Piano Guidance
Photo by Olena Bohovyk Pexels Logo Photo: Olena Bohovyk

Where can you get ivory?

Elephants are most known for their ivory, but other animals like the walrus, hippopotamus, narwhal, sperm whale and warthog also have tusks or teeth that are made up of a similar chemical structure. The word ivory is used to identify any mammalian tooth or tusk that is of commercial interest.

Can you sell ivory at auction?
Can you sell ivory at auction?

The Ivory Act 2018 will come into force on 6th June, 2022. From this date, the ivory ban will be in place, and it will be illegal to deal in ivory...

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Do keycaps wear out?
Do keycaps wear out?

Surface wear is inevitable; all keycaps will gradually lose their rough surface texture over time. Depending on the material used for the keycap,...

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Why do people view ivory as valuable?

Across the world, ivory is viewed as a status symbol. Historically, it was used to produce ornaments, figurines, and small carvings, as well as items like jewelry, piano keys, and chess sets. Traditional medicine also views ivory as a healing element, using ivory powder to create medicine for a variety of illnesses. In the first decade of the 21st century, there was evidence of demand for ivory as an inflation-proof investment commodity, though recent trading restrictions, especially in China, seem to have reduced this pressure.

Is it illegal to buy and sell ivory?

The international sale of ivory was banned by the Convention on International Trade in Endangers Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1989, but domestic trade still remained legal in many countries. In the last decade, we’ve the seen the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Singapore, and a handful of other countries pass stricter laws on ivory trade. However, prescribed conditions such as in EU regulations for antique ivory (pre-1947), pre-convention worked ivory (acquired before the date on which CITES or the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations became applicable) and raw ivory, are complicating the matter. New ivory is also being illegally sold under this exemption, making the issue even more complex. Any trade in ivory, even where legal, causes consumer and enforcement confusion, and provides a cover for the laundering of illegally sourced ivory.

Can you dye an elephant’s tusks to make it useless to poachers?

Although this creative idea may seem like a quick solution, it is not sustainable. Dying the tusks of elephants would involve capturing and sedating the animals. This process would likely cause great risk and distress to the animals that could be detrimental to individuals and herds. In addition to the risks associated with anesthetizing an animal as massive as an elephant (let alone a whole herd), tusks continually grow. An elephant’s tusk can grow as fast as an inch per year. At this rate, we would have to re-dye the elephants' tusks annually—an unfeasible task in size.

Do you have to keep your nails short for piano?
Do you have to keep your nails short for piano?

The exact length may depend some on preference, but generally, your nails should be short enough for you to be able to easily feel the key with the...

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Did Beethoven have perfect pitch?
Did Beethoven have perfect pitch?

Which musicians and singers have perfect pitch? Some of the greatest classical composers, including Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Handel all had...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Can a 70 year old woman learn to play the piano?
Can a 70 year old woman learn to play the piano?

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Many people limit themselves because they think they are too old or that it's too late...

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What is a real life example of a chord?
What is a real life example of a chord?

You have a cookie that you have to cut into two parts to share with your brother. If you cut the cookie with a straight line from one edge of the...

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Does Lowes cut keys?
Does Lowes cut keys?

The short answer is yes, Lowe's makes keys, and its customers can access the service online and in person. The process is also seamless, and it...

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What are the 2 main types of pianos?
What are the 2 main types of pianos?

There are two main types of piano: the grand piano and the upright piano.

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