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What is the easiest major ever?

The 16 Easiest College Majors – 2023 Rankings History. Health. Liberal Arts. Creative Writing. Anthropology. Linguistics. Music. Humanities. More items... •

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by Joy Cromwelle

Searching for the easiest college majors in 2023? What makes a college major easy? Fewer math classes? Less time in the Chemistry lab? Or maybe you like classes with lots of writing. What’s easy and what’s difficult is very subjective. It all depends on your likes and dislikes. Me? I like writing. But I’m not a huge fan of dissecting random animals in a bio lab.

Related Guide: Quick and Easy Degrees That Pay Well

What do you enjoy? Let that be your guide as you start exploring majors!

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

The 16 Easiest College Majors – 2023 Rankings

Here are the 16 Easiest College Majors for 2023:

Average GPAs were used to determine which majors to include. You can read more about our methodology below.


In a study performed by Cornell University, it was determined that science majors tend to have lower than average GPAs. The average GPA for college students at a four-year college is a 3.15 grade point average. The college majors we selected for inclusion have a higher than average GPA, indicating that for “most” students, maintaining a higher GPA is “less difficult”.

Here’s an example:

Special education majors average a whopping 3.8 GPA

Chemistry majors average a mere 2.78 GPA

It would seem that special education majors have no problem raking in the straight A’s! So, if you’re looking for a degree that may require less time (or perhaps less effort) to keep a high GPA, the following college majors may be a good option. You be the judge!

#1 Psychology Major

If you love helping your friends analyze text messages and decipher the inner motivation, then a psychology major may be the right choice for you! A psychology major allows you to study the workings of the human psyche and discover how to understand the behavior of individuals within culture and society, which can make for fun dinner table conversations!

Psychology Major Pros

There are many fields of career specialization with this major, from work within a laboratory to a clinical situation! By default, psychology is about people, so you have the opportunity to work in a highly social setting. A psychology major can provide a wealth of transferable skills, such as analytical and communication skills.

Psychology Major Cons

Psychology degrees require a lot of research and statistical analysis.

If you want to work as a psychologist, you will need further education such as a Masters or even a Doctorate.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Psychology Careers and Salary

If you decide to pursue a Psychology major, there are a variety of careers available. Whether you want to work in the healthcare field or another field, a psychology major can help set you up for one of these possible careers.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

#2 Criminal Justice Major

For Truth, Justice, and the American Way! If you ever found yourself quoting this line alongside Superman, a criminal justice major may be a way for you to be a superhero, even if you don’t have super strength.

Criminal Justice Major Pros

Criminal Justice can be an exciting field that allows you to help others in a hands-on way.

Well-paying job opportunities, with the ability to make $55,000+ a year.

Criminal Justice majors are usually not reading or writing intensive.

Criminal Justice Major Cons

Working in the criminal justice field can be very stressful, exacting a toll on everyone in the field.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

If you decide to pursue a criminal justice major, one of these careers might be a great fit for you. Career Annual Median Salary Operations Manager $103,650 Security Manager $98,890 Police or Detective $67,290 Probation Officer or Correctional Treatment Specialist $55,690 Private Detective or Investigator $53,320 Paralegal $52,920 Correctional Officer or Bailiff $47,440

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook

#3 English Major

If you can frequently be found with your nose in a book, or if your friends always come to you for reading recommendations, then an English major might be a great fit for you. English majors focus on reading great literary works and then analyzing them in detail.

English Major Pros

The freedom and encouragement to read lots of books as part of your education.

Typically no major research papers!

English Major Cons

The wide variety of career paths available to an English major can also provides a lack of focus. It’s harder to narrow down a career when you are not prepared for a specific job. An English major requires a LOT of reading and writing. With multiple books assigned for each course, and then papers assigned on top, completing an English major can be a big time commitment.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

English Major Careers and Salary

English majors sometimes are lambasted as not being worth the paper they are written on, but that is not the case! An English degree can prepare you for several great careers (and the matching salary!) Career Annual Median Salary Marketing Managers $ 142,170 Miscellaneous Managers $116,350 Office Manager $98,890 Technical Writer $ 74,650 Executive Assistant $63,110 Secondary School Teachers $62,870

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You can also earn an English degree online. This is a great alternative to sitting in a class on campus if you need to balance school with your other commitments.

