Piano Guidance
Photo by Keenan Constance Pexels Logo Photo: Keenan Constance

Why do people quit piano lessons?

Learning anything new is hard I think the number one reason people quit taking piano lessons is they start to see how hard it really is. Once they realize it is going to take some time and effort, they become overwhelmed.

What happens if I turn Sticky Keys on?
What happens if I turn Sticky Keys on?

Sticky Keys enables the user to enter key combinations by pressing keys in sequence rather than simultaneously. This will benefit users who are...

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Why do instruments sound better with age?
Why do instruments sound better with age?

“The aging process comes with the playing process. [That] means the more you play it, the more it ages. The more it vibrates. That's the reason why...

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Starting piano lessons is really fun. It’s always really exciting when someone starts. They get excited and see the possibility of it all. They dream about all the songs they are going to learn how to play. They picture themselves playing at the next family gathering and everyone singing along. And we, as teachers, can see the hope in their eyes. It is such an inspiring and fun time for any student as well as any teacher.

But the inspiration and excitement never last forever. Those are just chemically induced emotions that go away as soon as the chemicals dry up. And the chemicals always dry up eventually. What is left after the initial inspiration wears off?

Reality. And the reality is this…

Learning anything new is hard

Learning the piano is hard. Learning anything is hard. And it takes a lot of time and effort. I think the number one reason people quit taking piano lessons is they start to see how hard it really is. Once they realize it is going to take some time and effort, they become overwhelmed. The voice of self-doubt starts to kick in and they begin to doubt that they have what it takes to stick it out. The truth is they do. We all do. But many times we let that voice become so loud that we can’t hear the truth anymore. Once that voice is yelling in our ear, we will do anything to make it stop. This is when most people quit. Quitting makes the voice stop. But there is another way to make it stop. And that is by NOT quitting. The voice goes away either way. By running away from it or from facing it and yelling back. So many people choose to run away. It’s easier. It’s quicker. And then they can move on to the next thing they hope will bring them the happiness they crave. But those of us who stick it, get to feel something that these other people don’t.


Victory shuts the voice down for good. It closes the argument. It allows you to settle into the life you have chosen. It gives you the freedom and solace from the wariness of constant searching. If you are continually searching for the next best thing, you will never find it. If you constantly live in the mentality of “I’ll be happy when…” you are by definition damning yourself to a life of unhappiness. If you give up when it gets hard, you will never experience the good part. The victory. The victory is what causes the inspirational and fun emotions to return. The victory is where we all crave to be but tend to give up or let ourselves off the hook right before we get there.

What is the best key to play on piano?
What is the best key to play on piano?

If you're like most pianists, you can play in a few keys like C, F and G very well. You're good in D, A and Bb too, but you have to think about the...

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What can't you name your baby in Australia?
What can't you name your baby in Australia?

In Australia, the Registrar can refuse to register a birth name in circumstances including any of the following: It is obscene or offensive. ......

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Simple, but not easy.

The answer is simple but not easy. The answer is don’t quit. Don’t give up on something that you cared enough about to look up how to learn it, reach out to a stranger to teach it to you, and then give that stranger some of your hard-earned money to show you how to do it. You would never put that much effort into something that wasn’t really important to you. If you took all these actions to get here, don’t give up on yourself now. The good part is coming. It is closer than you think, but you will never find it if you keep bailing right before it happens. You need to yell back at that voice of self-doubt and tell it you are doing this no matter what it takes. It will shut up eventually once it sees you are serious. And then you will be able to settle down and get to work. Even more, you will be able to enjoy the work because you will know why you are doing the work. You are no longer teetering between giving up and sticking it out. You have made the conscious choice to go on.

Our promise to you.

Once you make that choice to go on, it is only a matter of time until you finally experience the victory you have so badly craved. It’s all up to you. It’s all in your mind. And we are here to help you along every step of the way. We won’t give up on you if you promise to not give up on yourself.

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What are the three keys to heaven?

At least three keys are needed to open heavens, minds, and doors for revival breakthrough: Prayer and fasting. God's presence. Prophetic...

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Can the blues be played in any key?
Can the blues be played in any key?

You can play these blues turnarounds in any key on the guitar. Just find your starting point, the key of the turnaround and build from there. Keep...

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Can you teach yourself piano online?
Can you teach yourself piano online?

Absolutely. While there is no doubt that having a good traditional teacher can be helpful, the fact is you can teach yourself how to play piano /...

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What cords should I learn first?
What cords should I learn first?

The first chords to learn on guitar are Em, C, G, and D. Let's get started in “first position” or “open chords.” These chords are played close to...

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