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What is the average IQ for a 13 year old?

Parents tend to search “What is the average IQ for a 13-year-old?” or “What is the average IQ for a 10-year-old?”. The key point to remember is that all tests are designed to get an average score of 100 for people of all ages. Current average IQ scores vary between 85 and 115 (about 68% of people).

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Every parent wants to know if their children are gifted or have special needs. IQ tests are one of the best ways to measure their intelligence and adjust their learning requirements according to their IQ scores. Let’s have an answer to the “How do I know if my child is gifted?” question that almost all the parents ask together.

IQ Tests for Children

There are various IQ tests for kids out there, unfortunately, not all of them are reliable. Here are our free IQ tests for kids, teens, and adults that you and your children can take. After you have completed the test, you should read the following instructions. We have shared important information about intelligence tests and IQ scores. ATTENTION! A real IQ test can only be carried out in a special environment, with expert guidance and reliable proven tests. Stanford-Binet, Wechsler, and Leiter are some of the tests conducted under expert supervision. For this reason, the tests you find on the internet by searching "take online IQ test" may not give realistic results. If you want to test the intelligence skills of your child or your own with your own resources, you can use MentalUP Scientific App. MentalUP is an intelligence exercise application tested by the mental health association and certified as a pedagogical product. One of the most important features is that you can view your scores in graphs and compare them with your peers. Start Now MentalUP does not give you your IQ score. It offers you a similar IQ test which compares your mental skills with all users and your peers. Moreover, it provides you reports in 5 different areas separately which are attention, memory, logic, visual and verbal skills.

What Is an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Test?

The IQ Test is used to measure an individual's mental skills in numerical values through a series of standardized tests. With the following intelligence tests, you can measure your own or your child's mental skills in five different areas. These fields are attention, memory, visual, verbal and logical-mathematical fields.

What Is the Average IQ Score?

IQ Scores can say a lot of things about your children’s personality, learning capabilities, and of course, intelligence. Parents tend to search “What is the average IQ for a 13-year-old?” or “What is the average IQ for a 10-year-old?”. The key point to remember is that all tests are designed to get an average score of 100 for people of all ages. Current average IQ scores vary between 85 and 115 (about 68% of people). The remaining 32% of people have either a very low IQ (below 70%) or a very high IQ (above 130). However, according to a study published by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), the average IQ score increases by about 13 points every decade. Therefore, IQ tests are redesigned to achieve 100 points as an average. Below is a table of the IQ score classification of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: IQ Score Correspondence 145 - 160 Very gifted or highly advanced 130 - 144 Gifted or very advanced 120 - 129 Superior 110 - 119 High average 90 - 109 Average 80 - 89 Low average 70 - 79 Borderline impaired or delayed 55 - 69 Mildly impaired or delayed 40 - 54 Moderately impaired or delayed

What Does IQ Test by Age Mean?

Although IQ tests are designed according to the average scores, recent researches show that the age factor can have a minor effect on IQ scores. So, when you evaluate your children’s IQ scores you need to benefit from age-specific IQ tests. For example, you can use an IQ test for 11-year-olds for your kids at that age. But if you have a child who is 13 years old or 15 years old, you should use another IQ test for 13 year-olds to have the most correct results. MentalUP provides you with an IQ test for kids free. Also, you can compare your children’s scores with their peers’ thanks to the age-specific kid IQ test. If it is not enough for you to just learn your kids’ scores, you can always boost their minds and help them to be smart with educational games and mental exercises. Stop wasting time and try MentalUP. GET STARTED In this context, we also need to say that while average scores for 16 or 17 year-olds are around 108, kids’ IQ scores who are younger are around 120. When you use an age-specific alternative as an IQ test for 9 year-olds, you will most likely have a more appropriate evaluation. If you have doubts about the IQ scores you’ve acquired, you can always look at the table above.

Which IQ Test Is Used for What?

Before your child takes an online IQ test for kids, keep in mind that tests differ according to their measurements and the age group the child belongs to. For instance, the IQ test for kids and the IQ test for teens have different requirements. Therefore, here are some of the most popular IQ tests that you and your children can take according to your needs.

1. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test

This test can be used to identify both gifted children and children with intellectual disabilities. It is applied to 2-16-year-old children. This scale, developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, measures intelligence across four different areas:

Short-Term Memory Loss & Working Memory

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Verbal Skills

Quantitative Judgment

2. Wisc-r Intelligence Test

This is a test that measures children's cognitive skills by evaluating their ability to understand, comprehend and apply what they have learned. Suitable for children aged 6 to 16 years old, the Wisc-r intelligence scale includes IQ test questions in two categories:

Performance intelligence questions (includes 6 subtests under this category)

Verbal intelligence questions (includes 6 subtests under this category)

3. Leiter Intelligence Test

The Leiter Intelligence Scale is a type of performance test that is suitable for individuals aged 2-18 years old. It is a non-language based test that measures mental areas such as visual skills, perception and attention. Subheadings include:




Choosing the Difference

4. MentalUP Intelligence Test

MentalUP supports the development of children’s’ mental skills with category-based intelligence games and offers an IQ test for all ages. The app can compare your child’s performance against their peers across five different areas. These areas, for which MentalUP also provides performance reports, are as follows:

Concentration skills

Memory skills

Visual intelligence

Verbal intelligence

Mathematical-Logical intelligence

The Most Reliable IQ Tests

Intelligence is a versatile and dynamic concept so it’s not necessarily accurate to distil it into a single number. It should be noted that the score obtained by the IQ test actually shows logical and verbal intelligence. However, the definition of intelligence is much more than just verbal and logical skills. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences supports this idea. For example, it may be necessary to perform a specific visual intelligence test to measure visual intelligence. Therefore, many different tests have been developed. Stanford-Binet, Wisc-r and Leiter intelligence tests are the most widely-used tests worldwide. All of these tests are carried out in the presence of an expert. If you want to test your child's mental skills, you can use MentalUP, a pedagogical product approved by the Mental Health Association. Get Started Now

How to Calculate the IQ Test Score?

The most important feature of intelligence tests is to determine a reference point and interpret the results obtained from the test according to this reference point. In this sense, we can talk about reference points such as “real age” and “age of intelligence”. Example: Imagine 500 8-year-old children who participate in an intelligence test. Assume that the average test score is 80/100. In this case, it can be assumed that children with an individual score of over 80 are smarter than their peers. Individuals with a score of 80 are considered to have normal intelligence, while those below 80 are considered to be behind their peers. The online intelligence tests above use similar logic. The comparative performance report from the MentalUP intelligence test shows the results of the children of the same age as a reference point.


Here are the answers to the FAQ about IQ tests for kids.

What Is an IQ Test for Kids? IQ test provides a measurement of children's learning abilities and intelligence type. Based on IQ scores, parents can plan to achieve the most possible outcome of their children's potentials or take proper steps to support children with any kind of mental disabilities. How to Prepare Your Child for an IQ Test? If your child is going to take an IQ test, you can prepare them in a few easy steps: Let them have a good night's sleep Prepare a healthy breakfast that will keep them full but not cause any discomfort Select comfortable clothing, preferably cotton If your child is sick on the morning of the test, cancel the test. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t stress them out over the test, otherwise it can cause anxiety. How Do I Get an IQ Test for My Child? If you’re looking for an online IQ test for kids, the MentalUP IQ test is one of the best and it is an IQ test for all ages. If you want a more comprehensive IQ test for your children, you can contact a good psychologist or educationalist, in consultation with the child's school, to help you out with it. Where to Get an IQ Test for My Child? As mentioned above, as you can take a short IQ test for kids online, you can apply for professional help where they can take the test on paper or online, depending on the test. What Is the Best Age for IQ Testing? Most parents want to know if they have gifted children or children with disabilities as soon as possible so they can help them on their path as they both have different requirements compared to their peers. That said, the optimum time for testing a child's IQ is between ages 5 and 8. Are Geniuses Born or Made? Although there is a misperception which all genius people are born that way, intelligence can be developed with some tips. Even the smartest people worldwide such as Charles Darwin, Amadeus Mozart, and Albert Einstein had a long-term commitment to their skills. Don’t forget to measure your score by doing a free IQ test and learn you are a genius or not. How Can I Increase My IQ? After you have an answer to the question of “How much IQ do I have?”, you might be curious about how you can increase it. Take look at the items below and find out what you need to do for improving your IQ by developing your skills such as decision-making, comparison, and problem-solving in the meantime. Learning New Languages