#4 Education Major

If you want to change the world, be a teacher. Teachers have an immense opportunity to impact others as they share pertinent information and guide thoughtful discussion on big-scale issues.

There are a number of education majors including:

Special Education

Elementary Education

Secondary Education

Education Major Pros

The bulk of your classwork will most likely be based around educational theory, which is often not considered a complicated science and can make coursework easier. The hands-on nature of education can be a good match for those who don’t like desk work.

Required SAT entrance scores are among the lowest in undergraduate degrees.

Education Major Cons

Student teaching requires a full-time commitment, often with no pay.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Education and Teaching Careers and Salary

An education career can fast-track you to becoming a teacher, but you could also pursue one of these exciting career paths.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

#5 Religious Studies Major

If you are intrigued by the movement and philosophies of various world religions and like to discuss issues that have no clear-cut answers, you might enjoy a Religious Studies degree.

Religious Studies Pros

Most content is graded on your ability to argue a point, not on being right or wrong. The opportunity to study different cultures and religions can be mind-opening and may grant you a deeper perspective on your own life.

Religious Studies Cons

This degree usually does not have a clear end goal, which can make finding a career after getting your degree difficult.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Religious Studies Careers and Salary

Career Annual Median Salary Executive Director $107,680 Senior Pastor $66,980 Clergy $51,940 Directors, Religious Activities and Education $ 45,110 Associate Pastor $38,110 Other Religious Workers $ 33,530

Source: U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Outlook Handbook

#6 Social Work Major

If you are eager to help others and want to go to sleep each night knowing that you made a difference in the world, then a Social Work major may be your perfect match.

Social Work Major Pros

Courses in this major do not require a lot of upper-level mathematics or physical sciences, which can make the coursework easier. Majoring in Social Work typically requires an internship which can create great connections for career development after you graduate.

Social Work Major Cons

Majoring in Social Work also means majoring in family trauma, violence, and social dysfunction, none of which will help you sleep at night.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Social Work Careers and Salary

You may not pursue a Social Work major for the money, but that doesn’t mean the potential pay is bad!

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook

#7 Sociology Major

Sociology majors prepare students to study human behavior through observation and collecting data.

Sociology Major Pros

Sociology readings are generally in the form of journal articles: short, sweet, and to the point.

Sociology Major Cons

According to a study by Georgetown, Sociology majors face an overwhelming 9.9% unemployment rate.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Sociology Careers and Salary

If you decide that you want to take your social observation skills to a new level, then there are a variety of careers that can build upon a Sociology major.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook

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#8 Communications Major

Majoring in Communications encourages students to analyze their perspectives and how they impact the way they interact with the world around them. Through this process, they can study power imbalances, gender, culture, sexual orientation, and politics within the scope of the messages that our society is sending, which can be an eye-opening experience!

Communications Major Pros

The theories you learn in class can be immediately applied in your day-to-day life. Communications typically a hands-on degree, which can allow you to exercise your creativity while accomplishing educational requirements.

Communications Major Cons

The starting salary for a Communications major is often quite low, which can be a hard pill to swallow if your degree required a sizable student loan.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Communications Careers and Salary

A Communications major can open the door to a diverse spectrum of careers, from editors to public relations specialists. Career Annual Median Salary Marketing Director $185,950 Marketing Manager $142,170 Account Manager $141,490 Technical Writer $74,650 Author $67,120 Editor $63,400 Public Relations Specialist $62,810 Reporter, Correspondent, or Broadcast News Analyst $49,300

#9 History Major

History is often considered an easy major as the facts have already happened, and all we have to do is interpret them now. All you need to do now is order the events and understand the overarching storyline of history.

History Major Pros

Most coursework is based on reading and writing papers. No burdensome lab reports or technical writing!

This major can help you develop excellent critical thinking and research skills.

History Major Cons

Most careers in the History track require a graduate degree for employment.

