Piano Guidance
Photo by Artem Podrez Pexels Logo Photo: Artem Podrez

What is one line of music called?

The most common, a single vertical line, is just called a barline.; it separates one measure from the next. These are extremely commonplace, occurring in almost all concert music.

What does Wee Barra mean?
What does Wee Barra mean?

a small child barra - a small child. Also, an affectionate term for a younger person (A wee barra.)

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Is one year enough to learn piano?
Is one year enough to learn piano?

It's absolutely true! Most students start piano lessons with no musical experience whatsoever, but by the end of one year they're playing music in...

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Ledger Lines

Let's start with ledger lines. You might remember that music is written on a staff, a collection of five lines and four spaces, which tell the musician to read from left to right. A musical note's vertical position on the staff gives information about that note's pitch. The higher the note appears on the staff, the higher the pitch. Most musical instruments, however, have a range that stretches far beyond the five lines and four spaces within the staff, and composers need a way to indicate these ranges. The answer is ledger lines, extra lines appended to either end of the staff, which work to extend the readable range of the staff. Ledger lines can work in either direction on the staff. Ledger lines work just like the lines and spaces within the staff. Placing a ledger line on the staff creates an extra line as well as an imaginary space above or below it. So one ledger line can actually create two notes. If the ledger line is ascending above the staff, then the ledger line creates a note that appears on the line and one that appears on the space above. If the ledger line is descending, it creates a note on the line and one that appears on the space below. By placing consecutive ledger lines, the composer can indicate a note as high or as low as they want. There is no limit to ledger lines, although for extremely high and low notes, it's often more practical to change clefs, or use another notation trick, than it would be to use ledger lines.


Most musical notation also includes vertical lines placed across the staff like railroad ties. These vertical lines are called barlines. Barlines break the music into measures, smaller chunks, which make it easier to understand the music's meter and construction. Each measure lasts for a certain number and type of beat, as determined by the time signature. There are several different types of barline. The most common, a single vertical line, is just called a barline.; it separates one measure from the next. These are extremely commonplace, occurring in almost all concert music. Moments in pieces with major changes, such as a key change or a change in tempo, are often marked with a double barline, constructed using two normal barlines. At the end of the piece, composers will place a bold double barline, a barline connected to a thicker bold bar. This type of barline always signals the end of a piece or movement. Several other types of barline exist as well, but there are fewer rules governing their use. For example, a composer might write music in which it makes sense to divide a measure in half without creating two measures. In this case, they'll often use a dotted barline to bisect the measure at a specific point without cutting it into two. Dotted barlines can also be used in music without measures to break music into phrases or small chunks. The exact use is up to the composer, and she's never obligated to use dotted barlines. In fact, most pieces use only regular solid barlines and don't make use of dotted barlines at all.

What type of music helps depression?
What type of music helps depression?

For easing the symptoms of depression, listening to Binaural Beats with alpha, delta, or theta music can offer the following benefits: Deep relaxed...

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What is the most calming song?

The 10 Most Relaxing Songs in the World, According to Science,... Marconi Union, “Weightless” ... Airstream, “Electra” ... DJ Shah, “Mellomaniac...

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Is it illegal to play music in a shop?

It may seem harmless to listen to the radio in your shop or office, or to listen to CDs that you have bought or a Spotify playlist. Listening to such music on a 'personal use' basis, through headphones, is completely legal in the workplace. Anyone can listen to their own music in this way.

It may seem harmless to listen to the radio in your shop or office, or to listen to CDs that you have bought or a Spotify playlist. Listening to such music on a 'personal use' basis, through headphones, is completely legal in the workplace. Anyone can listen to their own music in this way. But playing such music through speakers to your employees - or to the public - in a work environment is illegal unless you have the appropriate licence.

Music licensing - TheMusicLicence

Getting a music licence is pretty straightforward. You can apply online.

TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS allows a business or organisation to legally play music for employees or customers through the radio, TV or other digital devices (including hold music on phone systems). It also covers live performances of music. The licence ensures songwriters, composers and publishers get paid - as they own the copyright to the music. PPL PRS is the organisation that collects the licence fees. It operates on behalf of its two parent companies, PPL and PRS for Music, which then distribute these royalty fees back to the copyright owners. There are special licensing tariffs for different types of business and different types of activity. For example, a mobile DJ, a workshop, a pub, a karaoke bar and a taxi all use music differently. A DJ might only work in premises that already hold the appropriate licences. Without a licence, you are infringing copyright if you play live or recorded music in public. If you're in any doubt whether or not you need a music licence contact PPL PRS for advice, explaining exactly what you'll be doing and where you'll be doing it.

What instruments start with G?
What instruments start with G?

Musical Instrument Glossary G Gadje. Gaita gallega (Galician bagpipe) Gamelan. Garrahand. Ghatam. Gong. Gibson Les Paul. Guqin. More items...

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The time needed to invest in practicing the guitar is completely dependent on your goals. Serious guitarists who want to play for a career need to...

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How many hours of sleep do you need for 3rd shift?

Like all adults, night shift workers still require 7-9 hours of sleep.

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Why is songwriting so hard? Songwriting is a creative process by nature. As such, there isn't a specific formula to come up with the answer like...

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