Piano Guidance
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What happens if you shift too early?

If you shift too early, you run the risk of lugging your engine, asking it to move your car forward at an unnaturally low RPM. For more details, and a side-by-side comparison of the fuel efficiency achieved in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th gears at identical speeds on the same stretch of road, watch Fenske's video below.

What is Mozart's most favorite piece?
What is Mozart's most favorite piece?

1, the Clarinet Concerto is one of Mozart's best-loved works. It was written shortly before Mozart's death for the clarinettist Anton Stadler and...

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How many hours a day do classical musicians practice?
How many hours a day do classical musicians practice?

But it usually averages out to around 6 hours a day, 6 out of 7 days a week. On Sundays, I take a break and only do 1 hour of maintenance practice....

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You probably already understand the basic concept of driving a stick-shift car for maximum efficiency: Keep the RPM as low as possible. The faster you spin your engine, the more fuel it consumes. Simple, right?

Well, yes and no. Getting maximum efficiency out of a manual-transmission car has a lot to do with keeping the revs low. And there's some fascinating science behind this piece of wisdom, as YouTube's Engineering Explained lays out in this new video. Host Jason Fenske explains the concept of Brake Specific Fuel Consumption, an engineering term that specifies exactly how much fuel a certain engine will consumer under various loads and at various RPMs. Basically, lower RPMs consume less fuel because lower revs mean less friction. An engine that's wailing away at 6000 RPM has to overcome far more friction (from the pistons rubbing against the cylinder walls, the bearings of the crankshaft, and the drag of things like the valvetrain, water pump, and other accessories) than an engine loafing along at 2000 RPM. And higher loads have an indirect effect on fuel consumption. For the most part, load is analogous to throttle opening. If you're cruising along in a light-load situation, you might only be using five percent throttle. That means the engine has to work harder to suck intake air through a throttle that's mostly closed. At wide open throttle, there's less restriction on the intake air, meaning the engine isn't working so hard just to breathe. So the sweet spot is high load (a wide-open or nearly-wide-open throttle) and low RPM. But there are limitations to this. If you shift too early, you run the risk of lugging your engine, asking it to move your car forward at an unnaturally low RPM. For more details, and a side-by-side comparison of the fuel efficiency achieved in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th gears at identical speeds on the same stretch of road, watch Fenske's video below. Even if it's just a couple bucks here or there, any little bit of money you can save on gas is worth it. This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Can I use F keys without Fn?
Can I use F keys without Fn?

Method 1. Toggle the Fn Lock key All you have to do is look on your keyboard and search for any key with a padlock symbol on it. Once you've...

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What music helps with anxiety?
What music helps with anxiety?

The genres most likely to support relaxation are classical, soft pop and certain types of world music. These are found to largely contain the...

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Do you need a harmonica for every key?
Do you need a harmonica for every key?

In particular, you should know that a set of harmonicas in different keys (as shown above) is needed before joining a jam. A set of harmonicas in...

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Why is jazz piano so hard?
Why is jazz piano so hard?

Learning to play jazz piano requires a lot of memorisation To become proficient at playing jazz piano, you need a working command of voicings,...

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Can I learn jazz piano as a beginner?
Can I learn jazz piano as a beginner?

The good news is – you do not need any prior experience. You also do not need to study classical music prior to starting jazz. You can start as a...

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How much does Pianoforall cost?
How much does Pianoforall cost?

In fact, the digital version of Piano for All only costs $40, which is sometimes the cost of a single lesson from an experienced teacher (and...

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