Piano Guidance
Photo by Anderson Cavalera Pexels Logo Photo: Anderson Cavalera

What language is piano music?

Italian Music is never loud or quiet, it's 'forte', 'piano' or somewhere in between. And it's all because Italian music theorists got there first… When the rules for music notation were worked out and written down, it was all done in Italian.

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Why do we use Italian words in music notation?

By Maddy Shaw Roberts

Music is never loud or quiet, it’s ‘forte’, ‘piano’ or somewhere in between. And it’s all because Italian music theorists got there first… When the rules for music notation were worked out and written down, it was all done in Italian. Around 1000 AD, Guido of Arezzo created the earliest version of the heads-and-stems-on-staves structure that we know today.

It looked something like this:

#SabiasQue? Guido de Arezzo sacó las notas de la escala musical por las iniciales del último verso del himno litúrgico de San Juan Bautista. pic.twitter.com/RUvkKbfiov — El Sistema Táchira (@SistemaTachira) April 29, 2017

How did music notation begin?

Over the next few hundred years, musicians built on Guido’s system, and music theorists added useful features like note values and time signatures. But composers wanted more. They wanted to describe their music in more detail and tell musicians exactly how it should be played. So, they wrote musical directions on their pieces like ‘andante’ and ‘rallentando’. After a while, these terms became quite fashionable. So, when the rest of Europe – as it existed back then – started notating their music, they continued the trend in the same language.

Some terms crept into the English dictionary

There are some Italian terms like ‘tempo’, ‘adagio’, ‘allegretto’ and ‘rallentando’ which are only used in the context of writing or reading music. But others, like ‘concerto’, ‘piano’, ‘soprano’ and ‘opera’ were so stylish that they have made their way from the original Italian into our everyday musical vocabulary. And it wasn't just the terms themselves that were taken on – European composers also adopted compositional forms like the cantata, partita and rondo. What's more, Italian musical instrument makers like Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati slowly became the stuff of musical legend.

Here’s Nicola Benedetti, giving us a tour of her Strad:

The language itself is musical

Italian is often called a naturally musical language – so there’s something fitting in the fact that it’s this language that’s used for musical directions. This isn’t to say that every composer has stuck to the standard. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony No. 6 is marked in German, while moments of Debussy’s Clair de lune are marked in French.

So what if all composers wrote directions in their own language?

Many have! Mahler, for example, stuck to German for many of the directions in his symphonies. And perhaps writing in their own language allows composers to more effectively communicate their meaning. After all, some things are always lost in translation. But then, crucially, music – and music directions – would no longer be a universal language…

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Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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What are the 12 notes on a piano?

The 12 notes are C, C-Sharp (D-Flat), D, D-sharp (E-Flat), E, F, F-Sharp (G-Flat), G, G-Sharp (A-Flat), A, A-Sharp (B-Flat), and B. Many beginners think that a sharp or flat means a black key. All black keys are either a sharp or flat, but not all sharps and flats are black keys.

First strike middle C, then play the next seven white keys in succession, going (to the right) up the keyboard. C, D, E, F, G, A, B and the next key you played would be a C, one octave higher. This is where the pattern of keys repeats itself. You just played a C major scale, in fact. Here are the note names for the C major scale: Moving up from C, you have the notes D, E, F, G. When you get to G, think “Go” as in “go back to the beginning of the alphabet, A and B.” The most important musical scales are typically written using eight notes, and the interval between the first and last notes is an octave. For example, the C major scale is typically written C D E F G A B C, the initial and final Cs being an octave apart. Two notes separated by an octave have the same letter name and are of the same pitch class.

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