Piano Guidance
Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky Pexels Logo Photo: Boris Pavlikovsky

What should a good piano teacher teach?

A great teacher need to be dedicated and disciplined in order to help the student build effective practice habits, coach them on excellent technique, analyze the music, and plan successful lessons. But they should also be friendly, smile, play games, make jokes, and be silly!

What is the number 1 instrument in the world?
What is the number 1 instrument in the world?

It might surprise you to know that 21 million Americans play the piano! No wonder it is number 1 on our list. The piano is possibly the most...

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Can you practice hitting high notes?
Can you practice hitting high notes?

But having taught more than 500 students, I can tell you this: Anyone can learn to hit high notes without straining. It just takes some practice...

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There are piano teachers and then there are great piano teachers. But what sets them apart? What qualities and characteristics do they have that makes them great?

They can play!

It may seem obvious, but a great teacher can play. They are able to demonstrate beautiful playing, and they enjoy doing it. You don’t want a teacher who just sits there and barks orders. And you don’t want a teacher who can play, but they’d rather be doing something else. I remember my high school tennis coach doing all the drills and training with us. I really respected the fact that he wasn’t just making us run laps while he sipped his coffee. He was committed to participating in the process as well. In addition, he would demonstrate and be a good model. I was motivated to practice so I could play like him!


Learning to play an instrument like piano takes discipline and hard work. And it takes time! A great teacher is patient and allows the learning process to unfold at the student’s pace. You don’t want a teacher who is impatient because they will just spoon-feed everything to the student to get them to play something right away instead of guiding them through the process of discovery. “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

— Arnold H. Glasow

Balance of Serious & Fun

A great teacher need to be dedicated and disciplined in order to help the student build effective practice habits, coach them on excellent technique, analyze the music, and plan successful lessons. But they should also be friendly, smile, play games, make jokes, and be silly! Too much of one or the other isn’t as effective. All fun and no work won’t get you anywhere and all work and no play just isn’t enjoyable!

“There is little success where there is little laughter.”

— Andrew Carnegie

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

— E. E. Cummings

Keeps Current

New research in the methods and practice of piano teaching help teachers stay current with the best approaches to help their students. Great teachers are continually learning, going to workshops and conferences, reading up on the newest methods, and sharing ideas with colleagues. People who feel like they’re life-long students make the best teachers. They are always wanting to learn and are open to new ideas. This keeps it fresh as opposed to just teaching the same things the same way all the time.

Is it hard to learn to play piano?
Is it hard to learn to play piano?

The piano is a relatively easy instrument to learn, but every new skill has its challenges. Below are some of the factors that might be hard for...

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What is the highest level of pianist?
What is the highest level of pianist?

Technically, a Master pianist is the highest level of pianist, exceeded only by the title of Grandmaster (which is something of an isolated case)....

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What is the lowest instrument ever?

The octobass The octobass owned by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra is apparently the lowest working one, with a range reportedly extending more than an octave below that of the double bass.

This is an octobass – it’s so low it will turn your insides to jelly

By Tim Edwards

The lowest string instrument in the world plays some very low, very mellow Mozart, thanks to the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. The Montreal Symphony Orchestra has just become the only ensemble in the world to employ an octobass in its ensemble.

Here it is dwarfing its new orchestra mates in Montreal:

The 3.6m-high instrument is essentially a monstrous double bass. After the video, there are a few interesting facts, but you want to hear it first. Enjoy the pleasant bass growl of some very low Mozart, performed by members of the Montreal Symphony:

Octobass plays Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus

How low does the octobass go?

The octobass owned by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra is apparently the lowest working one, with a range reportedly extending more than an octave below that of the double bass. For the technically minded it is tuned to A0, compared to the C1 that a double bass can stretch to.

How do you play an octobass?

As you can see, no normal person can reach the neck of an octobass to push down the strings and produce different notes. So it has a system of levers operated by the octobassist’s hands and feet. These are attached to frets on the neck, which push the strings down to create notes.

How can I get an octobass?

You can’t really. There are only a handful of octobasses in the world: the original (above) is on display in the Musée de la Musique in Paris, while there are octobasses at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and the Musical Instrument Museum in Arizona. The Montreal Symphony’s instrument is a replica of the Paris octobass.

Which finger should type which letter?
Which finger should type which letter?

Your left-hand fingers should be placed over the A, S, D, and F keys, and the right-hand fingers should be placed over the J, K, L, and ; keys....

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What does arranger keyboard mean?
What does arranger keyboard mean?

An arranger is the perfect tool for working out ideas when you are focused on melody, words, chords, and basic song structure. The instrument will...

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What is the most common chord progression of the blues?
What is the most common chord progression of the blues?

I-IV-V progression The primary harmonic structure of the blues is the I-IV-V progression, which derived from church music of the South. Unlike most...

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What is the closest thing to ivory?
What is the closest thing to ivory?

Elforyn Super Tusk is the closest material to ever replicate genuine elephant ivory. An unbelievable imitation of the color, grain and “Schreger...

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