Piano Guidance
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Why is guitar male dominated?

Cultural stereotypes and social conditioning can be one major reason for having fewer female guitarists. The belief that females play the piano, flute, violin, harps, etc. and males play the guitar, drums, saxophone, etc. Physical strength may be another reason behind having more male guitar players.

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In this male dominating society, the music industry is definitely not an exception. A guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in the world. But we hardly come across a female guitar player. Is it because men are better or more capable guitar players? Or, is it a masculine stereotypical instrument ideal for physically capable strong men and mot women? Is the famous saying – what a man can do, a woman can do better has been proved wrong in the case of guitar players? Well, I do not think so. Ladies have already been seen taking up the male-oriented roles in different sectors. The time is changing but the guitar playing is still not among one of them. Let us find out the possible reason behind the same. Most guys get into guitar playing in their teens and consider it as their musical hero and continue to make and achieve something more in later stages. Female rock stars are hardly there to model after and therefore girls those are interested in guitar playing end up using it in a passive way or as a fashion accessory. Cultural stereotypes and social conditioning can be one major reason for having fewer female guitarists. The belief that females play the piano, flute, violin, harps, etc. and males play the guitar, drums, saxophone, etc. Physical strength may be another reason behind having more male guitar players. Certain instruments such as flutes are feminine in terms of its small size and high pitch whereas a guitar has more masculine characteristics. It needs a lot of strength to press the strings of a guitar and maybe that is the reason most girls end up giving guitar lessons due to constant pain and end up picking up an instrument that is easier to play. A female guitar player does not take up guitar playing to impress the opposite sex, unlike male guitar players. It is believed that girls get attracted to a guitar player easily and that is why more guys take up guitar playing seriously from the very beginning. Find out more in the blog mentioned below:

Why Are Women Attracted To Guitar Players?

Nevertheless, the stereotype is breaking now and the time is changing. Global Music, a renowned guitar supplier in the Philippines says that more female players are now investing in a good quality guitar. It is about interest and passion to do something. If you got an interest, you can master it irrespective of your sexuality.

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What is the most unbearable sound?

A knife scraping against a glass bottle is the most unpleasant sound for most human beings, researchers from the Newcastle University and Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL, both in England, reported in the Journal of Neuroscience.

A knife scraping against a glass bottle is the most unpleasant sound for most human beings, researchers from the Newcastle University and Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL, both in England, reported in the Journal of Neuroscience. When activity between the auditory and emotional parts of the brain increases, it may cause a sensation of revulsion or disgust at a sound, as typically occurs to most of us when we hear somebody scrape chalk or their nails on a blackboard. When we hear unpleasant sounds, the auditory cortex and the amygdala interact more intensely and process the negative emotions. The amygdala is a small almond shaped part of the brain that processes our emotions and aggression. It also controls fear responses and forms emotional memories. The scientists used brain imaging to see what goes on in the brain when we are exposed to unpleasant sounds. The imaging showed that when we hear something we don’t like, the amygdala becomes much more active. They believe it processes the data from the auditory nerve in such a way as to provoke a negative reaction. Study author, Dr Sukhbinder Kumar, said, “it appears there is something very primitive kicking in. It’s a possible distress signal from the amygdala to the auditory cortex.” Study leader, Professor Tim Griffiths, of Newcastle University, and colleagues used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to find out how the brains of 13 participants responded to a variety of different sounds.

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