Piano Guidance
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What language is amen?

Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.” It is found in the Hebrew Bible, and in both the Old and New Testament. In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: [ ah-men ] or [ ey-men ].

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Weekends are when many Americans gather in their respective houses of worship and repeat the same word: amen. But, what does the word mean? And, why do people say it?

The origins of amen

Amen is commonly used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement. It is spoken to express solemn ratification or agreement. It is used adverbially to mean “certainly,” “it is so,” or “so it be.” Amen can be used in formal prayers within a prescribed script. But it is also used to punctuate personal prayers as well. Amen can also be used as an affirmation outside of religious settings. If you call out, “We need access to quality education for all children,” there are those who might respond, “Amen!”

The word can also be used in a lighthearted, playful way: “Dinner is finally ready—amen!” And the joke “amen and a woman” dates back to the 1850s. All puns aside, however, where does the word come from?

Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.” It is found in the Hebrew Bible, and in both the Old and New Testament. In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: [ ah-men ] or [ ey-men ]. But, it can be expressed in endless ways, from a soft whisper to a joyous shout. Either way, it has nothing to do with the words man or men—or their origins.

WATCH: Mishpocha: Visual Word of the Day

Who says amen?

Modern worshippers of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all use a version of the word, and records indicate that it has been used as an expression of concurrence after prayer for centuries. In Judaism, congregants say amen in response to the words of the rabbi, or spiritual leader. The term appears as part of a number Jewish prayers. In Christianity, amen occupies a central but often spontaneous position at the end of prayers or as a personal expression of affirmation for another’s words during a sermon or other religious discourse. Islam, like Judaism, incorporates a more formal use of the word into ritual but also deems it an appropriate way to end any sort of prayer. Rather than amen, Muslims generally says āmīn. In Egyptian mythology, Amen, or Amon, was a deity represented by a ram, the god of life and reproduction. It’s just a coincidence that the word amen resembles this deity’s name. The ancient Egyptian god has no relationship to the Hebrew declaration of affirmation.

When we pray, almost anything goes: dancing, whirling, kneeling, or swaying. And, words of affirmation are almost always spoken. Amen is certainly one. What are others?

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How to hear God's voice?

How to practice listening prayer Come to God with your request for guidance. ... Wait in silence for God to speak for 10-12 minutes. ... Jot down any Scripture, songs, impressions, or pictures God gives you. ... Share how God spoke to you with your prayer partners and follow God's will.

God’s sheep recognize God’s voice

According to Jesus, we are his sheep, the flock of his pasture. John 10 expands on this wonderful theme. As Jesus’s sheep, we should be able to listen to his voice and follow him because we clearly recognize his voice. Jesus is able to lead us precisely because we hear his voice and follow after him. “The gatekeeper opens the gate for [Jesus], and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice” (John 10:3-4, emphasis mine). In the next verse, Jesus makes the point that we should not follow any other voice. “But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice” (John 10:5). Later Jesus alludes to the gentiles who will also hear his voice and follow him. “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16, emphasis mine).

Our Lord Jesus is very happy to lead us as his disciples and those who follow him should be able to hear his voice and receive the guidance we need. It is part of our birthright when we are born again by the Holy Spirit and become followers of Jesus. But what about those other voices? How can we be sure we are hearing only from our Lord?

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