Piano Guidance
Photo by Karolina Grabowska Pexels Logo Photo: Karolina Grabowska

Who did God choose?

God chooses Israel and ultimately Jesus, and this results in the exact opposite of God favoring one group to the exclusion of all others. Instead, God works out his plan to extend his love to all the world through one group or individual.

How do I know if I have perfect pitch?
How do I know if I have perfect pitch?

You have perfect pitch if: You are able to name a musical note played with a musical instrument or object (example: a bell) You are able to sing a...

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Why is it called C add 9?
Why is it called C add 9?

C-E-G-D is Cadd9, because it's a C chord (C-E-G) with a 9th added, that is, the note one octave up from the 2nd.

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God Chooses the Nation of Israel

After God rescues his people out of Egypt, he leads them to Mount Sinai to establish a covenant partnership with them. God again calls Israel his chosen nation. “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession” (Exodus 19:5). In the very next sentence, God reveals why he has chosen Israel. He says, “Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:5-6). Consider that important phrase, “kingdom of priests.” The role of a priest is to mediate, or restore the relationship between two parties. In this example, who are the two parties? The only other characters in the story at this point are Yahweh and the nations. So Israel’s role is to reconcile all the nations to Yahweh. Again, God chooses one out of the many, so that the many would be blessed. But how will they do this? In other words, what does it mean to be a holy nation (Exodus 19:6)? Israel is meant to faithfully represent God by how they live as a community of love, justice, and worship of Yahweh alone. This is what the law is all about. Israel is not chosen for salvation but for a purpose. They are called to display who Yahweh is to all the nations, so that all would come to know and worship the one true God. Salvation to the nations was not plan B. It was God’s mission all along. Israel is in the perfect position to reveal God to the nations. They have seen and experienced Yahweh’s power and rescue for themselves. Yet God’s people continually fail at their task by worshiping other gods and participating in injustice and oppression (e.g., Exodus 32; Isaiah 1-3).

Is anyone related to Beethoven still alive?
Is anyone related to Beethoven still alive?

Ludwig van Beethoven never got married and did not have children. This way there is no bloodline continuing from the famous composer.

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What is the easiest songs to play on the piano?
What is the easiest songs to play on the piano?

Seven Easy Piano Songs for Beginners Twinkle Twinkle. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is always popular, especially with young students, but adults who...

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What is an instrument of peace?

When you are an instrument of peace, you are not seeking anything, you are a peace provider. You do not seek peace by looking into the lives of others and wishing that they would change so that you could become more peaceful. Rather, you bring your own sense of calm to everyone you encounter.

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.

— The Prayer of St. Francis

You can become an instrument of peace in any given moment of your life by deciding that you are not going to use your mind for anything other than peaceful thoughts. This may sound extreme to you when you take into consideration all the difficult people you have to deal with, your financial picture, the illness of a close relative, the inconsiderate boss you must face, the taxes you owe, as well as outrageous traffic delays, and on and on. Try taking a breather from your habit of continuously looking for occasions to be non-peaceful. Go to that quiet, serene peaceful place within you that is covered by the outer layers of your material life. It is here that you know what being an instrument of peace means. Here, your emphasis is on giving, rather than receiving, peace. When you are an instrument of peace, you are not seeking anything, you are a peace provider. You do not seek peace by looking into the lives of others and wishing that they would change so that you could become more peaceful. Rather, you bring your own sense of calm to everyone you encounter. You do not go about viewing every circumstance of your life in terms of whether it meets with your standard of peace. Rather, you bring your peaceful countenance to the chaos you encounter and your presence soothes the outer turmoil. Even if the turmoil continues, you have the freedom to choose a peaceful thought, or to quietly remove yourself from the immediate scene. How do you do this? Continue Reading

Are free pianos worth it?
Are free pianos worth it?

The truth is that almost all pianos that are given away for free are not worth the cost of having it moved into your home. If the piano has...

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What is the most catchy song ever?
What is the most catchy song ever?

The 10 catchiest songs of all-time Queen – 'We Will Rock You' Pharrell – 'Happy' Queen – 'We Are The Champions' The Proclaimers – 'I'm Gonna Be...

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Can you own ivory in us?
Can you own ivory in us?

First, the rules DO NOT make it illegal to own or inherit ivory. Second, if you can't prove it's old, it is no longer legal to buy or sell a piece...

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What was Elvis Presley's octave range?
What was Elvis Presley's octave range?

two octaves and a third Voice characteristics Elvis Presley was a baritone whose voice had an extraordinary compass — the so-called register — and...

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