If you just rush into playing with both hands right away, your brain has to learn the right and left hand movements and think about coordinating both hands at the same time. It's just too much for your brain to handle at once (which is why it can feel like your brain shuts down when you try playing with both hands).
It takes about one month to reach the beginner level, to learn piano basics and get accustomed to it, multitasking, and learn basic music theory,...
Read More »Since there are 12 major scales, there are 12 major keys. Likewise, there are 12 minor scales and, therefore, 12 minor keys. So there are 24 keys...
Read More »Do you know how to play piano with both hands? Maybe you’ve tried before but just couldn’t crack the code. You might be able to play a piece perfectly with one hand at a time—but when you bring your hands together, it all falls apart. It’s like your brain freezes and, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t play with both hands at the same time. If two-handed playing has you struggling, you’re far from alone: Most people find it to be one of the hardest parts of learning piano. And there are good reasons for that. Trying to get each of your hands to do different things is new and confusing for your brain. It takes a lot of time and repetition to build up the coordination skills and confidence to get both hands moving independently. On top of that, if you’re used to playing mostly with your right hand (and therefore in the treble clef), adding your left hand means that you have to learn a whole new clef and the note positions on it. This only adds to the challenge. The fact is that learning to play songs with both hands demands much more from you. It’s especially true if you’re learning on your own. If you don’t have a teacher to guide you, you’ll need to commit to a more disciplined practice routine (more on that soon). A piano learning app like flowkey can help you with that. The good news is that with the right approach to practicing and some persistence, you’ll be able to break through the barrier of playing with both hands and reach a new level as a piano player.
Guitar is easier for adults to learn because it is less challenging to learn songs at the beginner level. Piano, however, is easier for younger...
Read More »WHY ARE WEIGHTED KEYS BETTER FOR BEGINNERS THAN THOSE OF A KEYBOARD? Weighted keys will bring the beginner pianist closer to that of an acoustic...
Read More »Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.
Learn More »A standard piano has 88 keys, 52 white keys and 36 black keys. A standard keyboard has 61 keys, 36 white keys and 25 black keys. Lower-end synthesizers may have as few as 25 keys, although most home-use keyboards come with 49, 61, or 76 keys.
First strike middle C, then play the next seven white keys in succession, going (to the right) up the keyboard. C, D, E, F, G, A, B and the next key you played would be a C, one octave higher. This is where the pattern of keys repeats itself. You just played a C major scale, in fact. Here are the note names for the C major scale: Moving up from C, you have the notes D, E, F, G. When you get to G, think “Go” as in “go back to the beginning of the alphabet, A and B.” The most important musical scales are typically written using eight notes, and the interval between the first and last notes is an octave. For example, the C major scale is typically written C D E F G A B C, the initial and final Cs being an octave apart. Two notes separated by an octave have the same letter name and are of the same pitch class.
½ second This formula gives the duration of one beat for any tempo. Thus MM e = 120 or 60/120 = 0.5 duration for each beat, i.e., each beat lasts...
Read More »An 88-key piano has seven octaves plus three lower notes (B, B flat and A) below the bottom C. It has 52 white keys and 36 black keys (sharps and...
Read More »If your piano is old, was poorly manufactured, neglected, or some combination of the three, your piano might be untunable. This is most often a...
Read More »Chopin is one of the better composers at telling stories through music, evoking a wide range of emotions into each and every piece. Every note...
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