Piano Guidance
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Why is my 2 year old so mean to me?

Most two year olds do experiment with aggression because they are still learning to control themselves. You are right to want to nip this in the bud, but please know that it is completely normal. Many studies have shown that hitting kids, even to show them that hitting hurts, only perpetuates more hitting.

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Classical Music 1. Classical Music. Researchers have long claimed that listening to classical music can help people perform tasks more efficiently....

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

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Dear Salma,

I am so glad you wrote. It is disturbing to have your child begin to hit. Most two year olds do experiment with aggression because they are still learning to control themselves. You are right to want to nip this in the bud, but please know that it is completely normal. Many studies have shown that hitting kids, even to show them that hitting hurts, only perpetuates more hitting. When we treat our children with compassion and kindness, even when they hit others, they learn not to hit. When we hit them, they learn to hit. It is that simple. I also have observed over and over that timeouts create power struggles and cause children to be more rebellious, even to the point of hitting. Timeouts are much better than hitting your child, but they do not encourage good behavior, in fact, they encourage bad behavior. SO what can you do? First, of course you set the limit for your son that hitting is never ok. When he hits another child, you will need to immediately, kindly, attend to the other child (ignore your son for the moment) so that your son sees that he does not get attention by hitting, and so that he gets the message that indeed his hitting has hurt the other child. Then, when the other child is recovered and being tended to by another adult, you will need to pick up your son and remove him from the situation. "We never hit. When you hit, we can't play with the other children." Be kind, but firm, and take him home. (If this is in your home, take him to his room. Stay with him, of course, while he calms down, before the two of you rejoin the others. It is best if you can have the others leave so that he gets a clear message that hitting ends play.) He is likely to be be very angry, and you can empathize: "You wish you could play more. You don't want to leave. I am really sorry, but when you hit, we can't play with the other kids." Be kind: "Soon you will be a little older and you will remember not to hit. You will remember to ask me for help, or to use your words, instead." He needs to hear from you that he isn't bad, just little. What do you do when your son hits you? You tell him "We never hit. I know you are angry. When you are angry, you use your words and tell me. You can show me how angry you are by hitting the pillow, or by yelling if we are outside, or by showing me with your crayons on the paper how angry you are. But we never hit." If he is hitting you, then your relationship with him needs attention. You set the limit, but you overcome your own anger at being hit, and extend empathy to your son. When we offer kids empathy and set the limit of No Hitting People EVER, they do learn not to hit, and what's more, they learn positive ways to handle their feelings.

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Finally, I am concerned by what you say about your marriage. If you and your husband are fighting, your son could certainly be acting out the household tensions. And of course, if you son observes any parental physical aggression, it is bad for him, and I assume you know it is time for you to leave the situation. Even if none of this is so, and the marital issues are "quiet," I urge you to consider counseling. Divorce is hard on kids, and so is marital tension. It may be that your marriage can be saved, with some attention. Even if your husband will not go to counseling with you, it would be helpful if you saw someone yourself. I hope this helps. I think you will also be interested in the following articles on this website:


Positive Discipline



Finally, there are other letters on this site about toddlers hitting parents or peers. This is of course very common. I think you might find my answers to those letters of value:

Toddler hitting mom

Toddler hitting other kids

All my best wishes,

Dr. Laura

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