Piano Guidance
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Why is mammoth ivory illegal?

Because of the poaching of African Elephants, many countries have banned the import of modern Ivory. Smugglers have been marking shipments of modern ivory as fossil ivory to get it past customs.

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Does Bakelite contain formaldehyde?

A hard, infusible, and chemically resistant plastic, Bakelite was based on a chemical combination of phenol and formaldehyde (phenol-formaldehyde...

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How many years does it take to play piano well?
How many years does it take to play piano well?

To play piano well takes between 4 to 6 years of practice to be considered a good piano player, somewhere between the level of beginner and expert,...

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States and Countries Banning the Sale of Fossil Ivory

and Proposed Legislation Because of the poaching of African Elephants, many countries have banned the import of modern Ivory. Smugglers have been marking shipments of modern ivory as fossil ivory to get it past customs. Here in the United States, beginning with New Jersey and New York, state legislators have been submitting bills to ban the sale of all ivory, modern and fossil. While the differences between extant elephant ivory and fossil Mammoth ivory have been recognized for some time, and a good example and description can be found on the Fish and Wildlife Service page; www.fws.gov/lab/ivory_natural.php, State legislatures have simply decided to go the less expensive route and ban all ivory. This should be addressed in each state that bans fossil ivory. For clarification, we are posting links to the complete legislation of all states involved. The list will be updated on a regular basis and we will do our best to keep it current. AAPS cannot provide legal advice, and recomend you consult an attorney for advice on the sale of fossil ivory. Further, AAPS does not claim or warrant that this is a complete listing of ivory bans in the U.S. State Link Effective Date California https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB96 7-1-2016 District of Columbia B23-0034.pdf 4-7-2020 Hawaii http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2016/bills/SB2647_HD2_.pdf 6-30-2017 Illinois https://legiscan.com/IL/text/HB4843/id/1816090/Illinois-2017-HB4843-Chaptered.html 8-14-2018 Navada https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/79th2017/Bill/5060/Text 1-1-2018 New Hampshire https://legiscan.com/NH/text/SB451/id/1664552 1-1-2019 New Jersey http://codes.findlaw.com/nj/title-23-fish-and-game-wild-birds-and-animals/nj-st-sect-23-2a-13-3.html 8-1-2014 New York https://www.aaps-journal.org/Fossil-Ivory-Laws/New%20York/S7955-2014.pdf 6-30-2015 Oregon, Living Elephant Only https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/bills_laws/lawsstatutes/2017orlaw0107.pdf 5-18-2017 Vermont Vermont H.99 1-1-2022 Washington, Living Elephant Only https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_784.pdf 1-1-2017 Country Link Effective Date UK https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2018/30/pdfs/ukpga_20180030_en.pdf 5-23-2018 The following states have proposed legislation in process. If and when bills are signed into law, we will update the links. NOTE: While we make every attempt to locate the current legislation regarding fossil Ivory, new bills and current legislation is not always easily found. You must check with your own state legislators to see if there are additional proposed bans or bills that have passed.

UPDATES 1. Arkansas; Senate Bill 928 (Killed in Committee)

2. Connecticut; Proposed Bill No. 5700 (Vague definition of Ivory), Tabled for the Calendar, House May 5, 2015. Legislative Link 3. Florida; Senate Bill 1120 (Includes Mammoth Ivory), Died in Environmental Preservation and Conservation Location: In committee/council (EP), May 1, 2015. Legislative Link 4. Illinois; Senate Bill 1858 (Includes Mammoth Ivory), Currently in Committee, May 15, 2015 Legislative Link 5. Iowa; SF 30 (Includes Mammoth Ivory) In Sub-committee February 11, 2015 Legislative Link 6. Maryland; House Bill 713 (Vague definition of Ivory), Unfavorable Report by Judiciary, remains in Committee, March 16, 2015 Legislative Link 7. Massachusetts; Senate Bill S.2575 (Includes Mammoth Ivory) Remains in Committee June 25, 2018. Legislative Link 9. Rhode Island; House 5660 (Includes Mammoth Ivory) Committee recommended measure be held for further study, April 15, 2015 Legislative Link 10. Vermont; House 297 (Includes Mammoth Ivory), In Committee February 24, 2015 Legislative Link 11. Delaware; Senate Bill 156 (Includes Mammoth Ivory) Senate Banking and Business Committee June 24, 2015. Legislative Link

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Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z (Basic) Basic Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys A to Z Shortcuts Uses of Shortcut keys Shift + Home Highlight from...

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What symbolizes love in Japan?
What symbolizes love in Japan?

Writing love in Japanese is represented as the kanji symbol 愛 which means love and affection. Jan 27, 2019

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What colour is ambergris?

And you might find ambergris that your dog hates and that has no beaks. When ambergris is first excreted from the whale it is black. As it floats on the ocean surface, the sun changes its colour from black to brown to grey to white - or streaky combinations of each.

Does it have small beaks in it?

Does your dog LOVE the smell of it? Does it melt?

If you can answer yes to all, or most, of these questions, chances are that it is worth getting it tested! You might be rich!


It is not that simple! Even if you tick yes to all those questions it might not be ambergris. And you might find ambergris that your dog hates and that has no beaks.

Have a look at these key characteristics...


When ambergris is first excreted from the whale it is black. As it floats on the ocean surface, the sun changes its colour from black to brown to grey to white - or streaky combinations of each.


Wouldn't life be simple if ambergris, as a key component in perfume, smelt like Chanel No. 5? Alas, this is far from being the case. It is said that ambergris has a very distinctive smell. But when you ask the few people who have actually smelt it what it smells like, it is very difficult to pin it down. 'Animalistic', 'faecal', 'marine', 'sweet', 'musky', 'pleasant', 'strong', and 'gross' are all words that have been used. A likely story is that, as it is poop, fresh ambergris smells like animal poo - in a big way. As it floats on sea waters, the faecal smell fades and is replaced by the smells of the sea.


It is said that dogs love the smell of ambergris but, not wanting to cast aspertions on the refinements of dogs' taste, maybe they prefer it when it is in its faecal stage than when it has mellowed?

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Playing piano by ear is not necessarily something you're born with. Of course, many people are able to play by ear without any training; they seem...

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