Generally, cats hate loud sounds because their hearing is very fine and well developed, which makes them hypersensitive to the slightest noise. So, to make it easier to live with your four-legged boyfriend, avoid sources of loud noises, such as music, television, video games, and vacuuming, when your feline is nearby.
Cats are discrete and silent creatures. There are a lot of things that they cannot stand, and some of them are loud noises and sounds. Indeed, their hearing is extremely well developed, which is a big plus for their inner predator, but it can also be a terrible source of stress when sharing life with their somewhat noisy human. So, without further ado, check out the five sounds cats hate the most.
1. Vacuum Cleaner
This appliance is a real devil’s machine for your little companion with such fine and delicate ears. Please, at all costs, avoid waking him from his sleep by vacuuming near his bed; it would make anyone cranky, but in your cat’s case, it will cause him unnecessary stress and fear. So, when you use this infernal device, take care to move your kitty gently to a quieter room beforehand; he will be extremely grateful to you!
2. Televisions
In addition to vacuum cleaners, other sounds also annoy cats. In fact, any excessive or loud noises can create what is called acoustic stress, which particularly affects felines, as they can hear very loud tones. One of them is the sound coming from your TV, especially if you are watching your favorite Netflix series at a volume that irritates the whole neighborhood.
3. Video Games
Killing zombies with heavy machine-gun fire on your Playstation’s latest post-apocalyptic game is certainly entertaining. However, your cat probably also wants to grind you to a pulp as soon as he hears the sounds of your zombie killer gun. So no, your kitty is not a fan of video games, but this is not due to your skills, but rather to the horrifying noises coming from this little black box.
4. Stereo Systems
You guessed it, if cats loathe the sounds of video games and loud TVs, they certainly won’t be fans of stereos. Better to listen to your favorite music with your headphones and reserve your sophisticated stereos for special occasions!
5. House Parties
The parties you throw at your house are the death toll of noise pollution for your feline. Events like this bring together all the conditions and noises that will drive your cat crazy, forcing him to retreat to a small space to hide. So, if you are planning a house party and you know it will be loud with a group of guests, you will need to block out a quiet area in the house where your cat can retreat.
Why Are Cats So Annoyed by Loud Sounds?
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Because cats have an incredible sense of hearing. Indeed, the cat is an outstanding predator, constantly alert, and alarmed at the slightest sound. This is made possible by the ability of his inner ear to perceive sounds ranging from 48 hertz (Hz) to 85,000 Hz! This gives the domestic cat one of the broadest hearing ranges among mammals.
This is much more than the frequency perceptible by the human ear since it is limited to 20,000 Hz. Even tiny high-pitched noises can continue to be perceived by a hearing-impaired cat who, on the other hand, has more difficulty hearing loud sounds.
How Does Cats’ Hearing Work?
The cat’s middle ear includes the stirrup, anvil, hammer, and three bones. These are located in a resonance chamber whose wall is extremely tight (much more than that of its human owner) and as a result, they react much better to the vibrations of the eardrum. So, when a sound reaches the pinna of the cat’s ear, it is directed to the eardrum. In the middle ear, it transforms into mechanical vibrations, and then, through the inner ear, these vibrations are transmitted to the nerve cells of hearing.
Due to the strong reacting power of its bones, the cat has no difficulty isolating a particular sound even if it is drowned among many other noises. His inner ear works like a filter and each sound is analyzed, both in terms of its nature and in terms of distance.
Therefore, if a sound is emitted by the movement of a small rodent or a bird, the cat will immediately launch in pursuit. As long as no sound comes from a source of any interest to the cat, the cat can remain quite stoic. In any case, you know how difficult it is to approach a kitty – even with the greatest possible discretion — without awakening his senses. His ultra-fine hearing does not fool him!
How To Take Care of Your Cat’s Ears
For your little feline to maintain his fabulous sense of hearing for as long as possible, it is essential that you take good care of his ears. In any case, care must be taken to avoid ear wax plugs favored, in cats, by the L-shape of their ear canal, which does not facilitate the removal of this wax. As a result, earwax ends up accumulating, which in the long term can cause infections, including recurrent ear infections. This can cause problems with the eardrum and can lead to hearing loss.
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A regular visit to the veterinarian is essential to check the good condition of your cat’s ears because they are quite fragile. In addition, you should clean them periodically with a specific product recommended by the veterinarian, using a tip designed for the animal’s ears. Obviously, steer clear of the cotton swab.
Final Thoughts
Independent and unpredictable, cats may be endearing, but they have their own little character. There are a lot of things that they can’t stand, and some noises and sounds are part of it.
Generally, cats hate loud sounds because their hearing is very fine and well developed, which makes them hypersensitive to the slightest noise. So, to make it easier to live with your four-legged boyfriend, avoid sources of loud noises, such as music, television, video games, and vacuuming, when your feline is nearby. Obviously, this won’t always be possible, which is why you should organize a quiet little corner for him in your home.