A large portion of your resources will probably be translations or in the original language, making studying difficult.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

History Careers and Salary

You’ve decided to take the leap and pursue a career that highlights your love of history, so take a look at this list to see some potential career opportunities. Career Annual Median Salary Attorney / Lawyer $126,930 Director of Operations $103,650 Associate Attorney $84,450 High School Teacher $62,870 Curator $ 56,990 Archivist $56,760 Museum Technician $45,710

Source: U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Outlook Handbook

#10 Health Major

You were coughing into your elbow before it was standard practice, can always be found with hand sanitizer in your pocket, and can easily explain the difference between germs and bacteria. Majoring in Health, in either a Health Science or Health Administration degree, can prepare you to help others without the requirements of nursing or med school.

Health Major Pros

Flexibility if you choose to pursue further education in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare is a rapidly growing field, with lots of potential employment opportunities.

Health Major Cons

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Health Careers and Salary

Have you decided that a Health major is the right fit for you? If so, consider these possible careers and how you want to be a part of the healthcare field. Career Annual Median Salary Physician Assistant $115,390 Medical or Health Services Manager $104,280 Physical Therapist $91,010 Rehabilitation Director $89,880 Occupational Therapist $86,280 Healthcare Consultant $77,130 Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians, Including Vascular Technologists $70,380 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians $54,180

#11 Liberal Arts Major

If you Google Liberal Arts, you will often see the theoretical Liberal Arts contrasted with the practical STEMs. It is this theoretical aspect that can make a Liberal Arts degree easier to some than the tech-heavy STEM degrees.

Liberal Arts Major Pros

A Liberal Arts major can help you develop skills such as critical thinking and emotional intelligence that can make your resume very attractive to potential employers. A Liberal Arts major can be a great stepping stone for a more difficult graduate degree like medicine.

Liberal Arts Major Cons

Directly out of college, your Liberal Arts degree will probably only earn $26,272 instead of the $31,183 that a professional degree might net according to AACU

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Liberal Arts Careers and Salary

If you desire to pursue the good and beautiful in your career choices, Forbes lists several compelling and high-demand careers if you have a Liberal Arts major.

#12 Creative Writing Major

If you can pen poetry, plays, and personal essays with ease, you may want to consider a major in creative writing. Programs in this major are designed to provide opportunities to analyze existing pieces, create new work in a variety of genres, and receive feedback that can help hone your skills.

Creative Writing Major Pros

Your homework assignments may be the same thing you’ve been doing for fun for years. Great communication and writing skills are valuable in nearly all professions (and handy in life, too!). This major can help you cultivate your creative and artistic talents in a way that is more marketable.

Creative Writing Major Cons

Even for those who love it, writing can be tedious and time-consuming.

Writer’s block: Everyone gets it, but as a creative writing major you will have to learn to power through it in order to meet your deadlines. Critiques are a big part of this major. You will have to be comfortable giving and receiving negative feedback, professionally.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Creative Writing Careers and Salary

Creative writing can help you develop useful communication skills. But since it’s unlikely you will earn a paycheck for writing poems and short stories, you may have to think outside the box to determine what occupation will make the best use of your talents. Career Annual Median Salary Marketing Manager $142,170 Communications Manager $118,430 Senior Copywriter $94,090 Writer / Author $67,120 Editor $63,400 Librarian $ 60,820 Paralegal / Legal Assistant $52,920 Reporter / Correspondent / Broadcast News Analyst $49,300

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook

#13 Anthropology Major

Do you dig the history and the evolution of humankind? With a major in anthropology, you can explore the cultural history and social relationships, and may even travel to examine archaeological remains and learn about the human species.

Anthropology Major Pros

It can help you develop skills in business, education, public service, research and advocacy – all of which are useful in many occupations. You may get to see the world! You are more likely to have opportunities to travel, meet new people, immerse yourself in new cultures, and so on. This major can help you learn to communicate with and relate to people and adapt to different environments, which can be personally rewarding.

