Piano Guidance
Photo by Christina Morillo Pexels Logo Photo: Christina Morillo

Why is it harder for adults to learn an instrument?

Children are growing new brain cells all the time, so when they're learning music, some of those brain cells are devoted to playing their instrument. Adults, on the other hand, have to work with the brain cells they already have and create new connections, or synapses, between them.

What is the rarest instrument in the world?
What is the rarest instrument in the world?

Hydraulophone. The hydraulophone is one of the rarest musical instruments in the world. This instrument is a sensory device that is primarily...

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What chords are in key of C?
What chords are in key of C?

Clearly, the basic chords/triads in the key of C major are C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor, and B diminished.

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Never Too Late To Learn An Instrument

If you have the urge to make music but never had lessons as a kid — or quit before you got any good — don't despair. Sure, most professional musicians started when they were young. But neuroscientists and music teachers alike say it's never too late. And it turns out, the biggest hurdles aren't stiff hands or an aging brain. For adults, the desire to play an instrument is often awakened by a great piece of music. For filmmaker David Murdock, it was a tune called "George's Dilemma," performed by trumpet player Clifford Brown. "The more I listened to him, the more I thought, well, maybe I could play this," Murdock says. "So I bought myself a trumpet and an instruction book, and started teaching myself how to play." But Murdock was living in a crowded apartment building in Manhattan, and practicing quietly was a challenge. "To really play well, you have to cut loose and blow," he says. "I got a mute, but that didn't work very well. So I'd do things like blow into a pillow, or go into my closet and blow into my coats and clothes. But once in a while I'd practice really loudly." One day he returned home from work and found that his apartment had been broken into. The door frame was splintered, and the door itself was practically ripped off the hinges. When he called the police and explained that the thief had taken the trumpet, the officer suggested that it might have been one of the neighbors. And that, Murdock says, was the whole investigation. He never got another trumpet. He figured that was his last chance to learn it. Norman Weinberger, a neuroscientist at University of California Irvine who has done pioneering research on the auditory system and the brain, says that while its harder for the mature brain to learn an instrument, it's not impossible. "A lot of people believe the brain isn't very plastic after puberty. In fact, the brain maintains its ability to change," Weinberger says. "Is it as easy to learn something when you're 65 as it is at 5? No. But can it be done? Yes."

Is any of Beethoven's family still alive?
Is any of Beethoven's family still alive?

In this article we discover what happened to the Beethoven family after the death of Ludwig van Beethoven, the composer. Ludwig van Beethoven never...

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Do elephants feel pain when their tusks are cut off?
Do elephants feel pain when their tusks are cut off?

Elephants feel an immense amount of pain if someone cuts off their tusks. Tusks are deeply rooted incisors with nerve endings. When severed, those...

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For an adult beginner, it can sometimes feel like trying to learn Arabic and ice skating at the same time. Think about it: When you're hunched over the piano or bowing a violin, you're using your muscles and most of your senses. And your brain is working really hard: You're reading the notes, counting out the rhythm and trying to keep a steady beat and make it sound like music. That's why, unlike with language, there is no single music center in the brain — rather, there are a lot of them. "When brain scans have been done of musicians, you find the enormity of the areas of the brain that are actually being activated," Weinberger explains. Children are growing new brain cells all the time, so when they're learning music, some of those brain cells are devoted to playing their instrument. Adults, on the other hand, have to work with the brain cells they already have and create new connections, or synapses, between them. Scot Hawkins, a piano teacher in Silver Spring, Md., says that ability is low on the list of what's required for adult students. Instead, attitude — especially patience — is everything. "Adults come in with exorbitant goals about what they can accomplish, and how quickly," he says. "We want to skip steps one through five, and get to step six." And, unlike children, no one forces adults to practice, so they may never get around to it. But adults have advantages, too. They can see and hear things in the music that completely escape children. Architect David Conrad is one of Hawkins' students. He started learning the piano with his son Simon when Simon was 8. When learning a new piece, Conrad spends hours analyzing the music before he sits down to play it. He wants to understand the chords and rhythm and structure of the piece, to figure out what the composer is trying to say.

How much piano can you learn in 6 months?
How much piano can you learn in 6 months?

After six months of piano lessons For many people, after 6 months of piano lessons, they find that they can read most of the notes on the staff and...

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Who is the heaviest grunge band?

Alice in Chains - "Them Bones" To many, Alice in Chains are the quintessential heavy grunge band, so much so that they're often thought of as more...

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Conrad says he wanted his son to see him struggle, but he wasn't quite prepared for the fear. "I played in church one time, and I almost fell onto the keys. My eyes got blurry, like a windshield before you've turned on the wipers," Conrad says. Hawkins says fear of failure is a big issue for his adult students: "We don't want to be seen as incompetent or struggling with a task, because we are so competent in so many areas of our life. We do so many things well, so to start with something we don't do well is a real challenge." Still, for those who are willing to practice and settle for something less than virtuosity, there are real payoffs. Playing music is great mental exercise and can keep brain cells alive that would otherwise wither and die. And it's fun. David and Simon Conrad have had their musical setbacks over the years, but they haven't quit. Simon, who is now 16, still takes lessons occasionally. A few months ago, he started teaching himself the saxophone. His dad learned some jazz chords, so now, when Simon needs a break from his homework, they play duets. It may be hard — and humbling — but playing music with someone you love or pursuing a lifelong goal can be infinitely rewarding.

Is rubbing alcohol safe for keyboard?
Is rubbing alcohol safe for keyboard?

Can you Clean a Keyboard with Alcohol? You can use isopropyl/rubbing alcohol to clean the extra sticky and messy parts of your keyboard. Alcohol is...

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Which is the latest model of Casio keyboard?
Which is the latest model of Casio keyboard?

The CT-S1 is the latest addition to the Casiotone line of digital keyboards, which are designed with the concept of “Make Music, Anytime,...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Why jazz is the best?
Why jazz is the best?

Stress relief: Jazz music relaxes the body by activating your alpha brain waves, which helps with reducing anxiety and promoting a calm mind....

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Why do people become music teachers?
Why do people become music teachers?

Music teachers are wanted and needed in our school systems. Colleges and university are seeking qualified music majors. Music teachers PERFORM in...

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