Piano Guidance
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Why is C the first note?

` - we start with the C major scale as our first major scale we learn. it is considered the most simple of the major scales; all other major scales have a sharp or a flat in it. ` - we learn minor scales only after learning major scales.

Is it illegal to own a piano with ivory keys?
Is it illegal to own a piano with ivory keys?

Buying and selling ivory is illegal. This applies to all ivory items — sculptures, embellishments, keytops, and even entire pianos with ivory keys....

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Are major keys happy or sad?
Are major keys happy or sad?

Most of the time, when all else is held constant, music in a major key is judged as happy while minor key music is heard as sad. Feb 14, 2013

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Like most things in music, the development was gradual and is still ongoing, and went in lurches as other events happened in history. Western music starts out from the early Christian church which borrowed both from the Greeks, who had figured out some harmony things, and the Jews, from whom they got the idea of chants. The Greek intervals, speaking generally, led toward these "modes". The chants were sacred and were not supposed to be changed, and went along the modes too. It was all oral, and it took forever for the boys to memorize one chant after the other by copying the master singers. Those chants were along those "modes". This went on for hundreds of years. After the collapse of the Roman Empire the different towns were like islands. Then came the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, which tried to unit all Christendom, and to do so the rituals and so forth had to be unified. How do you communicate things if you have poor roads, no radio, telephone or Internet, and everything is oral? Writing is the answer, so the way of writing was improved, and ways of written music were also being sought by the existing powers. Charlemagne was given a mandate by the pope, if I remember correctly. Meanwhile monks and scholars were already trying ways to make teaching students (to memorize) these chants easier. You could make a little squiggle around a main note to show how the notes dance around it over here going higher and lower - so the neumes dancing around a single line got invented. It was like a quick memo for things that were memorized. D'Arezzi's revolution was to look at the structure (that was already in use) underneath that music - and he isolated the notes with their related intervals of a "scale". He gave them the names Do Re Mi etc. from that chant we all know about. There were spots on his hand which represented the Do Re Mi etc. so he could point to the "note" and the singers could sing it. The writing system came from this too. He did not invent the modes or the intervals - they already existed in the music. Up to then people had to memorize entire portions of chants. The idea that you could sing a note, another note, and another note, and create a chant out of this succession of notes, was mind boggling - that you didn't have to hear someone sing it first. The idea of looking at a sheet of paper, sing note after note, and end up singing a chant you had never heard before totally blew their minds. We take it for granted. Since the political agenda was to unify the European Christian world, partly via the religious rituals, there was a lot of support for spreading this system. Therefore it could take off. The time was ripe for it. Once there was a way of writing music, ideas could also get a lot more complex and it developed from there. And is still developing.

How important is a good piano teacher?
How important is a good piano teacher?

Most importantly, a good teacher will not only spark a real interest and love of music, but they will also be able to incite interpretative...

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Is a 61 key keyboard enough for a beginner?
Is a 61 key keyboard enough for a beginner?

If you are a beginning piano student, a 61-key keyboard should be a good fit for all of your needs. It should also fit easily into small spaces....

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Is it legal to cover a song on YouTube?
Is it legal to cover a song on YouTube?

Cover Song Licensing The song's copyright owner must give you a mechanical license if you pay a royalty fee based on estimated revenue from your...

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What happens if I turn Sticky Keys on?
What happens if I turn Sticky Keys on?

Sticky Keys enables the user to enter key combinations by pressing keys in sequence rather than simultaneously. This will benefit users who are...

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Are there 9 senses?
Are there 9 senses?

9: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell, pain, mechanoreception (balance etc.), temperature, interoreceptors (e.g. blood pressure, bladder stretch).

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Are old ivory piano keys valuable?
Are old ivory piano keys valuable?

Ivory keytops are not valuable. Because the trade in ivory is completely outlawed around the world, the keytops are not valuable. But even if it...

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