Piano Guidance
Photo by Natacha Panassol Pexels Logo Photo: Natacha Panassol

What instruments make horror sounds?

For example, stochastic music, which is atonal and erratic, and conveys a deep sense of horror. To create such sounds, special instruments are needed, such as the theremin, crystal harmonica, a giant gong, or a Waterphone, among others.

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Who were the 3 famous female blues singers?

15 Of The Greatest And Most Famous Female Blues Singers Of All... Bessie Smith. Koko Taylor. Aretha Franklin. Ma Rainey. Sister Rosetta Tharpe....

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What piano grade is for Elise?
What piano grade is for Elise?

Fur Elise is between a grade 2 and grade 5 standard depending on whether you just learn the opening or whether you learn the whole piece. The most...

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We are on the eve of Halloween and it is worth taking a look at one of the instruments that have characterized horror movies: the Waterphone. It's no secret that a good part of the horror movie experience comes from the music and sound effects. Just do an experiment: choose any scene from a random horror movie and watch it on mute. Disappointing, right? In reality, behind a horror movie, there is usually a team of experts who prepare the sounds, the effects, the editing, and, above all, the music. At Enhanced Media, we know that it is pivotal to know very well the right music style to create a disturbing and frightening atmosphere. For example, stochastic music, which is atonal and erratic, and conveys a deep sense of horror. To create such sounds, special instruments are needed, such as the theremin, crystal harmonica, a giant gong, or a Waterphone, among others. Let's talk a little about the latter. The Waterphone is an acoustic percussion instrument. Its main feature consists of a resonator bowl made of stainless steel with a cylindrical brass neck, connected to several rods of different sizes and diameters all around the rim of the bowl. This resonator can hold a small amount of water, and, for this reason, bears the name of Waterphone. This curious and peculiar instrument was invented and developed by British musician and composer Richard Waters in the early 1960s. Waters relied on the resonance of steel and water to generate an eerie sound. Today, there are several varieties in sizes and designs of this instrument. In fact, it is not usually played in a resting position. Most commonly, the musicians who use it lean a little to generate more sound effects. Thanks to this, it is possible to create the peculiar resonances in the cup and rods in combination with the water inside. For this reason, the mysterious sound of the Waterphone is often used to stimulate fear and suspense. By means of a mallet, this instrument can be played by taking advantage of the vibrations produced by friction and blows on the rods. Many people relate it to the Tibetan water drum, although with certain differences, such as round and flattened sheet. In reality, the waterhone is almost like a drum, but with an opening in the upper center area. Richard Waters did become acquainted with the Tibetan Water Drum and modified its design somewhat. The Tibetan drum also contains water inside, is slightly flattened, is made of bronze, and has an opening in the top center area. The design of this instrument allows for some rocking each time its surface is struck with the hands, thus moving the small amount of water inside, which creates a series of spooky echoes. But in 1968, Waters also heard the sound of another peculiar instrument: the Kalimba, a small West African piano played with the thumbs, and this new knowledge brought him new ideas. After several attempts he ended up assembling car rim resonators and enameled salad bowls, modifying the technique of this African instrument to be played with a mallet. Thus, by mixing both concepts, the Tibetan water drum and the kalimba, the waterphone came into existence.

What key is NBA YoungBoy?
What key is NBA YoungBoy?

YoungBoy beats are mostly made in minor keys with A minor and F minor being particularly prominent in his music.

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How long does it take to break in a keyboard?

To reduce scratchiness in switches, it is possible that the switches may need an initial break in period of 2 weeks – several months depending on...

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Do pianists have good posture?

While there is less literature about good posture for piano players than that for drummers or guitarists, it is just as vital that every pianist maintains a good posture. Having a good posture enables the player to comfortably practice or perform longer, without experiencing aches or causing injuries.

Tip 1: Keep your neck aligned with your back (avoid forward neck!)

What does this mean?

Your neck should be kept in line with your spine, with your ears above your shoulders (like the diagram on the left). As you read the score, you should maintain this position, instead of slouching forward, jutting your chin out, and forcing your head forward, even if this feels more natural to you. To look at different parts of the score, move your eyes instead of your neck.

Why is this important?

An aligned neck is the foundation of good posture. Likewise, a forward neck is the precursor to a myriad of other problems. The more forward your head is, the more weight your neck has to support. This causes a great deal of strain in your neck and shoulders, while your upper back will round to compensate for the added weight. More aches and pain follow and you might even end up looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

What can I do?

To identify if you have a forward neck, you can do this simple exercise. Stand with your lower back and the back of your feet touching a wall. If the back your head does not touch the wall, it’s likely that you have forward neck. To correct your posture, adjust your head so that the back of your head touches the wall. Be sure to lengthen your spine instead of simply tilting your head backwards. You may have to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Now, keep this position for a minute. Gradually increase the time in which you stay at this position. Remember this position and be sure to adopt it as you play the piano.

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