Piano Guidance
Photo by Василь Вовк Pexels Logo Photo: Василь Вовк

What is Ctrl Shift C?

Ctrl+Shift+C. Clipboard Swap. F8. Toggle Output Window. Ctrl+Shift+F.

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How do you replace a key without a spare?
How do you replace a key without a spare?

If you lose it: You could call a locksmith, who can come and make you a new key on the spot. In some cases—an unusual or older vehicle—a locksmith...

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How is jazz piano different?
How is jazz piano different?

What is this? The main difference between jazz and classical is that jazz taps into the improvisational side of things more than classical music....

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

This help describes some of the default keyboard shortcuts used by PN2. You can find and customise all shortcuts in the options dialog.

The Escape Key

The escape key can often be used to get you out of dialogs - it generally represents the pressing of the cancel button in these cases. The escape button can also be used to hide any output, find in files or find bar windows that are visible. So if you run a compile which shows you some output, and then you don't want to see the output window any more then just press escape until it goes away!

Window Navigation

To go to the next window, you can use either Ctrl-Tab or Ctrl-F6. Depending on your options, this will either navigate through documents in Windows' own recent window order, or will use a Visual-Studio window stack system. Note that you can hold down the Shift key with either of these combinations to traverse in the opposite direction. If you edit many files at the same time, their tabs may not fit the window width. In such a case, you can use the two little arrows (next to the close document button) to scroll through them.

Output Window

There are two types of output window (from 0.4 onwards). The global output window (dockable) can be toggled with F8, and individual output windows can be toggled with Shift-F8.

Indent Unindent

Select a block of text over a line and use the Tab key to indent (by either tab characters or spaces depending on your settings). Use Shift-Tab to unindent.

More Shortcuts

What is music dyslexia called?
What is music dyslexia called?

dysmusia In 2000, Neil Gordon, a retired pediatric neurologist, proposed the idea of musical dyslexia (dysmusia), based on growing evidence that...

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How do I find out how much a piano is worth?
How do I find out how much a piano is worth?

The FMV is best determined by using several sources including the classified sites like Facebook Marketplace and craigslist on which you'll...

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Here are some default shortcuts sorted on the left by shortcut and the right by command name.

ASCII Control Characters

Most ASCII control characters can be inserted with Ctrl+Shift plus the corresponding letter.


Control character Caret notation Key Sequence NUL ^@ Ctrl-Shift-2 EOT ^D Ctrl-Shift-D BEL ^G Ctrl-Shift-G TAB ^I Ctrl-Shift-I CR ^M Ctrl-Shift-M Wikipedia has a list of ASCII control characters and the corresponding caret notations.


Linear select: Shift+Cursor Movement such as shift+page down, or shift+ctrl+right arrow (select till next word boundary). Box Select: Alt+selection. Again Alt+dragging mouse or using alt+shift+arrow keys or other navigation keys (home, page up, page down etc.) will select a block. Multi-Select: ctrl + selection. Multi-select uses the multiple-edit feature of placing the cursor in multiple locations. For this reason it is best to use the mouse for selection. Simply make a selection. Then press ctrl and use the mouse to choose a new cursor location by pressing the left mouse button. Drag the cursor with the mouse to select the new text. Note that with multi-select paste will only work in the last selection made but will clear all other selections. The same is true with placing the cursor in multiple places -- paste will only occur at the last one (but typing will occur at all cursor locations).

pnotepad.org - Keyboard Shortcuts
Is 16 too old to learn piano?
Is 16 too old to learn piano?

It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 64 or 90. I've never met a hopeless case. And playing piano (or any musical instrument) is wonderful for the...

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What is the most difficult style of guitar to play?
What is the most difficult style of guitar to play?

As you might expect the answers were varied but the two guitar styles that many agreed were the hardest were the classical guitar and the acoustic...

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What color is a grand piano?

Grand pianos come in all colors, from traditional black polish to a natural finish and even cherry red. Most grand pianos today have a shiny, ebony...

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What piano level is Fur Elise?
What piano level is Fur Elise?

The full version of Fur Elise is considered reasonably difficult, broadly an intermediate piece around grade 5, but a shorter arrangement of only...

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