Piano Guidance
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What is the 7 in the key of C?

The key of C contains 7 notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B; we can mix up these notes to play melodies. If all of the your favorite pop songs were played in the key of C major, chances are they only use these 7 notes, whether it is in the melody, the chords, or the bassline.

What is the coolest sounding instrument?
What is the coolest sounding instrument?

10 Of The Most Unusual Musical Instruments That Sound Cool As... 3 Hydraulophone. 4 Gameleste. ... 5 Glass Harmonica. ... 6 Array Mbira. ... 7...

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What is the craziest piano song?
What is the craziest piano song?

Here is our countdown of the 10 most difficult pieces of piano music in history. Liszt – La Campanella. ... Ravel – Gaspard de la Nuit. ... Conlon...

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We hear music in keys. Each piece of Western music can be transposed into 12 different keys, so it makes sense to learn each key centre thoroughly. C major is the simplest as it contains no sharps or flats. In relation to the piano, this scale is played on white keys only, which makes the scale visually more approachable. C major on the guitar is not always the first scale we learn, some often learn G or D. But if we are to approach the guitar in a theoretical way, it really is best to start with C major. In addition to having no sharps or flats to think about, it also contains all the open notes of a guitar, so we can use this to our advantage. The key of C contains 7 notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B; we can mix up these notes to play melodies. If all of the your favorite pop songs were played in the key of C major, chances are they only use these 7 notes, whether it is in the melody, the chords, or the bassline. The intervals between these notes work together to create a key. If I were to play a note outside the key, say a G#, it would be called non-diatonic--meaning that the note is not diatonic, or does not belong, to the key of C major. Some of you may be reading this article as part of our Guitar Solo Style Course. In this course, we are only going to be playing diatonic arrangements, this means that all the notes we will use will be either C, D, E, F, G, A, or B. Everything will also be played in open position which refers to the first 3 frets, so it is vital that we have an understanding of our chords and scale in this position.

Should you have short nails to play piano?
Should you have short nails to play piano?

Long nails can cause a knocking noise on the keys and force you to play with straight fingers. This will limit overall hand movement and the...

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How much should I charge for private flute lessons?
How much should I charge for private flute lessons?

Firstly, if the flute lesson with half-an-hour duration, it can cost anything from $25 to $40. If you opt for a lengthy flute lesson, such as...

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Is there 0 sound in space?

Space is a vacuum. With no molecules in the vacuum of space there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through. So there is no sound. And that is the reason nobody can hear you shout in space.


If you shout really loudly here on Earth a lot of people will hear you.

"Taxi! Taxi!"

But did you know that if you were in space nobody would hear you, no matter how loudly you shouted?

So why is there no sound in space?

When you shout, your vocal cords vibrate producing sound waves.

Here on Earth, the waves are transmitted through air molecules.


When the waves reach an ear, someone hears you shout.

Air is the medium in which sounds travel.


We know sound always needs a medium to travel through.

As well as gases, sounds travel through liquids and solids.

In space, there are no molecules in the large empty areas between stars and planets.

We say space is a vacuum.

Space is a vacuum.

With no molecules in the vacuum of space there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through.

So there is no sound.

And that is the reason nobody can hear you shout in space.

Sound cannot travel in the vacuum of space.

What happens at the end of The Piano Lesson?
What happens at the end of The Piano Lesson?

In the end, Boy Willie heads back down to Mississippi without selling the piano. Before leaving, though, he reminds his sister to keep playing on...

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Can a safe be reset?
Can a safe be reset?

If your safe does not come with a key, there is another option to try – a change key. Because people can forget their safe combination, certain...

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How much does Lowes charge to make a key?
How much does Lowes charge to make a key?

Usually, you'll only need to pay the price for blank keys used for key forging, as most Lowe's stores will offer the cutting service free of...

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Does pop music use 7th chords?
Does pop music use 7th chords?

That's 7 intervals, but the minor note, which is a semitone lower, flat note. For C Major this would be C – E – G – Bb. Dominant 7th chords are...

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