Piano Guidance
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto Pexels Logo Photo: Ketut Subiyanto

Why do pirates have yellow teeth?

They didn't brush their teeth. It wasn't until 1938 that the modern toothbrush was invented. Until then, if pirates cleaned their teeth at all it would have been with a “chew stick” which was less than effective at keeping teeth clean and plaque at bay.

What are hammer keys?
What are hammer keys?

A hammer action keyboard uses actual hammers that rise when a key is struck and fall back under their own weight. This offers a much more realistic...

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Are key caps standard size?
Are key caps standard size?

Keycap width measurement A typical key cap u is approximately 19mm in width. A standard keycap is 1u, while most spacebars are 6.25u. Jan 14, 2022

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February 6, 2014

Scurvy was a serious problem.

Scurvy is more than just a pirate insult. It’s a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and it can cause severely weakened and receding gums. Pirates were often the victims of scurvy because they spent months at a time on the open seas with no access to fresh fruits and vegetables. It wasn’t uncommon for pirates to have missing teeth due to poor gums. What does this mean for us? Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help us avoid looking like scurvy pirates!

They didn’t brush their teeth.

It wasn’t until 1938 that the modern toothbrush was invented. Until then, if pirates cleaned their teeth at all it would have been with a “chew stick” which was less than effective at keeping teeth clean and plaque at bay. Thankfully, today we have a lot of tooth-brushing options, the best being soft bristled and made to fit the size of your particular mouth. Brushing for at least two minutes, twice a day can help you keep your teeth ship-shape.

Cavities were left untreated.

It’s hard to make oral care a priority when you’re sailing the ocean and looking for innocent ships to plunder! Modern technology has made a tremendous difference in early cavity detection, but pirates would have had to rely on pain as an indicator that something was wrong with their teeth. By the time a cavity is severely hurting, however, it means that tooth decay has grown so severe that enamel and dentin have been worn away exposing sensitive nerves located in the pulp of your tooth. While we may not be able to enjoy the thrills of the open sea, we’re pretty thankful that regular dental visits can keep bacterial invaders at bay.

There were no real dentists!

In times past, dental services were practiced by people who had many trades. A pirate “dentist” may very well have also served as the ship’s cook, boatswain or master gunner. And while they may have tried their best at helping with dental care, being good with a cutlass doesn’t necessarily mean a pirate would make a good dentist! We love what we do, and we’re focused on proving the best dental care possible in a caring and relaxed environment. Pirates may not have had access to professional dental care, but you do, and we hope to see you soon, matey!

How effective is online learning?
How effective is online learning?

Students Gain More Knowledge Than In Standard Classes Because online courses provide students with full control over their studies, they can work...

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Why does E not have a sharp?
Why does E not have a sharp?

Why Is There No B# and E# On Instruments? The simplest answer is because these instruments were designed keeping in mind the theories of Western...

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What is a strong woman quote?

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” “I'd rather regret the risks that didn't work out than the chances I didn't take at all.” "You must love and care for yourself because that's when the best comes out.”

Women deserve to be celebrated for their extraordinary contributions to society, remarkable triumphs and unmatched fearlessness. Despite gender inequalities across all sectors, women continue to thrive and beat the odds. That’s why we’re rounding up the best quotes from women about strength to empower, motivate and inspire you to keep up the good fight. From Grammy-award-winning singers like Alicia Keys to groundbreaking sports figures like Billie Jean King, this list includes powerful quotes from women who embody resilience, perseverance, confidence and courage. These empowering messages are proof that women know their worth and what they’re capable of accomplishing. Case in point: c-suite corner offices and political positions of power are no longer elusive. Hello, Madam Vice President Kamala Harris! Women continue to make tremendous inroads and there’s no signs of it slowing down. So, take note from some of these famous female trailblazers and glass ceiling smashers and use their wise words as fuel to overcome any obstacle or challenges you may face.

And never forget who runs the world: girls!

Is 61 keys enough for classical piano?
Is 61 keys enough for classical piano?

You can play some classical music with 61-keys. Early pianos were based on the harpsichord which had only 60 keys. This means that you can play...

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What takes longer to learn guitar or piano?
What takes longer to learn guitar or piano?

Guitar is easier for adults to learn because it is less challenging to learn songs at the beginner level. Piano, however, is easier for younger...

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How long does it take to become fluent with guitar?
How long does it take to become fluent with guitar?

Depending on your commitment to practice you can become a good hobby player in as little as 6 months or as long as 4 years.

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Is Bakelite toxic to humans?
Is Bakelite toxic to humans?

Bakelite is a manufactured, synthetic plastic containing high amounts of toxic polymers like formaldehyde and asbestos among others. Formaldehyde...

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