Anthropology Major Cons

We have to count travel as a “con” too because it can be isolating and long-term. The work can be physically demanding. You may be required to dig, sometimes in hot climates. Projects are on-going, sometimes without a clear conclusion, so it can be difficult to measure success.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Anthropology Careers and Salary

Anthropologists don’t always work on-site in remote locations. Graduates may find employment as educators or researchers, working for government agencies, corporations, or non-profit organizations.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

#14 Linguistics Major

Is it soda, pop, or coke? Why do we say feet instead of foots? Which accents are associated with each region? If you love learning about language, dialect, and vernacular, a linguistics degree may be just what you’re looking for.

Linguistics Major Pros

People with language skills are in high demand in all fields.

You may have opportunities to travel and meet new people around the world.

Linguistic Major Cons

This is a fairly narrow field, so there aren’t dozens of career paths to choose from. Some career options for linguistics graduates require a more advanced degree or license.

Linguistics Careers and Salary

Fortunately for you, language skills are useful in all fields, all around the world! Linguistic degrees can be highly versatile, which may you to work as an interpreter, translator, or writer in a school, business, government agency or military, for example. Career Annual Median Salary Software Engineer $110,140 Linguist $87,260 Occupational Therapist $86,280 Speech-Language Pathologist $80,480 Web Developer $77,200 Technical Writer $74,650 High School Teacher $62,870 Interpreter / Translator $ 52,330

#15 Music Major

People who pursue music are passionate about it! But you will need to stay in tune with reality – teaching, composing, or engineering may be the best paths if you want to earn a decent income in the music industry.

Music Major Pros

You can get more opportunities to explore and share your passion.

This major will help provide plenty of opportunities to work with others, learning from and creating with one another, and networking professionally.

It can help you develop patience, confidence, and tenacity.

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Music Major Cons

It can be difficult to find steady employment in music, as with most artistic fields. Some people find that turning a hobby into a job makes it less enjoyable.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Music Careers and Salary

Career Annual Median Salary Executive Director $91,300 Producers / Directors $76,400 Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary $69,690 Music Director / Composer $52,250 Worship Pastor $51,940 Recreational Therapist $47,710 Broadcast / Sound Engineering Technician $47,420

#16 Humanities Major

Maybe your interests span a variety of areas including art, music, literature, history, philosophy, and religion. If you can’t seem to narrow it down to one field, a degree in humanities can help you explore all of these and keep the door wide open when it comes to career options.

Humanities Major Pros

These studies can help you work on communication, critical thinking and analysis, all of which are valuable both personally and professionally. The degree is extremely flexible so it can help you find employment in nearly many industries.

Humanities Major Cons

Though you can gain a diverse range of useful skills, you may not adequately develop the technical skills necessary for one specific career. You may need some on-the-job training. You may need to pursue a more advanced degree or licensing to land the best jobs.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Humanities Careers and Salary

While many degrees lead to an obvious career choice, humanities is more open-ended. Your education can help provide you with skills that are useful in a wide variety of professions, and then you will need to determine which one is the best fit for you.

What Easy College Majors Pay Well?

Some examples of easy college majors that pay well include Criminal Justice, Sociology, Health, Liberal Arts, Anthropology and Linguistics / Languages. Professionals within these fields are capable of earning as much as $60-100 per year! Check out some of the specific occupations graduates could pursue, and the median salaries associated with each: College Major Median Salary Creative Writing $56,000 Health $56,000 History $54,000 Communications $54,000 Criminal Justice $54,000 Liberal Arts $53,000 English $53,000 Sociology $51,000 Religious Studies $51,000 Linguistics $50,000 Humanities $49,000 Psychology $49,000 Anthropology $49,000 Music $49,000 Education $46,000 Social Work $42,000 You can also check out our in-depth guide to quick and easy degrees that pay well.

Easy Medical Majors

The best easy medical majors tend to be vocational programs that do not require a four-year college degree. Here are the best easy medical majors for those of you who do not want (or need) a bachelor’s degree:


Medical Assistant

Dental Assistant

Health Information Technician

Pharmacy Technician

Certified Nursing Assistant

Medical Coder

Dental Hygienist

Respiratory Therapy

If you are looking for easy bachelor degrees, the best medical majors in college to choose from are:

Healthcare Information Sciences

Occupational Health

Health Sciences

Nutrition Sciences

Easy College Majors for Athletes

Whether or not a college major is easy will depend largely on your strengths and interests. However, based on average GPAs, the following majors may be a good choice for you.


