Piano Guidance
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What religion is Sam and Colby?

colby mentions about how he was raised christian and that the queen mary changed how he looks at spirits and whatnot. quote from the podcast: “i've always been questioning everything. i'm like born and raised, like, a christian. …

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Does learning piano make you better at guitar?

Learning piano will teach your ears harmony that isn't generally available on guitar unless you have two or more guitars playing at once. Learning...

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Which sense is the weakest in humans?

Taste Taste is a sensory function of the central nervous system, and is considered the weakest sense in the human body.

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so brennen had sam and colby on his new podcast, and since i know a lot of you would want to listen to it bc you love snc but don’t want to give brennen the views for it, i’ll sum it up for you. they started off the podcast just introducing themselves and how they became friends, and also how they got to know brennen via vine (and also how brennen didn’t like them bc their content was different from his). they talk about going to jail, literally what they’ve said a 100 times before. then they move onto the queen mary. pretty much state the same things they’ve stated before. colby mentions about how he was raised christian and that the queen mary changed how he looks at spirits and whatnot. quote from the podcast: “i’ve always been questioning everything. i’m like born and raised, like, a christian. …i’ve always believed in that, but when we got into ghost stuff, i always wondered ‘well, how do spirits fit into christianity? that doesn’t make sense. if everybody just goes to heaven or hell. what is a spirit?’ and the fact that we heard something [on the queen mary], like in this realm, like kinda convinced us, like, there is something else. so like it didn’t really say 'this is what we believe in now’, but there is definitely something else out there. there’s like a spiritual realm that like, i’m a 100% confident, is like, around us that we don’t see. we don’t have the capability to see.” sam states that he struggles with religion and that he didn’t/wasn’t gonna believe the thing that they were communicating with bc it was a 'demon’, or what they believed was a demon, but he knows that it was real, regardless of what it was. it made him take a step back and actually think that maybe there is an afterlife. then they talked about the old trap house, and that they don’t feel like they’re haunted, which is a question brennen asked. also snc have asked paranormal experts and they don’t think that snc are haunted, so they feel okay.

another quote from colby that i found interesting:

“idk, i think it goes back to religion and like if you have trust in god and jesus christ and stuff like that, and believe that, like, he has a plan for you, and like, you can control things in your life, then you’ll be safe. just trust in the right things. don’t mess with the ouija, don’t contact demons and scary things, and you should be fine.” sam agrees and says how they get experts now is super important and the best thing to do. but sam also thinks that you can learn a lot of stuff by doing this (paranormal) stuff on your own, just be cautious.

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Our brains process music hundreds of times faster than it can ever be explained by words and symbols. So it takes a long time to explain. There's...

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Rough jerking when shifting It might feel like a jerk, clunk or thud. This is usually caused by troubles with the vacuum, transmission fluid or a...

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then they started talking about the book. they start by saying it was a boys trip to hawaii. nate knew someone on the island, so the boys were able to go to a 'secret part’ of the island that was closed off, from a flood a couple years back. most ppl don’t go to it unless you live there, apparently. so they got the opportunity to visit this part of the island, which was super rare. sam said that they had no intention of filming the boys trips, bc it’s supposed to be a good time, 'paradise’. they weren’t trying to do anything paranormal. they went up to this place and things just got super weird. and they thought they would die bc of how strange and rough the place they were in was?? honestly, they were super vague about all of it. but sam said they they genuinely thought they weren’t gonna make it out alive. another sneak peak: they took a helicopter ride the next day (after all of this took place, i guess) over the house that they stayed in on this visit and the helicopter driver said 'oh you know that house? oh yeah, there’s a rumor an old witch lives there.’ sam spoke that the day before that they wanted to go snorkeling, and when they went to go get gear for it, the person asked where they were gonna go snorkeling. the boys told her the beach they were gonna go to, the one that was closed off from the floor and whatnot, and she goes 'oh… how’d you get there?’ and they told her they know someone and she said 'you know no one goes up there, right? …just be careful. the ppl over there are bit weirder than norm.’ okay… i’m never doing this again lol that was too much hearing and typing for me haha

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Can I learn piano in 2 months?

If you can already play songs hands together it'll take you about 4 months to get good at playing piano by ear. If you're a complete beginner and...

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