Piano Guidance
Photo by RODNAE Productions Pexels Logo Photo: RODNAE Productions

Why do schools not allow music?

Music has been linked to increased levels of concentration, improved memory and a greater capacity for self-expression. But portable music devices can also create a less productive learning environment, increasing incidents of theft, opening the door to offensive material and distracting peers from their studies.

What is Mozart's most favorite piece?
What is Mozart's most favorite piece?

1, the Clarinet Concerto is one of Mozart's best-loved works. It was written shortly before Mozart's death for the clarinettist Anton Stadler and...

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Can you get a key cut without the key?
Can you get a key cut without the key?

If it's a lost key a locksmith can make you a key without the original, as locksmiths can make keys to lock by hand. By using a blank and a file...

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Allowing personal musical devices in school is a subject a great debate. The prevalence of MP3 players can cause disruptions within school life. On the positive side, listening to music can encourage a more productive working environment. Music has been linked to increased levels of concentration, improved memory and a greater capacity for self-expression. But portable music devices can also create a less productive learning environment, increasing incidents of theft, opening the door to offensive material and distracting peers from their studies. 1 Distraction to Learning Although music can aid the learning process by making individuals more relaxed and enabling higher levels of concentration and memory, it can equally provide a distraction from learning. Music on personal devices can often turn into public listening. This can provide a distraction to students who work better under silent conditions. As a result, allowing personal music devices may aid the development of certain individuals but not others. 2 Excitement Levels Allowing personal music devices in schools creates higher excitement levels for students. This is due to the natural movement response to rhythm. The phenomenon can result in a distraction from learning activities both for the individual listening to the music and observers. Although in some educational situations, such as class involvement and active tasks, high energy levels can be a positive thing, they can also have a detrimental effect on concentration. 3 Offensive Material Allowing students to use personal music devices within the school environment may expose other students to offensive material. Music with swearing and violent lyrics -- and also video content that can be placed onto devices such as iPods -- are considered unsuitable within most school environments. The sharing of these devices can also facilitate the transfer of unsuitable material. This can be a sensitive issue for parents and guardians, as schools should not be an environment where students are exposed to inappropriate content.

What instrument makes a slapping noise?
What instrument makes a slapping noise?

The vibraslap is a percussion instrument consisting of a piece of stiff wire (bent into a U-shape) connecting a wooden ball to a hollow box of wood...

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Is 25 too old to start a music career?
Is 25 too old to start a music career?

You absolutely can have a great career in the music industry, regardless of your age. May 29, 2019

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What is the best age to learn to play piano?

6 and 9-years-old The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate.

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they want their kid to get good. At School of Rock, our instructors teach thousands of students how to play the piano every day, and know a thing or two about determining when a student is ready. And while it’s true students of almost any age can learn to play piano, the best age to learn depends on factors unique to each student.

What is the best age to Learn TO play piano?

The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate. Depending on the student, even very young children under the age of five can begin to explore the piano. After all, Mozart famously started to play piano at 3-years-old!

What is the youngest age to learn an instrument?
What is the youngest age to learn an instrument?

What's the Right Age to Start Playing an Instrument? If you want to introduce your child to an instrument, it's best to waiting until around age 5....

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Is D minor the saddest of all keys?
Is D minor the saddest of all keys?

Historically, classical composers felt that D minor was the most melancholy of the keys, suitable for lamentations, dirges and requiems. Aug 23, 2017

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Can a 50 year old learn to type?
Can a 50 year old learn to type?

But you are never too old to learn how to touch type. And, it's a skill worth mastering if you're looking for a new career, embarking on a degree...

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Is there such thing as a 128th note?
Is there such thing as a 128th note?

Likewise, 128th notes are used in the explicitly notated ornamental runs in the opening Adagio of Bach's g minor Sonata for Unaccompanied Violin...

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