Piano Guidance
Photo by Colleen Bement Pexels Logo Photo: Colleen Bement

What kind of people are right brained people?

The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, the theory says that you're left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're right-brained.

Are any of Hitler's homes still standing?
Are any of Hitler's homes still standing?

The Berghof Today The foundation of the main house (right) and the rear wall of the east wing (left) are the only structures still standing. Just...

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What is the saddest piano chord progression?
What is the saddest piano chord progression?

The “Evanescence Progression” is one of the most recognizable sad piano chord progressions. It has a melancholy sound that is produced when the I...

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The brain is a highly complex organ that plays an essential role not just in thinking but in all body functions. It’s divided into two halves, the right and left brain. Specific areas are responsible for different functions, but the brain works as a whole. How the human brain works The human brain is an intricate organ. At approximately 3 pounds, it contains about 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections. Your brain is the command center for all that you think, feel, and do. Your brain divides into two halves or hemispheres. Within each half, particular regions manage certain functions. Share on Pinterest Jessica Peterson/Getty Images The two sides of your brain look very much alike, but there’s a huge difference in how they process information. Despite their contrasting styles, the two halves of your brain don’t work independently of each other. Nerve fibers connect different parts of your brain. If a brain injury severs the connection between sides, you might still function typically. But the lack of integration would cause some impairment. The human brain constantly reorganizes itself. It’s adaptable to change, whether it’s physical or through life experience. It’s tailor-made for learning. As scientists continue mapping the brain, we gain more insight into which parts control necessary functions. This information is vital to advancing research into brain diseases and injuries, and how to recover from them. The left brain vs. right brain myth Share on Pinterest The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you’re mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, the theory says that you’re left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you’re right-brained. This theory is based on the fact that the brain’s two hemispheres function differently. This first came to light in the 1960s, thanks to the research of psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry. The left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. It’s sometimes called the digital brain. It’s better at things like reading, writing, and computations. According to Sperry’s dated research, the left brain helps you with: logic


linear thinking



thinking in words The right brain is more visual and intuitive. People sometimes refer to it as the analog brain. It has a more creative and less organized way of thinking. Sperry’s dated research suggests the right brain helps people with: imagination

holistic thinking




nonverbal cues

feelings visualization

daydreaming We know the two sides of our brain are different, but does this necessarily mean that we have a dominant brain just as we have a dominant hand? A team of neuroscientists set out to test this premise. In a 2013 research review , they found no proof that this theory is correct. Magnetic resonance imaging of 1,000 people revealed that the human brain doesn’t actually favor one side over the other. The networks on one side aren’t generally stronger than the networks on the other side. Bundles of nerve fibers tie the two hemispheres together, creating an information highway. Although the two sides function differently, they work together and complement each other. You don’t use only one side of your brain at a time. Whether you perform a logical or creative function, you receive input from both sides of your brain. For example, people credit the left brain with language, but the right brain helps you understand context and tone. The left brain handles mathematical equations, but the right brain helps out with comparisons and rough estimates. General personality traits, individual preferences, or learning styles don’t translate into the notion that you’re left-brained or right-brained. Still, it’s a fact that the two sides of your brain are different, and certain areas of your brain do have specialties. The exact areas of some functions can vary a bit from person to person. Tips for boosting creativity If you would like to nourish your creative side, here are a few ways to get started: Read about and listen to the creative ideas of others. You might discover the seed of an idea you can grow or set your own imagination free. Try something new. Take up a creative hobby, such as playing an instrument, drawing, or storytelling. A relaxing hobby can help your mind wander to new places. Look within. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what makes you tick. Why do you gravitate toward certain activities and not others? Keep it fresh. Break your set patterns and go outside your comfort zone. Take a trip to a brand-new place. Immerse yourself in another culture. Take a course in an unfamiliar subject. Tips and tricks When you get new ideas, write them down and work on developing them further.

Does the age of a piano matter?
Does the age of a piano matter?

As a piano ages, the hammers get hard and wear down to the wood. Also, the wood parts become brittle and break causing the piano not to play...

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Can you mute a piano?
Can you mute a piano?

Placing an Upright Piano Near a Wall Depending on where you place the piano in your room you can dampen the sound of the instrument. Placing an...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Brainstorm. When you face a problem, try to find several ways to get to a solution. When doing simple chores, such as washing the dishes, leave the TV off and let your mind wander to new places. Rest, relax, and laugh to let your creative juices flow. Even something as creative as music takes time, patience, and practice. The more you practice any new activity, the more your brain adapts to the new information.

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What is the importance of jumping?

Jumping is a coordinated, heavy work activity that promotes motor planning, balance, muscle development, coordination and improves bone density!...

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What part of the brain is affected by affirmations?
What part of the brain is affected by affirmations?

MRI was utilized to discover that practicing self-affirmation activates the brain's reward centers, the ventral striatum (VS) and ventromedial...

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What is God music called?
What is God music called?

Religious music (also sacred music) is a type of music that is performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence.

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Can I copyright myself?
Can I copyright myself?

Many wonder, “Can I trademark my face?” Unfortunately, the immediate answer is no. Copyright is only valid for man-made creative ventures. The...

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