Piano Guidance
Photo by Mehmet Turgut  Kirkgoz Pexels Logo Photo: Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz

What grade of piano is Fur Elise?

Its grade 5 in Abrsm grade scale.

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Re: What level is Fur Elise 439032 09:29 PM Joined: Posts: 152 Atlanta L LudwigVanB OP Full Member OP LudwigVanB Full Member L Joined: Posts: 152 Atlanta Thanks for all the input. After putting this message on, I went back to practicing it and realized that the second page seems far more complex and harder to get than the first page. I’m referring mainly to those five bars with the 32 notes.

I think Kreisler said it best:


Fur Elise is best handled by intermediate players. Beginners often play it, but not often well, and they often leave out the middle part. (Some editions actually leave the middle out, too...) I think the Chopin etudes suffer from this problem a bit - the number of people who can play the first page of Op. 10#1 is far greater than the number of people who can play the whole thing. The beginning is easy compared to the a minor middle seection.


If one skips part of it I personally would not tell anyone I can play it without adding that I can’t, or won’t spend the time learning to play it all.

In response to subarus who said:


Anybody know why this piece is so popular among pianist wannabes ? Is it a movie theme song or advertisement Jingle, what is it about this piece that appeals to these ppl ?


For me this is one of the all time most beautiful solo piano pieces. Every time I hear it, the feeling that always comes to mind is ‘elegance’. There are few other pieces that evoke this. To me, this piece is analogous to an early Rembrandt or other great artist that I would stand in front of and marvel at the shades of color and tone he was able to give to a piece of canvas. But with Beethoven, I can do more, I can attempt to play it, to get into Beethoven’s mind, and feel reverence and awe at such musical ability! I started as an adult several years ago and when I first started practicing the music of Bach, Beethoven and others in that small circle, it was a humbling but thrilling feeling. I would be laboring over a beginner piece of music and the thought would come to me, “My god, this is Bach, or this is Beethoven!” One of the first pieces I wanted to play was Fur Elise but it was too awkward. Several months ago I returned to find in amazement that it was now “doable”. It is a work of love. I get excited with the thought of returning to it again and again, day after day, month after month, that stretches into years. Being a beginner I have accepted it will be years before this piece can be really mastered, in its entirety. But the thought of playing it, all the way through at tempo, is an exhilarating thought. In my opinion, there are several of Beethoven’s piano composition that exhibit sheer beauty. Fur Elise is one of them.

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What age should a child begin piano lessons?

What is the best age to Learn TO play piano? The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate.

Many children are drawn to the piano from a young age. It’s easy to play, fun to explore, and depending on whether you have a piano vs a keyboard, it can make a lot of different sounds! All fun aside, many parents often wonder what age their child should start piano lessons, especially if they want their kid to get good. At School of Rock, our instructors teach thousands of students how to play the piano every day, and know a thing or two about determining when a student is ready. And while it’s true students of almost any age can learn to play piano, the best age to learn depends on factors unique to each student.

What is the best age to Learn TO play piano?

The best age to start piano lessons is typically between the ages of 6 and 9-years-old. While older students may have an easier time learning to play, students as young as 6-years-old can also learn since the keys of the piano are easy to operate. Depending on the student, even very young children under the age of five can begin to explore the piano. After all, Mozart famously started to play piano at 3-years-old!

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