Piano Guidance
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Why can't I study even if I want to?

Sometimes the reason for not feeling like studying is the perceived difficulty. If the subject is too difficult, students try to avoid studying. Get friends to study with you in such cases. Group study work well for some students.

What company sells the most pianos?
What company sells the most pianos?

Yamaha. Founded in 1900 by Torakusu Yamaha, the company is the world's largest piano manufacturer today. About 60 years after its creation, the...

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What Age Can child learn trumpet?
What Age Can child learn trumpet?

"Trumpet/Cornet – 7/8 yrs old, depending on the size of the child, trumpet is probably slightly easier to blow being more open, but the cornet is...

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“I don’t feel like it” is the favorite phrase a student uses when it comes to studying. And it genuinely happens. Students normally do not feel like studying until there is an immense pressure of deadlines. They keep on putting the study work on to the next hour or the next day.

By the time the deadline motivation kicks in, students realize that maybe it is too late. They panic, start studying hastily, skip the topics and grasp nothing properly. Results are severely affected and there is no solid learning. All the precious time goes down the drain. So, how to escape this fruitless moment of “Not feeling like it”?

Why study?

To do any task, the best thing is to remind oneself about the importance of that task. Feeling lazy to workout? Remind yourself about your body goals. Not want to go to work? Remember the growth opportunities and the pay you need. There are always reasons to do an important job. Don’t want to study?

Think about the exams coming up and the role of education in your life. Studying and gaining a good education will always help you, no matter what your career path is. An educated man is always respected in society. But that’s a long point of view. Looking in the short term, you need to study to get good marks, to compete with other students, to make your parents proud, and to improve your mental strength. The more you study, the more your brain develops. Studying is also a way for students to show their mettle in academics.

Motivating yourself for study

But what if you still “don’t feel like it” after knowing the importance of studying? It happens with the best of us. Even the professionals who have spent their life on building discipline and strong work ethics have the days when there is just not enough motivation. You will need to replenish your low motivation levels to start. Innovative study methods and keeping things interesting is the way to keep going. Watch some motivation videos before you start studying. Do not get diverted to other recommended videos. Use the motivation received from the video to start with high energy. Get in the flow of studying. Once you enter the focused study mode, your study sessions will get longer.

What is the rarest musical note?
What is the rarest musical note?

In music, a two hundred fifty-sixth note (or occasionally demisemihemidemisemiquaver) is a note played for 1⁄256 of the duration of a whole note....

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How much should I spend on a keyboard?
How much should I spend on a keyboard?

You could potentially build a custom keyboard for as little as $100, but it's not recommended, because at that price you can get a prebuilt...

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Starting your study session is tough. But keeping the motivation throughout is not easy either. Change the subjects in between to prevent getting bored. Take short breaks in between your study session to refresh the brain. Eat snacks and relax during the break. Do not immerse yourself in video games or television. Otherwise, it will elongate your break from minutes to hours. Let your mind rest. Praise yourself for the discipline you just showed. It will tempt you to show the discipline again. Sometimes the reason for not feeling like studying is the perceived difficulty. If the subject is too difficult, students try to avoid studying. Get friends to study with you in such cases. Group study work well for some students. You might want to give it a try and get the help of your friends in understanding tough topics. Just ensure that all the friends participating are in a mood to study as well. Or else your study session will turn into fun get together.

Develop a study system

Motivation is generally very short term. It fades away in time if it does not have a solid vision associated with it. You will not get the same adrenaline rush every day after watching a motivational video. The video method is ineffective. Just like every other external motivation source. The key is to develop a system or routine that runs with a sense of responsibility and dedication. The routine feeds on your objectives, visions, and daily habits. Once you develop a routine, you will not rely on the dose of daily motivation. Involve these habits in your routine.

Go on walks or do some physical activities

Walking is an ecstatic experience when you are tense about deadlines, assignments, and chapter completions. Walking relaxes your brain and gets the creative juices flowing. You can also do other physical activities like hitting the gym and playing sports. We are emphasizing walks because it is an equipment-free activity. It is a mild physical movement with minimal fatigue. It allows your brain to rest and think for a while. After physical activity, your focus and concentration increase for a long period.

How do I stop being nervous for piano?
How do I stop being nervous for piano?

Here are Pianist's 8 tips on how to get rid of nerves before your piano exam. Be prepared. ... Avoid over-practising on the day. ... Remember why...

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Is 60 too old to learn piano?
Is 60 too old to learn piano?

No matter when you begin piano, you can have the enjoyment of playing an instrument, plus all the great mental, physical, and emotional benefits....

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Focus on one work at a time

This is an important habit to inculcate in your lifestyle. As a student, you will have several works to handle in a day. Patiently write them down individually early morning. Basically, prepare a to-do list of things to study. Break your study syllabus into tasks. During the day, pick one task at a time. Decide which task you will do at this moment. You will be focusing all your commitment to this work.

Clean up and prepare

Studying in a messed up area is a big no-no. You will feel clumsy in such surroundings. Before you start studying clear space and remove any distraction. Keep only the things necessary to finish the task. When you are cleaning up the room for studying, you will feel a sense of commitment and responsibility towards the upcoming study session. You will naturally put higher efforts to gain more from the study session. Cleaning your study space is an important routine habit to adopt.

Just start

Once you have cleaned up your study area and sat on the study point with your supplies, do not hesitate about starting. Just get going with your assignment or your chapter. Start raw and unorganized. You need to remove any mental resistance or doubt. So, do not think and wait for some amazing idea to start. You will most probably get demotivated even before studying. Starting imperfect is better than a blank page. Developing a routine with habits like these will make you a more responsible and managed student.

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Where does the US get the most wood from?

According to the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon is the top producer of softwood lumber, producing more than 16% of the nation's...

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What delay did Gilmour use?

Binson Echorec delay David primarily used the Binson Echorec delay/echo unit for his early work with Pink Floyd. A little later he switched to the...

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What band has made the most money?

U2 have become the annual highest-earning musicians five times, more than any other act. Michael Jackson is the first musician to earn over $100...

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Can yellowed piano keys be whitened?
Can yellowed piano keys be whitened?

You can also use white toothpaste to clean ivory keys. Be sure to use normal, plain white toothpaste only. The gel and colored toothpaste corrode...

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