Piano Guidance
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Where was Eastside High in Lean on Me?

The movie, Lean on Me opens up to Eastside High School 20 years earlier in Paterson, New Jersey. At the time the inner city school flourished, and was successful in their education system till the funding towards the school was cut by the mayor who wanted to save his budget.

What scale does jazz use?
What scale does jazz use?

Two pentatonic scales common to jazz are the major pentatonic scale and the minor pentatonic scale. They are both modes of one another. The major...

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Which instrument is best for dyslexia?

Piano, ukulele, glockenspiel, xylophone and djembe drums are the primary instruments students are encouraged to explore. Learning to play an...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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The movie, Lean on Me opens up to Eastside High School 20 years earlier in Paterson, New Jersey. At the time the inner city school flourished, and was successful in their education system till the funding towards the school was cut by the mayor who wanted to save his budget. Over the next 20 years the high school became overwhelmed with drug use, gang violence and poor scores on the minimum basic skills standardized test. The movie focuses on a man named Joe Clark, who used to be a teacher at Eastside High School 20 years before. In one of the opening scenes the Mayor Bottman and Dr. Frank Napier discuss that if the school cannot meet minimum basic skills test requirements then the school would essentially be placed in receivership. The Clark refused and made enemies with Leona Barrett, a woman whose son was one of the 300 expelled from the high school. Many parents accused him of going against their people, and were outraged by his actions. Soon afterwards the next day, Thomas Sams one of the students Clark expelled, begs Clark to let him back into the school. In tears, Sams explains he doesn’t want to be a part of the crime gangs on the street anymore. At first Clark was skeptical, Sams was in trouble multiple of times for smoking crack, but after a dramatic lecture about the harm crack can do to a person he allows Sams back into the school. Under Clark’s heavy hand the school begins to undergo a transformation, the school walls were repainted and behavior of the students at the school were better. Only problem is when Clark made the students take a practice minimum basic skills exam, only 33% passed, the school needed 75% of their students to pass the test to not have the school be put in receivership. Based on the low test scores principal Clark embarks on a motivational campaign for the students, as he tries to not only motivate the students to learn, but essentially becomes a father figure to many of the students and a great example of behavioral conduct. Tensions in the school still rose as one of the expelled students, came into the school and caused a fight with the students. Enraged, Clark threw him out and barred the doors with chains to keep the

What is the most used music note?
What is the most used music note?

The quarter note has become the de facto standard 1 beat music note. This has happened as the 4/4 time signature is the most popular (with 3/4 and...

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How do you tell if a note is flat or sharp?
How do you tell if a note is flat or sharp?

To put it simply, sharp notes and flat notes are opposites. While the sharp note goes up, the flat note goes down. Accordingly, when a note is...

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Is Mr Clark from Lean on Me still alive?

Clark declined a White House policy advisor position offered by President Ronald Reagan because of his "dedication to his students and community," his family wrote. Clark died at home in Gainesville, Florida, surrounded by his family, who said he "succumbed to his long battle with illness."

Joe Clark, the former principal of Eastside High School in Paterson, New Jersey, who was the inspiration for the 1989 film "Lean on Me," died Tuesday at age 82, according to a family press release. The get-tough persona that Clark embodied — he was known for carrying a wooden baseball bat through the halls of the troubled school — was controversial and landed him on the cover of Time magazine in 1988. He was portrayed in the movie by Morgan Freeman. The much-discussed bat was not for hitting students but to symbolize the potential of the baseball diamond, where one could hit a strike or a home run, his family said. Paterson Superintendent of School Eileen Shafer said in a statement that Clark "left his indelible mark on public education by being fiercely devoted to the students in his care" and "demanded more from his students because he believed they could achieve more than what was expected of them." "But in the end, it is the many lives Joe Clark influenced for the better that have become his greatest legacy," Shafer said. Clark was born in Rochelle, Georgia, on May 8, 1938, and moved during childhood to Newark, New Jersey. He served as a U.S. Army drill sergeant, which his family said "engrained in him a respect for order and achievement, which came to define his more than three-decade career in education." Clark declined a White House policy advisor position offered by President Ronald Reagan because of his "dedication to his students and community," his family wrote. Clark died at home in Gainesville, Florida, surrounded by his family, who said he "succumbed to his long battle with illness."

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What does the Bible say about skilled musicians?

Because song is an essential part of worship, we believe God continues to gift members of Christ's body with gifts of artistry, wisdom, skill,...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Why is the female voice so attractive?

Women with higher-pitched voices are perceived to be younger—as well as thinner. Looking further into these studies, it is often the case that we...

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Bob Dylan Top 10 songwriters Rank Name Lifetime 1 Bob Dylan May 24, 1941 – present 2 Paul McCartney June 18, 1942 – present 3 John Lennon October...

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