Child Psychology

Health (or Health Sciences)

Criminal Justice

Social Sciences (such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and related)

Are you a student athlete studying an easy major not listed above? Please leave a comment below so we can include your recommendations in the listing above. It will help if you can also state why the major seems easy for you.

10 Hardest College Majors

As we’ve already mentioned concerning easy majors, not everyone will find the following college majors difficult. If you are strong in math and science, these so-called hardest college majors may be a breeze for you.

Chemistry – 2.78 GPA

Mathematics – 2.90 GPA

Economics – 2.95 GPA

Biology – 3.02 GPA

Geology – 3.03 GPA

Philosophy – 3.08 GPA

Finance – 3.08 GPA

Physics – 3.10 GPA

Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering – 3.17 GPA

We go into greater detail on each of these majors here.

Which easy college majors have the best career prospects?

People with bachelor’s degrees in the following fields typically earn average salaries of between $42,000 and $62,000.

But these numbers don’t tell the whole story.

As a history major, you might land a job as the director of operations and rake in almost $103,650 a year. As a liberal arts major, you might end up in upper management making $100K+ each year.

Here are some career prospects for certain majors.

College Major Median Salary Health $56,000 History $54,000 Communications $54,000 Liberal Arts $53,000 English $53,000 Sociology $51,000 Linguistics $50,000 Humanities $49,000 Psychology $49,000 Graduates with degrees in these fields typically make good money and have opportunities to help others. Their roles as social workers, counselors, linguists, and teachers can put them in contact with the public every day, allowing them to assist, support and advocate for individuals in their communities and beyond.

That makes for a really good job!

What are easy majors that make a lot of money?

Easy college majors that often make a lot of money include Criminal Justice, Social Work, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Communications. Graduates with degrees in one of these fields may make close to (or slightly above) three figures!

What is the easiest major to get online?

Much like sitting in a classroom, the easiest major to get online will depend on your academic strengths and personal taste. For example, if you like to write, pursuing a Bachelor’s in English online (or a Bachelor’s in Communication) would probably seem quite easy for you since you like to write. But what if you hate writing? You will likely hate your coursework and consider it quite difficult.

So what’s my point?

Take inventory of your likes and dislikes along with your academic strengths and weaknesses. If you hate math, I wouldn’t recommend pursuing a bachelor’s in computer science online. Similarly, if you hate economics, accounting, and finance, you might consider a bachelor’s in business administration quite taxing.

What makes a college major easy?

As we’ve pointed out, “easy” is a subjective term. Whether or not a particular major is easy depends on your aptitude, experience, and interests. This will, of course, vary greatly from one person to the next. One way we can get a sense of how easy a major might be overall is by looking at how well most of the students in that major are doing. If a lot of students are doing well in a field, it may be because it is “easier” than in other fields. The University of Las Vegas has compiled a list of degree productivity, showing how many degrees were awarded and the average graduating GPA for each major.

Here are some of the fields with the highest average GPAs:

College Major Average GPA Special Education 3.80 Early Childhood Education 3.64 Professional Development 3.60 Elementary Education 3.58 Workforce Education 3.53 Secondary Education 3.49 Music 3.43 Nutrition Sciences 3.40 A variety of things could contribute to the higher GPA scores in these majors. The fact that many students perform well in an area at one school doesn’t necessarily mean that is the case at all schools. But this data does offer a point of comparison when trying to identify easy college majors.

Some other factors that may make a college major easy include:

Work that cannot be objectively evaluated (like art)

Fewer hours spent on homework/papers/studying

More group projects, rather than requiring individual students to be accountable for their own success While none of these criteria guarantees that a major is easy, each offers a point of comparison that can help identify majors that are easier for a majority of students.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Final Thoughts

So, what do you think? Is majoring in history looking a little more inviting? Or do you want step up your game in the music field?

Maybe, maybe not.

Selecting a college major should be a rewarding experience… try not to just weigh the pros and cons.

What fields excite you?

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

Ultimately, choosing a college major that closely aligns with your values should be deeply satisfying.

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