Piano Guidance
Photo by Andrea De Santis Pexels Logo Photo: Andrea De Santis

Why do people use 2 capos?

First capo is used in lower postion over all 6 strings. This capo mainly frets the low E String. This will become the note where we pitch our chord against which is fretted by the second capo. Second capo is used to hold down only four strings.

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Playing with a capo may be fun, you can easily transpose your songs while still using the same open chord shapes as you played before. What about using two capos at the same time? The advantages of this are:

~ Creating Slash Chords with any Bassnote you need

~ No need to retune guitar to get open chordshapes

~ You are able to play chordshapes which are not possible in standard tuning without use of any capo

~ Almost any Capo can be used.

In short, the idea of using two capos is as follows:

First capo is used in lower postion over all 6 strings. This capo mainly frets the low E String. This will become the note where we pitch our chord against which is fretted by the second capo. Second capo is used to hold down only four strings. Watch out, not all capos will do this, the Kysler type (the big clamp ones) seem to be ideal for this. Another thing to watch out for is not to scratch your neck too much. You can use a cloth on the part where the metal is touching the back of your guitar neck.—The Capo is no longer touching the whole of the guitar neck since we only get the capo to hold down four strings!!—- All Capos are different, you need to experiment to see what works, it also depend on neck of guitar. The shape of all guitarnecks is different, but most guitarnecks will let you capo only four strings. It may be easier to use the scond capo further up the fretboard, in lower postitions capo may come off the fretobard if it only holds down four strings. Again, find out for yourself what works to get a feel for things.

Here is one example to get you going:

Capo first capo on first Fret, this capo holds down all six strings, next capo is at fifth fret, and covers only the first four strings. The second capo creates an A-shape C barre chord with the added 6th on the high E string. First Capo hold down a F note on the Low E and a Bb on the A string. You can ignore the Bb on the A string. The A string can still be used for fretting notes. You can still play a C at the 3nd fret The C can be used to give the Rootnote of the chord. The low E string creates the fourth of the chord. In a way you are playing: C/F Experiment what kind of melodic ideas you can play now while the two capos hold down the notes as mentioned before. Ones you start to see what the two capos can do you will love it. Remember this is not a short cut to get better sounding chords, it is just a different method to get some ideas going for another way of playing the guitar. In a way using the two capos is limiting as a lot of your fretboard is taken up by the use of the two capos. Do not use this idea if you want to play through a lot of different keys. It may be better to treat this idea as another way to play with open tunings with the advantage of not having to retune your strings to another pitch.

Enjoy and hope to catch you soon again,


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Rev. Ron Godbolt, Special to The Sandspur

In Luke 9:38, a man called Jesus "master" because his daughter was sick and he wanted Jesus to heal her. In Hebrew, the word is kurios, which means "Lord" or "owner." Jesus proved that he was truly Lord and owner by healing her. In Luke 19:33, he again showed he was owner and Lord by telling his disciples to loose a colt and bring it to him. If anyone asks what you are doing, then tell them the master has need of it.

The word "master" in Hebrew is also despotes. which means "Lord" ( human master), "once of God" and "instructor." It also is oikodespotes, which means "master of the house" (property). Do you recognize that Jesus as the master, Lord, instructor and master of your property?

In Luke 5:5, Simon calls Jesus "master" as he explains that they had been fishing all night long and had not caught anything but at his word they will let down the net. This master is epistates, which is "commander" or "overseer". It is also didaskalos, which means "teacher" or "doctor." Another Hebrew word for master is kathegetes, which means "guide" or "leader." Jesus proved that he was the master who commanded, taught and guided. Lastly, in Matthew 23:7 he was called "master," which is rhabbi in Hebrew. It means my teacher. It is also "rabboni" or "rabbi," which means Lord. It is easy to see that Jesus had all these characteristics as master as he ministered on Earth for 3½ years. Dr. Ron Godbolt is pastor at Word of Truth Ministry, located at 3533 N. Main St.

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