Piano Guidance
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What minor key has 1 sharp?

G major E minor Key Signatures Key Sig. Major Key Minor Key 1 sharp G major E minor 2 sharps D major B minor 3 sharps A major F# minor 4 sharps E major C# minor 3 more rows

en.wikiversity.org - Key Signatures - Wikiversity
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A key signature serves as a guide for the performer of a piece of music. The key signature determines the pattern of accidentals -- sharps and flats -- to be played, and reappears at the beginning of each staff. (In this way it differs from a time signature, which need be written only once.) For example, if the key signature consists of only F-sharp, each written note F in the piece should be played as F-sharp, even though no sharp immediately precedes the written note. Often, however, an accidental contradicting the direction of the key signature will appear immediately before the written note. An accidental immediately preceding the written note always takes precedence. (For instance, in our example, if the key signature contains F-sharp but a written note F appears with a natural sign written in front of it, F-natural should be played.) In traditional notation, this influence of the new accidental applies for the duration of the measure before the key signature resumes its "dominion", or until canceled by a subsequent new accidental. Since a the presence of a "key" in music is contingent on a certain pattern of accidentals, the key signature gives a partial indication of the key of a given passage of music. We need more than the key signature to determine the key of a passage, though -- that must be decided on the basis of contextual features to be explained elsewhere in the School of Music. All other things being equal, though, each key signature can represent one of two musical keys: one major, and one minor. Each is termed the "relative" major or minor, respectively, in relation to the other. For example, B-flat major and G minor have the same key signature: the relative minor of the key of B-flat major is G minor, while B-flat major is the relative major of G minor. The following tables illustrate each key signature, along with a listing of their corresponding keys. It is of paramount importance for the practicing musician to memorize these keys and to be able to recall them instantly.

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Why do guitars get better with age?

Older guitars often sound better than newer ones as they dry out over time which causes them to become harder leading to a more resonant tone with better sustain. The increase in age affects the tone more in acoustic guitars than electric ones.

There is a process behind the idea that guitars sound better as they age. And it’s related to the condition of the wood. There are two main reasons behind why older guitars have a better tone. These are due to the drying out of the wood, and the density. Both of these factors are related to the wood the guitar is made from.

Drying Out

Wood is well-known for its ability to absorb moisture or dry out, depending on what conditions it is kept in. This is caused by the the structure of the wood. It contains gaps which allow it to absorb water into. Over time, these gaps in the wood can collapse. Hence, the wood cannot retain as much water. And it’s this lack of moisture, and the process of the top of the guitar drying out, that causes it to sound better over time. This creates a harder and lighter form of the wood. This is particularly evident with acoustic guitars, where the sound is much more dependent on the quality of the wood. Whereas, with electric guitars, the pickups are much more important.


Secondly. the density of the wood is also important. The way the wood behaves when vibrated changes over time. Of course, wood contains grains which hold sap in them. When the wood vibrates, causing the sap to break up and loosen. This allows the vibrations to move more freely in the body of your guitar, hence, creating better resonance and a deeper tone.

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