Piano Guidance
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What is the average age for Grade 8 piano?

Grade 8 music is designed for adults to play - I prefer my pupils to take it when they are about 16-18 - they are better able to cope with the technical and musical demands. Very talented pupils may take it earlier of course, but some of these may have been better off waiting.

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 14:11

QUOTE(SChen @ Jun 3 2013, 03:02 PM)

After all this, I began to question the reason behind why do some teachers need to push kids to complete their music education at such an early age. Is it all for their own glorification, or pressure from over-zealous parents or they know that the child is naturally gifted and the need to push them to excel? Where is the joy of learning and appreciating music going to come from?

I am not really sure of the point of the entire post. It seems unfair to jusdge the academy on teh basis of the abilities of just two of its student. And the excerpt above strikes me as rather a jaundiced view. Why do you assume the worst of motives, and why do you think that so-called "giftedness" has anything to do with it? And another thing. No-one ever "completes their musical education". And achieving Grade 8 in particular in no way means that anyone's musical education is complete. In fact it has barely begun.It is a bit like the common mis-conception that achieving a black belt means that you are some kind of martial arts expert. As anyone that has studied a martial art knows, it merely shows that you are no longer a beginner, and your education in the art can now begin in earnest.Grade 8 may seem like an advanced standard when you are a beginner, but it does not seem so very advanced when you have gone some way past it and can still see a very long road ahead. It is all relative.And achieving it in 4 or 5 years is nothing fantastic either. I am convinced that most children could get to Grade 8 stabdard in 5 years or less IF they were sufficiently motivated AND shown how to go about it in the right way. Most are just not interested enough, determined enough, persistent enough to do the work, or they have the misconception that if they were "talented" they would simply become good without having to work very much.I know many musicians, some mediocre, some quite good, but none of them superstars, that "went through the grades" in 5 years or less. As for me, I am no great genius, nor do I have any great inborn talent, other than a certain tendency to fanatical dedication to whatever interests me (though perhaps that also is learned behaviour). I was quite badly taught between Grade 0 and Grade 6, practiced inefficiently, and rarely practiced for more than 2 hours a day (usually less), but still went from Grade 0 to Grade 8 in a little over 4 years.One good reason for starting to learn music early is that it takes a very long time to master a musical instrument, even if you are obsessed by it, practice correctly, and do lots of practice. And that applies whether such a thing as "giftedness" exists or not (and .. if it does ... irrespective of whether the child is "gifted" or not).We hear a lot about the "10 year rule"and "10,000 hours of practice" ... mostly from people that have only a superficial grasp of what it is all about and who often wilfully misunderstand it becaues it contradicts their intuitions, or the ideas they were brought up with.But it really seems to take more like 20 years for a beginning classical musician to reach a standard where (if they also have the necessary luck) they can have a long-lasting performing career ... one that does not rely on the public's desire for the senationalism of people performing so well, so young. Yes the best children and teenagers, some with a mere 4 or 5 years work behind them, are light years beyond the average music student or hobbyist , but they are a long way from the level of their older professional colleagues. Those kids that you see in the BBC Young Musician competition are wonderful musicians, far better than the likes of me are ever likely to be, but they will typically have been studying intensely for anything from 8 to 14 years, and will still not reach the standards set by their established older colleagues until they have invested several more years of hard work.If you have any dreams of becoming a professional (classical) musician then your best chance of achieving them is to have been started on the road by ambitious parents years before you were capable of making such decisions for yourself.

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