Because the nerves for the ring and pinky finger are intertwined, it becomes harder to move each of these fingers separately. The same things happens between the ring and middle finger.
Balsa It's common knowledge, but Balsa is indeed the softest and lightest of all commercial woods. Nothing else even comes close.
Read More »In 1850, the piano keys moved 4 full octave to 6 octave. Then the keys reached 85 keys, at the middle to late of 19th century. At that time period...
Read More »Try this out right now. Point at something in front of you with your index finger. Now flip an imaginary rival the bird with your middle.
Like many modern plastics, Bakelite was lightweight and durable, and it could be molded into nearly infinite shapes, so its use quickly expanded as...
Read More »Yes, you can play organ music on the piano quite easily. What makes it easier to do is that the piano has more octaves, and can capture all the...
Read More »You'll need to get into the habit of using both thumbs to hit the space bar, although most people generally use the thumb of their dominant hand for this key. That is, right-handed people tend to use their right thumb to hit the space bar, and left-handed people their left thumb.
The bottom row on a standard computer keyboard contains the all-important space bar: the most frequently used key. Rather than being shaped like a square as the other keys are, the space bar is long and horizontal in shape. This key is shaped differently to make it easier for the thumb on either hand to access it. On most computer keyboards, the space bar is also wider than the other keys. The space bar may or may not be labeled. If you’re not in the habit of pressing the space bar with one or both of your thumbs, then you are not a touch typist! But you will be once you start using Typesy to learn proper finger placement so you can develop your touch typing skills. You’ll need to get into the habit of using both thumbs to hit the space bar, although most people generally use the thumb of their dominant hand for this key. That is, right-handed people tend to use their right thumb to hit the space bar, and left-handed people their left thumb. It doesn’t matter as far as touch typing skills go, unless you discover that you’re faster with one side or the other (or by using both). One important thing to note about the space bar is that for the most part you’ll only hit it once at any point. As we mentioned in a previous post, the use of one space after a period instead of two is now the standard format, and using two spaces will create problems in formatting and spacing of larger documents. More importantly, it will significantly slow your typing speed down since you’ll be doubling the amount of time and effort you use to create the space between sentences.
Scientists say there are far more, but disagree on the exact number. Most of those familiar with the matter say there are between 14 and 20,...
Read More »A major thirteenth chord (containing a major seventh) will nearly always feature a chromatically raised eleventh (C E G B D F♯ A) (see Lydian...
Read More »When someone doesn't have friends it's almost never because their core personality is unlikable. It's usually due to a mix of interfering factors...
Read More »“The piano is a monster that screams when you touch its teeth.” – Andre Segovia. “There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the...
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