Piano Guidance
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What race is least likely to adopt?

Race/Ethnicity of Adopted Child White: 50% Black: 25% Hispanic: 13% Asian: 4% Other: 8%

What are the best online piano lessons?
What are the best online piano lessons?

Playground Sessions: Best online piano lessons overall. ... Simply Piano: Best piano lessons for total beginners. ... Piano Marvel: Best value...

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Can you teach yourself to play piano by ear?
Can you teach yourself to play piano by ear?

Any student is able to learn to play piano by ear, all it takes is a lot of practice and several different exercises and techniques to train your...

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The first modern adoption law was passed in Massachusetts in 1851. Called the Adoption of Children Act, it was the first to focus on the best interests of the child rather than adult interests. Since then, adoption has grown tremendously into what it is today.

U.S. Adoption Statistics

1 in 35 children in the United States is adopted

More than 50,000 children are adopted through foster care every year

An estimated 100,000 children are adopted through all adoption types every year

Around 700,000 children are living with adoptive parents

More than 1.2 million children are living with at least one adoptive parent The following are general statistics representative of all adopted children in the United States.


Male: 49%

Female: 51%

Race/Ethnic Origin White: 37%

Black: 23%

Hispanic: 15%

Asian: 15%

Other: 10% Age Age 0-2: 5%

Age 3-4: 9%

Age 5-9: 30%

Age 10-12: 19%

Age 13-14: 14%

The following are general statistics representative of all adoptive families in the United States.

Average Age

44 years old

Median Household Income

$73,378 per year

Educational Level

Less than high school: 9%

High school graduate: 20%

Some college: 32%

Bachelor’s degree: 22%

Graduate or professional school degree: 17%

To provide a permanent home for a child: 81%

A desire to expand family: 69%

Inability to have a biological child: 52%

Wanted sibling for another child: 24%

Had previously adopted the child’s siblings: 7%

Of all families who adopted via private domestic adoption, 87% would definitely make the same decision to adopt again. The following are general statistics representative of private domestic adoption in the United States.

Male: 51%

Female: 49%

White: 50%

Black: 25%

Hispanic: 13%

Asian: 4%

Other: 8%

Age at Placement

Of children adopted privately, 62% were placed with their adoptive family as a newborn or when they were less than one month old. Transracial adoptions are where the parent(s) and adopted child are of a different race or ethnicity. Of all domestic adoptions in the United States, 21% are transracial adoptions.

To provide a permanent home for a child: 70%

What is the easiest song to play on the piano for beginners?
What is the easiest song to play on the piano for beginners?

Here are seven easy piano songs for beginners to get you started. Twinkle Twinkle. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is always popular, especially with...

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What does P mean in fingerpicking?
What does P mean in fingerpicking?

It's Classical P = pulgar (thumb) I = indice (index finger)

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A desire to expand family: 60%

Inability to have a biological child/Infertility: 52%

Wanted sibling for another child: 16%

Had previously adopted the child’s siblings: 7%

Child has adopted siblings only: 22%

Child has siblings born to parent and no adopted siblings: 33%

Child has adopted siblings and siblings born to parent: 21%

93% of parents who adopted domestically would adopt again

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. “Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) FY2020 data.” The Administration for Children and Families, 19 November 2021. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families. “National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP) | ASPE.” HHS ASPE, 2008. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families. “Trends in Foster Care & Adoption: FY 2011- 2020.” The Administration for Children and Families, 30 November 2021. Crouse, Gilbert, et al. “Foster Care Entry Rates Grew Faster for Infants than for Children of Other Ages, 2011-2018.” HHS ASPE, 17 August 2021. Taylor, Danielle. “Fifteen Percent of Same-Sex Couples Have Children in Their Household.” U.S. Census Bureau, 17 September 2020. Anderson, Lydia, et al. “Living Arrangements of Children: 2019.” Census Bureau, February 2022. Lofquist, Daphne A. and Rose M. “Adopted Children and Stepchildren: 2010.” U.S. Census Bureau, Population Characteristics, Washington, DC, 2014, P20-572. U.S. Department of State. “2020 Annual Report on Intercountry Adoption.” Travel.State.Gov, July 2021. Gates, G. “LGBT Parenting in the United States.” Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, 2013. The information on this page is for educational use only and should not be used as a substitute for professional legal advice. Although we make every effort to update this information frequently, information of this kind does change quickly; therefore, some information may be out-of-date and/or contain inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors.

Last updated: September 2022

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What does a Steinway B cost?

Model B: Measuring 6′ 10 1⁄2″, the Model B Steinway grand piano is a popular choice for serious pianists and piano technicians. The Model B is...

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What is the fastest note?
What is the fastest note?

In music, a two hundred fifty-sixth note (or occasionally demisemihemidemisemiquaver) is a note played for 1⁄256 of the duration of a whole note....

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How many hours a day should I be practicing guitar?
How many hours a day should I be practicing guitar?

For most people, 30–90 minutes per day seems to be a good goal. Total beginners may see good results in just 15 minutes per day.

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Does being fat make it harder to sing?

Carrying too much weight hinders your singing because the fat accumulates around your vital organs, making breathing laborious. Losing this excess...

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