Piano Guidance
Photo by Charles Parker Pexels Logo Photo: Charles Parker

What instruments can you learn on Fender Play?

You can access the lessons more simply, as well. The sidebar navigation and gear icon on the My Path screen will let you change between levels, instruments (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass or ukulele) and genres (rock, country, pop, folk, blues) with the click of your mouse or touch of your finger.

Why is self-learning difficult?
Why is self-learning difficult?

Staying motivated to complete things on your own initiative is hard, because there is no consequence if you don't get things done. However, if done...

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Can you cut yourself on guitar strings?
Can you cut yourself on guitar strings?

While it's certainly possible to cut your fingers while playing guitar, the chances of it actually happening are extremely low, with a few exceptions.

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Two years after launching in 2017, Fender Play has earned the reputation as the most complete and easiest way to learn guitar, bass and ukulele. And over that period of time, the Fender Play team has received a wealth of feedback from users who have used the platform to begin and continue their musical journeys. Taking all of that knowledge into consideration, Fender Play now boasts a brand-new look that streamlines the lesson interface in order to help you realize your goals more efficiently. “We’ve been listening to thousands of points of feedback and wanted to respond to all of them,” said Fender Play Director of Product Mary Keenan. “The goal is to keep playing, and the best way to do that is to focus on the essentials that will get you to where you want to go in the quickest way possible.”

Simplified 'My Path' Screen Navigation

Right off the bat, users will notice a difference in the “My Path” screen. A navigation bar on the left side of the desktop screen (Fender Play is also available on iPhone, iPad and Android) features red highlighted text, arrows and buttons that will clearly allow you to see where you need to go next.

More Prominent Videos and Tablature

Once you get to a lesson, you’ll be fully immersed, as the buttons and other content are minimized so the video and tablature takes a more prominent role. This ensures that you can focus fully on the Fender Play instructor and the notes they are telling you to play.

Change Your Level, Instrument and Genre on the Fly

You can access the lessons more simply, as well. The sidebar navigation and gear icon on the My Path screen will let you change between levels, instruments (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass or ukulele) and genres (rock, country, pop, folk, blues) with the click of your mouse or touch of your finger.

Clearer Progress Tracking

And finally, Fender Play updated progress tracking, so there will be no doubt as to where you stand inside the platform’s guided curriculum. When you finish a course, you get a noticeable green check mark indicating your accomplishment, but if you deem a lesson too easy or want more flexibility as to where to start, you can mark it complete by clicking the ellipsis to the right of the screen and move on to another one that interests you. Fender Play still contains hundreds of song and skill lessons taught by world-class instructors that will get you playing in no time. But the sleek redesign only makes it easier for you to do so! If you’re not a member yet, click here for a free Fender Play trial.

What instrument is the fastest to learn?
What instrument is the fastest to learn?

1. The Recorder. The recorder is one of the easiest instruments to learn. Many schools teach the recorder in the early years and it gives a good...

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What sense is the hardest to live without?
What sense is the hardest to live without?

sense touch Out of our 5 senses, our ability to sense touch (also called “haptic” sense) is the first one to develop as we're a growing foetus....

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What country has the shortest school day?

In Finland, children get a 15-minute break every 45 minutes. This equates to an average of three hours and 45 minutes of educational instruction each day. In the US, children spend roughly 6.5 hours a day in the classroom. School officials in Finland may be on to something, though.

According to the Center for Public Education, US public schools require students to be in the classroom between 175 to 180 days a year. That breaks down to somewhere in the ballpark of 900 to 1,000 hours, depending on what state you live in. Currently, 35 states in the US require at least 990 hours of educational learning. So, as a rough estimate, US public school students spend about half of their year in the classroom. How does that stack up against other school children around the globe? American students are known for spending less time in the classroom than most of their counterparts in China, India, and other countries. A 2017 Pew Research Center poll found that the US still falls behind other countries in terms of reading, math, and science scores. It's worth noting that since each state has different requirements for class time in the US, and some countries don't have this information readily available. With that in mind, these four countries have more time off from school than the US on average.

Who is most searched person on Google?
Who is most searched person on Google?

Here's a list of the most searched top 10 people, rolled out by Google for the year 2022. ... Johnny Depp. ... Will Smith. ... Amber Heard. ......

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What should I know before taking piano lessons?
What should I know before taking piano lessons?

Know these tips before starting piano lessons Make sure you have a reliable instrument. Stay honest with yourself. Learning piano takes practice....

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Is it cheaper to rekey a lock or replace it?
Is it cheaper to rekey a lock or replace it?

Rekeying your lock is almost always cheaper than replacing a lock. This is because of the cheaper price of the key pins inside the locks, whereas...

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Can you get a key cut without the key?
Can you get a key cut without the key?

If it's a lost key a locksmith can make you a key without the original, as locksmiths can make keys to lock by hand. By using a blank and a file...

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