Piano Guidance
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo Pexels Logo Photo: Clem Onojeghuo

Why do people quit guitar?

Probably the main reason so many people quit guitar shortly after they begin is because they aren't having fun. Perhaps they are getting discouraged, frustrated, or just finding practice to be grueling and uninteresting.

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It is a common tale. Someone dreams of learning the guitar, playing music they love, and expressing themselves creatively. They set forth on the musical adventure with high hopes only to find themselves quitting within weeks or a few months. Some people even give it several tries, with the same disappointing results each time. Quitting with unfulfilled musical dreams does not have to be your fate! I believe you can become the guitarist you wish to be, and I am here to help. This post is designed to build your awareness around the most common reasons beginners quit playing guitar and to help you remedy, avoid, or persevere through them.

It’s Not Fun:

Probably the main reason so many people quit guitar shortly after they begin is because they aren’t having fun. Perhaps they are getting discouraged, frustrated, or just finding practice to be grueling and uninteresting. Basically if you can get practicing the guitar to feel fun and enjoyable to you, then you will be set. You’ll want to play and you’ll keep getting better. Often beginners really struggle to experience the fun at first though because they can’t play songs or music that sounds good to them yet. The key is learning how to have fun before you even get to that point. The rest of this list will help you with this by pointing out and remedying the other main hindrances to your guitar playing enjoyment and success.

Poor Guitar Setup:

Something most beginning guitarists don’t know is that guitars need to be adjusted or “setup” for maximum playability. A lot of guitars when first purchased have a high “action,” which means the strings are further away from the fretboard than they need to be. This means that it will be harder for you to press the strings down, which means it will be harder for you to get a nice clean sound out of your guitar, which means learning will be a lot more frustrating and discouraging than it needs to be. My first guitar had a very high action. It was nearly impossible to get any notes to sound clean, and I quit playing within a couple weeks. One year later, I tried learning again on a different guitar that had a much lower action, and it was a completely different story. Within a couple weeks this time, I had fallen in love with the instrument. Don’t let what happened to me happen to you. If you have a guitar and know someone who plays, ask them to have a look at your guitar and tell you if the action is fairly low. If you don’t know anyone knowledgeable who plays, take the guitar into a music shop and ask them about the action. If you’re told that the action is pretty high, I highly recommend getting it “setup” to lower the action. This will cost you $30-$70 and will be well worth the investment. As a final note, if you’re buying your guitar, oftentimes you can negotiate for a free setup when you buy.

Unreasonable Expectations:

So many beginning guitarists hold themselves to an unreasonable standard when they practice. They expect themselves to improve instantaneously and get very hard on themselves when they don’t. They become their own worst enemy, taking on the role of taskmaster, and berating themselves when they make mistakes. Nothing kills the experience of learning guitar like becoming our own personal drill sergeant when we play.

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Is there A 14th chord?

Chords do have "8ths, 10ths, 12ths and 14ths". They're just called roots 3rds, 5ths and 7ths.

Originally Posted by BigDaddyLoveHandles Originally Posted by

First, don't confuse the name of a chord with its voicing. A C major chord can be voiced in many ways.

Then note:

8th - octave

10th - a third raised an octave

12th - a fifth raised an octave

14th - a seventh raise an octave

So those notes are already present in a triad (or a seventh chord, wrt the "14th"). The reason we have 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th chords is that they are formed by stacking notes in thirds:

D minor triad = D F A

Dmin7 = D F A C

Dmin9 = D F A C E

Dmin11 = D F A C E G

Dmin13 = D F A C E G B

And why do we stack notes in thirds? Good question! Probably has something to do with the overtone series.

Now how do 6th and 9/6 chords fit in?

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