Piano Guidance
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What is the most rare female voice?

Contraltos Check these ladies out. Contraltos are arguably the rarest of female voice types and they possess a tone so dark they often give the men a run for their money. If mezzos are like clarinets, contraltos are more like bass clarinets.

What does the railroad represent in The Piano Lesson?
What does the railroad represent in The Piano Lesson?

The value of the railroad to black is a common element in August Wilson's plays, in which iron rails symbolize freedom and a life's journey. He...

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Do pianos hold their value?
Do pianos hold their value?

Pianos typically depreciate to 78% of their value in the first year alone. After this, you can see it slowly continues to decline for 20 years,...

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You might think that when it comes to voice types, everything depends on vocal range. Yet the actual notes a person can sing are only a small part of what determines their vocal category. A huge deciding factor is a concept known as timbre, or tonal quality. Timbre is entirely different from a musical note: A note (or pitch) refers to the place a single sound falls on a scale, while timbre is the phenomenon of the specific color or texture of a voice. Right about now, you’re thinking, “Color? Texture? How can those ideas apply to sound? I can’t see a voice and I certainly can’t touch one.” And you’re right–––you can’t. Voices are subtle and invisible things. Even the experts agree there is very little “science” involved when deciding what makes one voice so different from the next. It’s almost like asking someone to explain how one cloud differs from another; that is, it’s nearly impossible. So what do vocal professionals do when they have to describe something as seemingly indescribable as the human voice? They call on their other senses for help. Singers, voice teachers, and other vocal scholars like to fall back on sight, touch, and taste when discussing specific voices. Vocal professionals will often “borrow” words associated with these senses so they can expand the vocabulary used to define the qualities that make a voice special and unique. This is where phrases like “color” and “texture” come in. For example: Want to tell a friend about an extraordinarily deep voice but can’t find the right words? Try these metaphors on for size:

“That voice makes me think of the color purple.” (eyesight)

“That voice is like velvet.” (touch/texture)

“That voice reminds me of hot chocolate.” (taste)

Comparisons like these will help get the point across because the brain is pretty good at translating one sensation into another. Your friend may never have heard this particular deep voice, but they’ll get the meaning that the taste of hot chocolate is like a rich, soothing, and beautiful sound. The timbre of a voice along with its musical range, its tessitura (pronounced tes-see-TOO-rah, meaning the span of notes where the voice feels most comfortable), and its flexibility (how fast the voice can move from note to note) combine to form a vocal category. The standard vocal categories in Western music are:







The following is a basic overview of each of these voice types and a look at how they function in modern and classical music. As you read on, though, keep in mind that these voice categories are merely guidelines. There are many variations within each voice group, so much so that vocal scholars often have trouble agreeing on where one voice category begins and another ends. Get to know these voice types, but don’t get too attached––there’s no “ultimate” example of a voice category. No soprano is more soprano-y than another.

What are the five features of keyboard?
What are the five features of keyboard?

Keyboard features Faster text entry. Less screen space taken up. Word prediction controls can be included in the layout. Controls can be grouped...

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What scale did avicii use?
What scale did avicii use?

Upon analyzing the pitches Avicii uses, it seems that they make up a five-note scale called the pentatonic scale, in this case the E major...

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What is the most spiritual instrument?

Top 11 Spiritual Musical Instruments for Sound Healing. Welcome to a carefully crafted list of 11 spiritual musical instruments for sound healing and meditation. ... The Gong. Origin. ... The Voice. Healing Powers. ... The Didgeridoo. Origin. ... The Tuning Fork. Origin and Healing Powers. ... The Hang Drum. ... The Monochord. ... The Drum. More items... •

Top 11 Spiritual Musical Instruments for Sound Healing

Welcome to a carefully crafted list of 11 spiritual musical instruments for sound healing and meditation. One principle mentioned in the hermetic book The Kybalion is that everything in existence is of vibratory nature or in other words, everything is vibration. I talk about the musical value of that principle in more detail in the email course of my newsletter (subscribe in the top right corner). With that in mind it is of no surprise that music and musical instruments are an integral part of spiritual ceremonies. Studying physics one learns that resonance is the phenomenon of reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by synchronous vibration. If the human body is a vibratory system then utilising resonance can be a means of influence or potentially healing the body. Traditional culture knew that intuitively and used musical instruments to alter mental states, heal or communicate with spirits. We in the west begin to open up to the healing powers of spiritual musical instruments more and more which can be seen in form of countless sound healing therapies sprouting in north America and Europe. Hopefully this trend will keep on growing. May this article be a little push in that direction. I hope you’ll find inspiration and healing through sound.

>>Follow the spiritual / healing music I compose on YouTube<<

Do pianists tape their fingers?
Do pianists tape their fingers?

Brendel is one pianist who regularly tapes up his fingertips for performances; others may do so when the need requires. Glissandi are especially...

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What is modern piano?
What is modern piano?

piano, also called pianoforte, French piano or pianoforte, German Klavier, a keyboard musical instrument having wire strings that sound when struck...

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Why is Ariana Grande so rich?
Why is Ariana Grande so rich?

A High Earner. In 2019, Ariana Grande's Sweetener World Tour grossed $146 million in 2019, according to Forbes, which listed her as the highest-...

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What key has most blues?
What key has most blues?

The two most common keys in blues music are E and A. There are others, but these two keys are the most common.

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