Playing Educational Games

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Having Hobbies

Doing Mental Exercises

What Is IQ vs EQ? Sometimes people can be confused about IQ and EQ. But actually, these two are very different from each other. While EQ tests measure your emotions that guide your decisions and acts to others, IQ tests measure your mental skills and logic. If you want to know the answer to the question of “What is my IQ?”, you can use one of the best free IQ tests online or you can contact a psychologist. How Do I Know If My Child Has a Low IQ? After you learn your child’s IQ score via a kids IQ test, you need to find out the other signs of low IQ your child reflects. When you observe your child, keep in mind the situations below, don’t forget you always help him or her to improve and the result of a free IQ test for kids aren’t definitive judgments. Being late about sitting up, crawling, or walking with respect to their peers.

Having trouble with talking and stuttering.

Slow to dressing or feeding themselves.

Memory difficulties.

Inability to understand the cause-effect relationship.

How Do I Know If My Child Has a High IQ? When you are curious about your kids’ development, you do not only need to use an IQ test for children but also you should observe their behaviors. The behavior patterns below will give you an idea of whether your child has a high IQ or not. Talkative with both equals and adults

Developed sense of humor

Ability in the field of arts

More curious than peers

Improved reading and writing skills

Learn fast in school and home

How Can I Improve My Child’s IQ? All the parents want their kids to be smart when growing. You can use effective tips for this purpose. But before that don’t skip implementing a child IQ test for them. Then look at the suggestions below to boost your children’s abilities. Encourage their efforts to develop.

Give them a chance to use appropriate tools.

Don’t underestimate logic and math exercises.

Always have belief in them.

Does ADHD Mean Low IQ? IQ for kids is an important topic that lots of parents are anxious about when their children grow. After you use one of the best IQ tests for your kids, you may have an unexpected result. While lower IQ scores sometimes are the signs of ADHD, there can be other reasons to cause this. Before getting panicked, try to use age-specific IQ questions for kids. For example, you can implement an IQ test for 12-year-olds or an IQ test for 4-year-olds according to your kids’ age. Who Is the Smartest Person in the World? If you wonder about the smartest person in the world, we can enlighten you by saying that astrophysicist Stephan Hawking is a pure genius with a 170 IQ score. If you want your children to be smart as him, you can always use mental exercises and educational games to boost them.

Easy to express thoughts

Learning quickly

Remembering details

How Do I Know if I Am Gifted? After you have your answer to the question of “How to test my IQ?” and learn your IQ score, you may be curious about if you are gifted or not. Here there are the signs of giftedness. Perceptive mind

Different from others

Being abstract

Improved reasoning

Easy to concentrate

Unusual intellectuality

Is Being Gifted a Bad Thing? Gifted child online test-free is a way of finding out whether your child is gifted or not. If the results are positive, then you need to know that you should provide a special environment for your child who has developed cognitive skills. Unless you do it, giftedness can be challenging for both you and your kid. How Do You Raise an Intelligent Child? After you learn that your child is more intelligent than his or her peers via an IQ test kids, you need to keep in mind the things below: Provide an independent learning environment

Set higher expectations

Be careful about social skills

Don’t alienate your kid

Why Do Gifted Students Fail? Gifted students sometimes have trouble in public. So after you learn that your kid has a high IQ score by an IQ test free for kids, keep in mind that if you don’t provide them an appropriate teaching environment, they can fail. How Do You Tell if Your Toddler Is a Genius? A toddler IQ test is hard to implement online, therefore you should try to observe your kid in the light of the items below. High level of curiosity

Need for mental engagement

Process complex things quickly

Is High IQ Genetic? While some studies show that genetic factors affect high IQ scores, you need to know that you should focus on your children’s potential and courage them to boost their skills for developing intelligence.

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