Piano Guidance
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What was the 1st ever song?

The earliest fragment of musical notation is found on a 4,000-year-old Sumerian clay tablet, which includes instructions and tunings for a hymn honoring the ruler Lipit-Ishtar. But for the title of oldest extant song, most historians point to “Hurrian Hymn No.

What country sells the most ivory?
What country sells the most ivory?

The UK The UK exported more legal ivory than any other country to China and Hong Kong, two of the world's largest markets for legal and illegal...

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Why does E not have a sharp?
Why does E not have a sharp?

Why Is There No B# and E# On Instruments? The simplest answer is because these instruments were designed keeping in mind the theories of Western...

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The history of music is as old as humanity itself. Archaeologists have found primitive flutes made of bone and ivory dating back as far as 43,000 years, and it’s likely that many ancient musical styles have been preserved in oral traditions. When it comes to specific songs, however, the oldest known examples are relatively more recent. The earliest fragment of musical notation is found on a 4,000-year-old Sumerian clay tablet, which includes instructions and tunings for a hymn honoring the ruler Lipit-Ishtar. But for the title of oldest extant song, most historians point to “Hurrian Hymn No. 6,” an ode to the goddess Nikkal that was composed in cuneiform by the ancient Hurrians sometime around the 14th century B.C. The clay tablets containing the tune were excavated in the 1950s from the ruins of the city of Ugarit in Syria. Along with a near-complete set of musical notations, they also include specific instructions for how to play the song on a type of nine-stringed lyre. “Hurrian Hymn No. 6” is considered the world’s earliest melody, but the oldest musical composition to have survived in its entirety is a first century A.D. Greek tune known as the “Seikilos Epitaph.” The song was found engraved on an ancient marble column used to mark a woman’s gravesite in Turkey. “I am a tombstone, an image,” reads an inscription. “Seikilos placed me here as an everlasting sign of deathless remembrance.” The column also includes musical notation as well as a short set of lyrics that read: “While you live, shine / Have no grief at all / Life exists only for a short while / And time demands its toll.” The well-preserved inscriptions on Seikilos Epitaph have allowed modern musicians and scholars to recreate its plaintive melodies note-for-note. Dr. David Creese of the University of Newcastle performed it using an eight-stringed instrument played with a mallet, and ancient music researcher Michael Levy has recorded a version strummed on a lyre. There have also been several attempts to decode and play “Hurrian Hymn No. 6,” but because of difficulties in translating its ancient tablets, there is no definitive version. One of the most popular interpretations came in 2009, when Syrian composer Malek Jandali performed the ancient hymn with a full orchestra.

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Do night shift workers live longer?

Night shift can shorten your life if you don't prioritize sleep, consume a healthy diet, exercise regularly and make time for the things you enjoy....

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How much does it cost to tune a player piano?
How much does it cost to tune a player piano?

After calling seven piano tuning companies, independent technicians, and taking extensive notes, we determined that the average cost to tune a...

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How much stolen art from ww2 is still missing?

30,000 pieces More than 30,000 pieces of art are still missing. Some may have been destroyed, others hidden from public view. This gallery focuses on works of art that have been tragically lost to the second World War. The portrait of "Dr Paul Gachet" is one of Vincent van Gogh's more popular works.

The painting was, successfully, hidden from the NAZI's during the course of World War II; which was a serious crime during the NAZI occupation. The owners of the painting took the painting off of its frame, put it in a tube and hid it for years. After the wars end, the painting was redisplayed successfully surviving the war. This painting depicts a military garrison standing for a portrait. Rembrandt was able to use contrast, dynamic shape, and space to create an interesting and monumental painting. The painting shows a group of soldiers, with muskets and swords, gathered around a great hall. The immediate focus is on a young woman illuminated by light, wearing white. What is unique about this is that the figure is in the background and is not the primary focus of the painting. The soldiers gather around their leader, standing in the center of the painting holding a staff and wearing a red sash. Another soldier stands close to him, wearing a white suit and holding a sword. The captain has a hand outstretched, as if he were welcoming people into his garrison. Many other soldiers litter the background of the painting, obscured by the shadows in the room. The room looks alive and busy, as the soldiers perform various tasks or are talking freely with one another. The painting does a great job with contrast and dimension, making the portrait seem lifelike and realistic.

Do guitars last a lifetime?
Do guitars last a lifetime?

The roughest estimation would be around 10 years for a cheap acousticclassical guitar. On the other hand, even cheap electric guitars will be able...

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Do keys matter mixing songs?
Do keys matter mixing songs?

Should you mix in key all the time? It's a much-discussed topic, but, in short, it's up to you. If you are mixing two tracks with melodies...

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Does playing piano help you sleep?
Does playing piano help you sleep?

In conclusion, playing piano tracks as well as playing the instrument yourself has been found to help people sleep better due to the calming and...

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Can you use rubbing alcohol to clean piano keys?
Can you use rubbing alcohol to clean piano keys?

The easiest solution for cleaning your key tops is the following: A Damp – not wet. If this doesn't get all the dirt and gunk off the keys then you...

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