Piano Guidance
Photo by Leif Blessing Pexels Logo Photo: Leif Blessing

What is elephant ivory?

But what exactly is it? Ivory tusks are actually massive teeth that protrude well beyond the mouths of elephants. Like our own teeth—and those of many mammals—these tusks are deeply rooted. Much of the tusk is made up of dentine, a hard, dense, bony tissue.

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Why do pianists shake their heads?

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When did Japan start censoring?

After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, which marked a major political shift in Japan, the government began heavy censorship of Western ideas,...

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We’ve all seen photographs of majestic elephants sporting long, off-white tusks on either side of their trunks. This ivory is both beautiful on the animals and essential to the species’ survival. But what exactly is it?

Ivory tusks are actually massive teeth that protrude well beyond the mouths of elephants. Like our own teeth—and those of many mammals—these tusks are deeply rooted. Much of the tusk is made up of dentine, a hard, dense, bony tissue. And the whole tusk is wrapped in enamel, the hardest animal tissue and the part of the tusk that manages the most wear and tear.

Why do elephants have ivory tusks?

Elephant tusks evolved from teeth, giving the species an evolutionary advantage. They serve a variety of purposes: digging, lifting objects, gathering food, stripping bark from trees to eat, and defense. The tusks also protect the trunk—another valuable tool for drinking, breathing, and eating, among other uses. Just as humans are left or right handed, elephants, too, are left tusked or right tusked. The dominant tusk is usually more worn down from frequent use. Both male and female African elephants have tusks, while only male Asian elephants, and only a certain percentage of males today, have tusks.

Why is taking ivory tusks from elephants illegal?

Behind every piece of ivory—whether it be a full tusk or carved trinket—is a dead elephant. Poachers kill about 20,000 elephants every single year for their tusks, which are then traded illegally in the international market to eventually end up as ivory trinkets. This trade is mostly driven by demand for ivory in parts of Asia. WWF is at the forefront of efforts to galvanize governments and the public to stop wildlife crime through a global campaign to apply the strength of our worldwide network, our influence with partners and governments, and the passion of our supporters. We're calling on all governments—and particularly those of demand countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand and the United States—to strengthen law enforcement, invest in more boots on the ground and commit to long-term elephant ivory demand reduction efforts.

What can we do to stop wildlife crime?

Elephants, and animals such as tigers and rhinos, face the threat of poaching for their parts. We need your support to stop demand for illegal wildlife parts and products. Pledge to stop wildlife crime and commit to preserving nature’s beauty for generations. NOTE: This story refers specifically to elephant ivory. While many people outside the Arctic often associate ivory with elephants, the term is also used for items that come from other species, and has different stipulations. Learn more.

How long does it take to reach Grade 3 piano?
How long does it take to reach Grade 3 piano?

Five to ten years You should have no issues sightreading pieces around three or four grades below your playing level. You should know scales,...

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Can you skip Grade 3 piano?
Can you skip Grade 3 piano?

The short answer is yes. But how? Since the ABRSM music assessments are known worldwide, there are experiences of many students who have skipped at...

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What are 3 types of engraving?

What are the Types of Engraving? CNC Engraving. Rotary Engraving. Diamond Drag Engraving.

Hand Engraving

Hand engraving is one of the most intricate and labor-intensive engraving methods. It is typically done using a small engraving tool by a master artist. Hand engraving is a long and expensive process, but the results produced are unique works of art that are nearly impossible to replicate. The oldest form of hand engraving is called “push engraving.” The artist uses sharp engraving tools and pushes it into the substance hard enough to leave a mark. This type of engraving is taxing on the human hand, so it can’t be done for prolonged periods of time. This technique is also limited to certain materials as it can be challenging to etch into hard surfaces using push engraving.

Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is when the laser beam physically removes the workpiece’s surface to create a cavity that reveals an image at eye level. The laser produces high heat during the engraving process, which essentially causes the substance to vaporize. Laser engravers produce lettering, logos, or designs into a variety of materials such as wood, acrylic, stone, leather, and coated metals. For example, acrylic awards, wooden picture frames, pet urns, rifle stocks, marble coasters, cutting boards, iPad covers, portfolios, and name badges are often engraved using the laser process. It can be divided into deep laser engraving and laser ablation. It is not ideal for marking safety-critical parts. It is the fastest method of marking items, is cost-effective, and is ideal for parts that will experience high wear.

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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What color is good luck in Japan?

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