Piano Guidance
Photo by Amina Filkins Pexels Logo Photo: Amina Filkins

What season is best to tune a piano?

Actually, there are TWO ideal times to tune a piano! The first one in the year is in spring, and yes, this means that the best time to tune a piano is in April and May! However, there's another best time to tune a piano – and that's fall, which means, just about right now, in October.

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Is 30 years old too late to learn piano?
Is 30 years old too late to learn piano?

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Many people limit themselves because they think they are too old or that it's too late...

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Are you wondering when would be the best time to tune a piano? Actually, there are TWO ideal times to tune a piano! The first one in the year is in spring, and yes, this means that the best time to tune a piano is in April and May! However, there’s another best time to tune a piano – and that’s fall, which means, just about right now, in October. In this article, I’ll tell you all about the reasons why you should try to have your piano tuned in spring and/or fall, depending on whether you want to have it tuned once or twice a year. You can reach me, Blanton Bendall, at 804-677-2416, any weekday (M-F) between 9 AM and 6 PM, preferably by text message, but phone calls work too. I look forward to talking with you! Why the best time to tune a piano is either spring or fall As you know, pianos are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, and the biggest changes happen as you change over from winter to spring, and then again from summer to fall. The key is not to have the piano tuned right after the extreme high (or low) temperatures come to an end. The piano needs some time to adjust to the more moderate climate before it will hold the tuning properly. So if your piano is due for a tuning, now’s a great time. The fall tuning is also great because it gets your piano ready for the holidays. So many pianos are used for special concerts. And then there are family sing-alongs, or the kids want to show off what they’ve learned to play when relatives visit.

How to ensure the tuning lasts as long as possible

To make sure your piano holds its tuning as long as possible, there’s something else you should do in addition to choose the best time to tune a piano… You should also make sure to keep it away from windows, drafts, and sources of heat and air conditioning. In addition, keep your room temperature as stable as possible, along with the room’s humidity. Ask your piano technician for advice if you’re in doubt. I always offer such advice and make suggestions when I come in for a tuning!

Make sure to schedule your piano tuning soon

I know that we’re only approaching the beginning of October right now, but I’ve been getting quite busy lately. So if you want to make sure to get your piano tuned during “prime time” – do let me know soon. Just call or text me at 804-677-2416, any weekday (M-F) between 9 AM and 6 PM. I prefer text messages, but phone calls work too.

I look forward to keeping your piano in great shape!

P.S.: Now is also the best time to tune a piano (or three) in churches and schools, not only because it’s the right time from a climate control perspective but also because of the upcoming Christmas season!

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Does gum clean teeth?

Chewing Gum is No Replacement for Brushing Teeth Chewing gum may reach the surfaces of your teeth, but it does not reach in between your teeth as flossing does. Although chewing sugarless gum can help keep your teeth cleaner in the short-term, there is no substitute for brushing and flossing your teeth every day.

Chewing gum is tasty and fun to chew, but did you know that chewing sugarless gum has dental benefits too?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes that sugarless gum indeed helps to prevent tooth decay, especially after eating. Studies have found that chewing sugarless gum increases the flow of saliva in your mouth, which can help dilute sugars and food particles. The saliva can neutralize and rid your mouth of harmful acids that are produced when the bacteria on your teeth breaks down the food you eat. If this acid is not removed, then over time it can break down tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. In general, chewing gum increases the flow of saliva in your mouth. This increase in saliva also carries more calcium than regular saliva, which helps to strengthen tooth enamel.

Chewing Gum is No Replacement for Brushing Teeth

Chewing sugarless gum can be an aid to your daily dental hygiene routine, but does not replace brushing and flossing. If you cannot brush your teeth immediately after a meal, then chewing gum can help to help with the breakdown of the harmful bacteria on your teeth until you are able to properly brush your teeth. Chewing gum may reach the surfaces of your teeth, but it does not reach in between your teeth as flossing does. Although chewing sugarless gum can help keep your teeth cleaner in the short-term, there is no substitute for brushing and flossing your teeth every day. In addition to taking care of your teeth by maintaining good everyday dental hygiene habits, seeing your dentist and dental hygienist twice a year for exams will help keep your mouth healthy by preventing more serious issues.

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I'll discuss some of the factors that affect how long it takes below, but here's what I usually say: Children who get to piano grade 8 have often...

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If you have several years of serious piano study under your belt, no, you really can't forget how to play the piano. Generally speaking, you'll be...

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