got it.” For example, if one person asked to meet another at 2:30, the other person could acknowledge the appointment with a thumbs-up emoji. The thumbs-up emoji also frequently punctuates text, sometimes in strings for additional emphasis, to indicate positivity, agreement, approval, encouragement, or assurance, an equivalent to “Awesome!” or Great job!”. Someone might comment “That looks great! 👍” to celebrate a piece of online artwork. Another person might post “Please subscribe to my channel if you like my content! 👍” to solicit support or to say thanks. As with much of language, the thumbs-up emoji can also be used sarcastically: “Way to ruin the party 👍.” It’s also sometimes used in reference to the “This guy” meme (e.g., “Who’s got two thumbs and a ticket to the premiere of Black Panther? This guy”).

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