Piano Guidance
Photo by Ivan Samkov Pexels Logo Photo: Ivan Samkov

Who is pirate God?

Corsair, God of Pirates.

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Mythical Origin



Take what you want, give nothing back.

If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing to excess.

Do not begrudge anyone the accident of their birth. Do not begrudge that which cannot be changed. Remember that Our Lord is half-blooded bastard.

There are no bastards on Corsair's seas.

Alcohol is a divine gift. Do not allow Our Lord’s gift to be wasted.

If parley is formally requested, it must be granted.

Do not needlessly slaughter someone who has surrendered.

If a hale and hearty prisoner refuses to work their way to land, they may explain to Our Lord why they refuse to work. It is not murder to arrange this discussion.

Do not steal from another of Corsair’s faithful while upon the sea.

Before leaving port, shares of the coming bounty must be agreed upon by all members of the crew. A ship with its own flag is sovereignly ruled by the Captain and their officers. A captain must be the last to disembark a ship that is sinking. Mutiny upon the sea is a sacrilege against Corsair. Such mutineers cannot be counted among Corsair’s own, unless they are pardoned by The Lord himself.

Never write The Lord’s laws down with quill and ink.

The Pirate God, The Brave Lord, The Holy Captain, The Bastard, The Lawful PirateAs the bastard son of Erathis , Corsair is very antagonistic towards his Mother's worshipers. Until recently, Corsair was merely considered a demigod of explorers and those free of spirit, worshipped mainly among the peoples of Jovian Free States as a rebellious guide or among the Woekin of the Shattered Isles as a kindred spirit; with the discovery of Ilsiria and the Powder Coast, his physical domain on this world has been found, causing an exodus of the faithful to go to the new world.Corsair appears as a half-elf with blue-green hair and silver eyes. Sometimes, he has an eye patch and only one eye. His power over the seas, tide and wind are near-absolute in the Powder Isles. Outside of them, he is a low-mid tier god of the seas. He blesses those who are faithful to his Laws of Piracy (Corsair’s Law) with good fortune, fair winds and miraculous recovery from wounds sustained in raids. He demands tribute in the form of stolen goods, or ill-gained money.It is said that when the earth was young and the gods roamed upon, the elven captain Thetis arrived in wild Antigua and met a beautiful woman upon its beaches, they felt in love and spend months in bliss. At the end, a half-elf son with green hair and grey eyes was born. Their life was good, until the woman's divine siblings discovered them, Erathis as young goddess was chastised and in shame of her act she casted out her son and lover, to perish among the waves, but Captain Thetis survived and roamed the seas with his son, Corsair.For years father and son made a name for themselves in the seas, until a raid went south and Captain Thetis was killed. Having recognized the boy’s divine heritage, the enemy captain decided not to risk the fury of the boy’s mother. He brought Corsair to an Andalusian temple, and committed the boy to his mother's care. However the ashamed Goddess never came to acknowledge her son, and her priests turned their eyes away from the one whose history meant a dishonorable act from the Goddess. Corsair quickly realized how unwelcome he was as a “half-blood bastard” among the Andalusians. In a fit of adolescent rage, Corsair renounced his mother’s name, and swore an oath of vengeance upon the Andalusians that had decided he was not one of them. Corsair wandered the worlds for a time, and found himself a “master” in the goddess Pharika. She trained him in the ways of magic, and enjoyed having a studious and talented apprentice. Eventually though, Corsair could not deny his own nature; his very soul ached to be upon the seas, and to fulfill his oaths to his mother.*He stole three precious things from his master; the Canvas of Worlds, the Ink of Creation and a pen crafted from trunk of Ilyamir. Before Pharika could take these artifacts back, Corsair hastily drew his own domain upon the World Canvas, and brought his Powder Isles into being."Lawful" Piracy, Thieves, The Sea, Trickery, Rebellion, Racial Equality, Wealth, Independence, Alcohol.Corsair’s Law is a code of conduct that Corsair has decreed for pirates who wish to seek his protection upon the seas. It is a truly Byzantine labyrinth of social mores and traditions that are baffling, complex and often contradictory. This is not helped by Corsair’s decree that his law should never be committed down to paper. Additionally, Corsair’s Law often receives several hasty amendments immediately following the coronation of a new Pirate King.Despite this, the Pirate Laws can be generally distilled down to the following “rules”.

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