Piano Guidance
Photo by Yan Krukov Pexels Logo Photo: Yan Krukov

What is the smallest instrument?

The Nano-Harp 1. The Nano-Harp. And for the grand, or actually, tiny finale, the nano-harp is the smallest instrument in the world! This instrument was born in the same place as the guitar, Cornell University.

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Can you run out of air in an elevator?

You will run out of air if an elevator stops. Elevators are not airtight and suffocation in a stuck elevator is not going to happen. Nov 20, 2014

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How long does it take to pass each piano grade?
How long does it take to pass each piano grade?

TQT and GLH Grade TQT 1 20 hours 2 30 hours 3 50 hours 4 58 hours 4 more rows • May 25, 2020

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In my last post, I wrote about the biggest instruments in the world. This time around, it’s time to take a look at the smallest ones!

5. Smallest Grand Piano

There’s something funny about taking a “grand” instrument and making it tiny. But that’s what Japanese game manufacturer Sega Toys Co. did in 2006. This fully functioning and playable piano has a keyboard of 88 keys (just like any normal piano) with keys 0.16 inches wide. It even has an auto-playing function. The whole piano is 9/8 inches wide and 7 inches high.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XgIZSuZM7c[/embedyt]

4. Smallest Harmonica

The 3.5 centimeters (1.37 inches) harmonica is actually an instrument you can buy online! Even the most famous Harmonica companies like Hohner, Lee Oskar and more, create these tiny harmonicas. It fits right on your keychain and has 8 notes you can play with it (meaning you have a full octave of notes to play with). Here’s a great harmonica trio performance. The other two instruments are also harmonicas, but weird ones:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4_j0A_GYM[/embedyt]

3. S mallest Violin (Not Only a SpongeBob SquarePants Thing)

It’s not really known when and where the phrase invented, but after someone is whining and you’re tired of hearing it, you can start rubbing your index finger and thumb together and say “This is the world’s smallest violin, and it’s playing just for you”. But jokes aside, there’s actually a super small violin made a few years ago by Chen Lianzhi who set the world record for the smallest violin. The violin is 1 centimeter long (0.39 inches!) and its strings are so thin it’s not really playable. The smallest playable violin is 10 times larger but is still quite amazing and fully playable. Check it out, it’ll play just for you…

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GVjcsHKKKc[/embedyt]

2. The Nano-Guitar

Now this instrument is REALLY small, but believe it or not, it’s the smallest! The nano- guitar’s size is 10 micrometers long, which is about the size of a blood cell. The guitar was made for fun to illustrate the new nanotechnology at the Cornell University. The guitar has six strings just like a regular guitar. Each string is about 50 nanometers wide (about the width of 100 atoms). The guitar works but the human ear can’t hear it’s high pitch.

1. The Nano-Harp

And for the grand, or actually, tiny finale, the nano-harp is the smallest instrument in the world! This instrument was born in the same place as the guitar, Cornell University. Like the guitar, we can’t hear the instrument’s pitch. Even dogs can’t hear it’s 380 MHz pitch (the human ear can’t hear above 22 kHz (and even that is hard for super-humans to hear). It’s probably also the fastest human-made moving object too. The instrument was carved (just like the guitar) from a single crystal of silicon and the harp’s strings are silicon rods 50 nanometers in diameter (a nanometer, by the way, is one billionth of a meter), which means that the instrument is about 150 atoms thick! If you could play the smallest instrument in the world, which one would you like to try? Let us know in the comments below.

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At what age should a child start taking piano lessons?

What is the best age to Learn TO play piano? The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate.

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they want their kid to get good. At School of Rock, our instructors teach thousands of students how to play the piano every day, and know a thing or two about determining when a student is ready. And while it’s true students of almost any age can learn to play piano, the best age to learn depends on factors unique to each student.

What is the best age to Learn TO play piano?

The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate. Depending on the student, even very young children under the age of five can begin to explore the piano. After all, Mozart famously started to play piano at 3-years-old!

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