Piano Guidance
Photo by Karolina Grabowska Pexels Logo Photo: Karolina Grabowska

What is the unhealthiest sleeping position?

The worst sleep position: On your stomach “This position puts the most pressure on your spine's muscles and joints because it flattens the natural curve of your spine,” he says. “Sleeping on your stomach also forces you to turn your neck, which can cause neck and upper back pain.”

Is jazz harder than classical?
Is jazz harder than classical?

Jazz is more complex because of real-time decision making during improvisation, while classical is more complex because of the number of notes and...

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What chord can I play instead of F?
What chord can I play instead of F?

Adding an open string 1 to these shapes creates an Fmaj7 (commonly used by beginners to replace an F chord) or Fmaj7sus2.

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Do you have neck or back pain? Your sleep style may be contributing. If you’ve ever woken up with a tingling arm or achy neck, you’ve experienced the negative effects of sleeping in the wrong position. The key is alignment: When you sleep with your spine in a neutral position, it reduces the strain on your back and neck. It also helps to sleep on a firm surface. So which sleep positions should you embrace and which should you avoid? Here’s a rundown, from best to worst.

The ideal sleep position: On your back

The best position to avoid back pain is lying flat on your back. Even so, many people find it the hardest way to enjoy deep sleep. For optimal spine alignment, place one pillow underneath your head or neck and another underneath your knees. If you’re pregnant, however, you should avoid this position because it decreases blood circulation to the heart and baby.

Side sleeping: A solid runner-up

Side sleeping with your legs straight is the second-best position for avoiding back and neck pain. It’s also a good position for snorers or anyone with sleep apnea because it keeps your airways open. If you can, stretch your legs out straight and tuck a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral alignment. Another type of side sleeping — with your legs bent upwards — is less ideal for your back. Known as the fetal position, it may be the most popular sleep style, but it promotes an uneven distribution of weight that can cause back pain and sore joints. Try straightening your body into a relaxed position by untucking your chin and adjusting your knees. If you’re pregnant, it’s a comfortable way to take the weight from your back.

The worst sleep position: On your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst position for your spine, according to Raymond J. Hah, MD, a spine surgeon at Keck Medicine of USC and assistant professor of clinical orthopedic surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. “This position puts the most pressure on your spine’s muscles and joints because it flattens the natural curve of your spine,” he says. “Sleeping on your stomach also forces you to turn your neck, which can cause neck and upper back pain.” Research shows that there’s a correlation between pain and sleep, so it makes sense to incorporate simple changes in your sleep style that alleviate back pain — and less pain means better sleep.


back pain

Dr. Raymond J. Hah

neck pain

side sleeping

sleep positions

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Are sticky piano keys fixable?

The fix is reasonably simple, requiring the unscrewing of the two key blocks located at both ends of the key slip to gently work it out. While it...

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What key is two flats?

B♭ major Key Signatures Key Sig. Major Key Minor Key 2 flats B♭ major G minor 3 flats E♭ major C minor 4 flats A♭ major F minor 5 flats D♭ major B♭...

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Why are there 3 pedals on a piano?

There are three pedals on the grand piano – they are named, from left to right, the una corda, sostenuto, and damper pedal. The purpose of the pedals is to change the tone of the piano in some way.

The Pedals

Three Pedals on the Grand

There are three pedals on the grand piano – they are named, from left to right, the una corda, sostenuto, and damper pedal. The purpose of the pedals is to change the tone of the piano in some way. The damper pedal, also called the sustain pedal, prolongs the sound of the piano by lifting all of the dampers off the strings. This sustains the sound, and also allows all of the strings to vibrate sympathetically. The sostenuto pedal acts as a selective damper – when the pedal is activated, the sostenuto rod engages and holds up only those dampers that have been raised by their keys. The dampers that are at rest remain unaffected. This sustains only the notes that are depressed when the pedal is activated. The una corda thins the tone of the piano by shifting the entire keyboard and action slightly to the right so that the hammers do not strike all of the strings. The shifting of the action also allows the hammers to strike the string with a different portion of the hammer head. Over time, the felt of the hammer head can become compacted from repeatedly striking the strings. When the keyboard is shifted, the hammers strike the strings with a different, softer portion of the hammer head, which affects the sound. The pedals are held in place by the pedal support structure, which is part of the case of the piano. The system of springs and levers that the pedals operate is called the trapwork.

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An upright piano costs between $3000 – $6500 on average. High-end upright pianos average around $10,000 – $25,000. Entry level grand pianos costs...

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What are the three movements in Moonlight Sonata?
What are the three movements in Moonlight Sonata?

The sonata consists of three movements: Adagio sostenuto. Allegretto.

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