Piano Guidance
Photo by Esranur  Kalay Pexels Logo Photo: Esranur Kalay

Who created religions?

Ancient (before AD 500) Founder Name Religious tradition founded Life of founder Gautama Buddha Buddhism 563 BC – 483 BC Confucius Confucianism 551 BC – 479 BC Pythagoras Pythagoreanism fl. 520 BC Mozi Mohism 470 BC – 390 BC 27 more rows

Why is the F chord so difficult?
Why is the F chord so difficult?

One of the reasons the F chord is difficult to play is because it's positioned on the 1st fret of your guitar. A good rule of thumb to remember is...

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What piano scales should I practice?
What piano scales should I practice?

Major scales are the most common and useful to learn first on piano, followed by the natural, harmonic and melodic minors. Start with C Major as it...

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^ The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods, the "gods of the fathers". With the emergence of the monarchy at the beginning of Iron Age II the kings promoted their family god, YHWH (Yahweh), as the god of the kingdom, but beyond the royal court, religion continued to be both polytheistic and family-centered. As such, this founding group is referred to as "Yahwists". ^ Israel emerges into the historical record in the last decades of the 13th century BCE, at the very end of the Late Bronze Age, as the Canaanite city-state system was ending. In the words of archaeologist William Dever, "most of those who came to call themselves Israelites … were or had been indigenous Canaanites". The worship of YHWH (Yahweh) alone began at the earliest with Elijah in the 9th century BCE, but more likely with the prophet Hosea in the 8th; even then it remained the concern of a small party before gaining ascendancy in the exilic and early post-exilic period. ^ historicity disputed but widely considered plausible. Gosta W. Ahlstrom argues the inconsistencies of the biblical tradition are insufficient to say that Ezra, with his central position as the 'father of Judaism' in the Jewish tradition, has been a later literary invention. (The History of Ancient Palestine, Fortress Press, p.888) a b c The teaching of the traditional "founding father" of a "heresy" is may well have differed greatly from the contents of the heresy as generally understood. For references see following notes. ^ Arius, SCM (2001) p.247) Acc. to Rowan Williams, 'Arianism' was essentially a polemical creation of Athanasius in an attempt to show that the different alternatives to the Nicene Creed collapsed back into some form of Arius' teaching. (, SCM (2001) p.247) ^ Pelagius' thought was one sided and an inadequate interpretation of Christianity, but his disciples, Celestius and, to a greater extent, Julian of Eclanum pushed his ideas to extremes.(Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian Doctrines A & C. Black (1965) p.361) Pelagius himself was declared orthodox by the synod of Diospolis in 415, after repudiating some of Celestius' opinions. (Frend, W.H.C. Saints and Sinners in the Early Church DLT (1985) p.133) ^ Fathers and Heretics SPCK (1963) p.130) Nestorius specifically endorsed the repudiation of "Nestorianism" reached at Chalcedon in 451 (Prestige, G.L.SPCK (1963) p.130)

Who is the highest paid singer of all time?
Who is the highest paid singer of all time?

Michael Jackson is the first musician to earn over $100 million in a year (1989), and has become the top-earning male soloist a record seven times....

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What is the fastest and easiest way to learn guitar?
What is the fastest and easiest way to learn guitar?

You will learn faster and more efficiently for it – allowing you to spend more time enjoying playing, jamming and performing with the guitar even...

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Which country has best religion in world?

After being seen as the world's most religious country in the 2021 Best Countries rankings, Israel falls to No. 2 in 2022, while Iran is No. 3 in terms of perceived religiosity. Across the world, the United States sits at No.

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Saudi Arabia has edged out Israel as the country perceived as the most religious, according to data from the 2022 Best Countries rankings from U.S. News, a characterization of 85 countries based on a survey of more than 17,000 global citizens. In the survey, respondents answered whether they related various countries to the term "religious" – an adjective Merriam-Webster defines as "relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity," but which can hold different meanings for different people. Officially a Muslim nation, Saudi Arabian law prohibits “any attempt to cast doubt on the fundamentals of Islam,” according to the U.S. Department of State’s 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom, and non-Islamic public worship is restricted. In a country of more than 30 million people, the vast majority of Saudi Arabian citizens identify with the Sunni branch of Islam. Yet 2 million Christians, more than 700,000 Hindus and a variety of other groups, including atheists and agnostics, also reportedly call the country home. After being seen as the world’s most religious country in the 2021 Best Countries rankings, Israel falls to No. 2 in 2022, while Iran is No. 3 in terms of perceived religiosity. Across the world, the United States sits at No. 66, a seven-position drop from the previous year. Switzerland and Canada are seen as the least religious countries, at Nos. 84 and 85, respectively. These are the 10 countries perceived to be the most religious, according to U.S. News. Learn more about how countries are assessed in the Best Countries methodology.

What is the biggest song in Encanto?
What is the biggest song in Encanto?

We Don't Talk About Bruno 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' From 'Encanto' Now Tops Billboard's Greatest of All Time Disney Songs Chart Ranking. The...

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What is the best age to start singing career?
What is the best age to start singing career?

While children with an interest and talent for singing can start as early as 3 or 4 years, the ideal age for formal vocal training is 8 years to 9...

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What 2 common problems do you encounter while praying?
What 2 common problems do you encounter while praying?

Find your Saint! Pope Francis continued with this teaching series on prayer at the May 19 general audience, taking up three of the common...

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Does playing the piano help your brain?
Does playing the piano help your brain?

Adults who learn to play piano experience a decrease in depression, fatigue, and anxiety and an increase in memory, verbal communication, and a...

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