Piano Guidance
Photo by Erik Mclean Pexels Logo Photo: Erik Mclean

What movie is Clair de lune used in?

Whether an intentional nod or no by Google, “Clair de Lune” was memorably used in Fellini's 1983 film “And the Ship Sails On” — as mourning friends board a luxury liner (and — yes, yes — a lovable journalist invokes comics).

What is the smallest instrument?
What is the smallest instrument?

The Nano-Harp 1. The Nano-Harp. And for the grand, or actually, tiny finale, the nano-harp is the smallest instrument in the world! This instrument...

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Are piano keys made of real ivory?
Are piano keys made of real ivory?

As ivory became illegal, piano corporations started switching to making their keys out of plastic. That includes both the white keys and black...

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AUG. 22 is not only the day that the great and influential French composer Claude Debussy was born, 151 years ago, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Now, it is also the day that Google, that influential American tech titan, moved one step closer to cinema. Today, to celebrate Debussy’s birth, Google features on its home page a moonlit animation poetically set to the composer’s “Clair de Lune,” his well-known third movement from Suite bergamasque (which Debussy finally published in 1905 — 15 years after he first began working on it while still in his 20s; he would die at just 55). The home page has featured narrative animations before, of course, but today’s exceptional production notably inches Team Google Doodle ever closer to “short film.” Google has made art since the ‘90s; now it is growing ever defter at multimedia beauty, with its most elegant “short subject” yet. “Clair de Lune” has long beguiled filmmakers, so it’s entirely apt that Google finds inspiration in the great work by Debussy, that so-called musical Impressionist, that so-dubbed “hedonist of sound.” Debussy, like fellow French composer Faure, himself found inspiration in a countryman, Symbolist poet Paul Verlaine, and his 1869 collection “Fetes galantes.” The poet even seems to beckon musicians with the lyric: “Their song blends with the light of the moon.” In his “Clair de Lune,” Verlaine writes, too, of what can be translated as tall, slender “fountains sobbing in ecstasy.” Google’s rain-swept “Clair de Lune” Doodle fittingly depicts what appear to be the launched geysers of ecstatic fountains. And where else have we seen such fountain spray in film, set to “Clair de Lune”? Ah, yes: In Soderbergh’s “Ocean’s” heist films — most notably when Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and the rest of George Clooney’s thick-as-thieves gang wordlessly celebrate in front of the aquatic reverie of the Bellagio hotel’s balletic fountain. It’s also a swell cinematic touch for the Seine-set Doodle to include the gradual crawl of a lighted boat. Whether an intentional nod or no by Google, “Clair de Lune” was memorably used in Fellini’s 1983 film “And the Ship Sails On” — as mourning friends board a luxury liner (and — yes, yes — a lovable journalist invokes comics). “Clair de Lune” has been notably employed in dozens of films, including “Frankie and Johnny,” and George Stevens’s ‘50s classic “Giant” (with its big-as-Texas cars), and even “Twilight” (with its smaller Volvo of the Pacific Northwest). There is just something about Debussy’s work that inspires images of transport: “Clair de Lune” even figures beautifully in Wes Anderson’s train-cherishing “The Darjeeling Limited.” And as much as Verlaine had “triumphant love” on his mind, “Clair de Lune” seems to inspire thoughts of passionate red — even the crimson balloon in the recent short film “Hullabaloo(n),” which opens to the strains of Debussy. So when today’s Doodle ends with a shared red umbrella above the male and female boaters, we can’t help but think of the red umbrella in this summer’s sweet Pixar short film, “The Blue Umbrella” (which screened before “Monsters University”) and realize again: Google is moving ever closer to cinema.

How soon till the Mountain View campus begins creating content that screens at theaters — and one day puts itself in contention, naturally, for an animated Oscar?

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Why do people quit guitar?

Probably the main reason so many people quit guitar shortly after they begin is because they aren't having fun. Perhaps they are getting...

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What are the 12 notes in the musical alphabet?
What are the 12 notes in the musical alphabet?

Western music typically uses 12 notes – C, D, E, F, G, A and B, plus five flats and equivalent sharps in between, which are: C sharp/D flat...

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What do female pianists wear?

Formal pants are an appropriate choice for male or female performers. Female pianists may also choose a skirt or dress, but it should be knee-length or longer. Wear dress shoes, but avoid higher heels or any shoes with slippery bottoms, which could slip on the piano pedals.

Piano recital dress codes can vary by musical style, venue, and level of formality, so always confirm details with the event coordinator or your music instructor. But, there is a simple universal norm to fall back on if you’re unsure what to wear to your performance. Formal pants are an appropriate choice for male or female performers. Female pianists may also choose a skirt or dress, but it should be knee-length or longer. Wear dress shoes, but avoid higher heels or any shoes with slippery bottoms, which could slip on the piano pedals.

For tops, consider these guidelines:

Female performers: You usually have more options when it comes to tops, but a formal blouse or button-down is a staple fall-back. No matter what, make sure your top will stay in place during an animated performance and that it isn't low-cut. You usually have more options when it comes to tops, but a formal blouse or button-down is a staple fall-back. No matter what, make sure your top will stay in place during an animated performance and that it isn't low-cut. Male performers: Wear a dressy but comfortable shirt. Find out ahead of time if your event requires a formal jacket or tie.

Tips for Choosing Recital Attire

Remember that when dressing for a piano recital, you’re dressing to perform. Some garments and accessories can turn into annoying distractions on stage and prevent you from playing your best. You can avoid surprises by practicing in your recital clothes at least once before your performance date, and always choosing clothes in which you will be physically and mentally comfortable. Consider these tips for choosing recital attire:

What is the saddest key in piano?
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D minor From there it's an easy skip to D, the root of today's subject, the “saddest key,” D minor. That the key of D minor is the key of true...

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Famous Movie Quotes “ May the Force be with you.” - Star Wars, 1977. “ There's no place like home.” - The Wizard of Oz, 1939. “ I'm the king of the...

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Thanks to its handy Minute Key kiosks, Walmart offers quick and easy key copy services in most of its stores. Minute Key kiosks are equipped to...

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