Piano Guidance
Photo by Dagmara Dombrovska Pexels Logo Photo: Dagmara Dombrovska

What do you say at the end of praise and worship?

Lord Jesus, thank you that we are able to be here today, gathered together to worship you. We thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit. Please fill us with your Spirit and may we be full of grace, joy, and peace, because of your presence within us. May your Spirit's power produce fruit within our lives.

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The fact is some people are just born with a naturally great singing voice. The shape and size of their vocal folds plays a part in this, but so...

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Writing a closing prayer for worship can be difficult. You want it to encapsulate the message you just gave but leave your congregation with a feeling of hope and love. As a pastor, you have a great responsibility... you lead a busy life. Your life extends beyond the walls of the church, but your mind is always at the church. We’re here to help! Are you looking for a sample closing prayer for worship service? Below are multiple variations: blessings, thanksgivings, humility, guidance, protection, fellowship, wisdom and more. You can use these prayers as-is or edit them as you see fit.

Table of Contents

Closing Prayer for Blessing

Prayers of blessing have been offered since biblical times. They are often said as a closing prayer for church service as a benediction. Lord God, thank you for your abundant love and care for us. Thank you for forgiving our sins, even for the sins we do not realize we commit. Lord, please fill us with your wisdom and your compassion for others. May you bless us with your never-ending love. May you fill our cups with joy and may our lands overflow with your abundance. Lord, please help us to serve you in all we do. Help us to honor you both today and every day. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Love for Others Prayer

The Bible says to love one another. Below is a sample prayer to help you end your worship service with a prayer that is also a reminder of this command. Father God, your loving-kindness knows no bounds. Our world is in so much turmoil and we find ourselves fearful at times. Help us to remember the example you set for us of what unconditional love looks like. Help us to love our neighbor. Fill us with love for those close to us, but also those who differ from us. We ask that you help us to love others as you love us, putting others before ourselves. Thank you for your unfailing love. Amen.

Closing Prayer for Worship and Thanksgiving

Worship and thanksgiving are two pillars of the Christian faith. This sample closing prayer helps to remind your congregation of all they have to be thankful for and to point their eyes heavenward. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time we could spend in your presence today. Help us remember that you have given us more than we could have ever asked for or even imagined. Help us to continually turn our eyes to you in worship and adoration. For you are the Alpha and the Omega, king overall. We thank you for all you bless us with, the family and friends you surround us with. We thank you for the freedom we find in you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Humility

The very definition of having an attitude of humility means we interact with others in a way that is not arrogant. Offering a prayer of humility as the closing prayer for church service is a good reminder for parishioners to think this way as they go forth into their day. Lord God, we come before you today wholly unworthy of even being in your presence. We thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son that made it possible for us to gather in your name today. Help us to be willing to serve others even when our efforts may go unnoticed. Help us to be gracious and forgiving of others when wronged. Lord, please grant us compassion and humility of heart. In your name, Amen.

As We Leave This Place Prayer

This sample closing prayer for worship service is meant to be used as a benediction over your congregation. It can serve as a reminder to be a light in the world as they go about their daily lives. Heavenly Father, thank you for this time that we have spent together learning more about you and worshiping your name. As we leave this place today, may we be committed to worshiping and serving you in our daily lives. Lord, show us ways that we can bless others each day. Help us to see you in the monotony of the mundane; help us to see your blessings around us in the simple, small things that bring us joy each day. As we leave this place, please fill us with peace. Help us to go forth with joy that can only come from you. Amen.

Closing Prayer for Guidance

This sample closing prayer for worship service is to offer not only comfort but guidance to your congregation. It can be used as a closing prayer for a traditional or contemporary service. Lord God, we come before you today humbly, acknowledging our need for you. We thank you for your never-ending patience despite our many flaws and fumbles. Lord, we ask that you guide us as we seek to live out your will in our lives. Shine your light into the areas of our lives where we need to make changes and give us a desire to be more like you. We know your Word is a light unto our path, so help us to seek you out each day; to read Your Word for guidance and direction. Lord, may your loving hand direct our steps as we go out into the world today. In Jesus' name, we ask these things, Amen.

Prayer for Protection

The world has seen much upheaval in the last few years and this has left people feeling anxious and unsafe. This sample prayer can be used to ask for protection and safety. Father God, we come before you today weak and afraid. Our world feels frightening in ways that it has not before. Thank you, Lord, that we can trust you to be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thank you for being a God we can trust wholeheartedly without fear or reservation. Lord, we ask for your protection over our church. We ask that you would erect a hedge of protection around our families; we ask that you would place a shield around those we love and care for. Please, Lord, do not let the fiery darts of the enemy touch us. Thank you that you are a God who never slumbers. We trust in you. Amen.

Closing Prayer for Wisdom

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the C scale “Lean On Me Key” is in the key of C and uses notes and chords from the C scale. Apr 9, 2020

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The Bible tells us that if we ask for wisdom, we will receive it. This sample prayer is a great way to remind your congregation of his Bible promise. Lord God, we know that your word tells us that if we ask you for wisdom, you will grant us our request. We come to you today, asking you to fill us with your wisdom so that we may be more like you. We know that wisdom is not found in worldly affairs but is a gift from you. Help us to know the difference. Help us to be people of vision; people who live with our eyes on eternity, not on things of this world. Keep us from straying from the path you have set before us. Lord, please grant us your wisdom in full measure. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Fellowship Prayer

Fellowship is one of the most important parts of creating a healthy community within your church. This sample prayer is a good way to ask for God's help and guidance in this area. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time we've had together in your presence. Help us to remember in the hustle and bustle of daily life that our time together and our time with you is ultimately what matters most. Help us to carve out time in our busy schedules for fellowship, to encourage one another, and point one another toward you. Help us to value our brothers and sisters in Christ and to see our need for one another. Thank you for making us one family under you. We love you, Lord. Amen.

Prayer of Worship

Leading your congregation in worship can be one of the most fulfilling parts of serving in the church. This sample prayer can be used when closing out the worship portion of the service. Lord, we are grateful to be gathered together today to worship your Holy Name. We offer our worship and adoration to you, for you are worthy to be praised. We lift our voices together to offer you all that you are due. Thank you for bringing us together today to worship in this place. Thank you for all you have blessed us with and for all you provide. Please help our focus to remain on you as we go about our day. In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Peace

When the world feels overwhelming, the church is often a place of safety for many. This sample prayer is to be used to usher in peace for your congregation. Heavenly Father, there is so much in the world around us that we can't comprehend right now. At times like this, life feels overwhelming until we are reminded that you are in control. Help us to practice patience when things seem bleak, to remember that you are the God who makes a way when there seems to be no way. Please bless us with your perfect peace, Father. Help us to rest in you and trust in your timing. In your name, we ask these things, Amen.

Hear From You Prayer

At times it can feel as if God is quiet and we are waiting to hear him speak or give direction. Use this sample prayer after a sermon on this topic. Lord God, thank you for hearing us when we pray. Thank you that we can come to you with every concern, big and small. Lord, we come to you today to ask that you pour your Spirit out on this place. May we feel you move within our hearts; may we hear your voice. We ask that you help us to have ears that hear and hearts that are willing to follow. Lord God, we ask this in your name, Amen.

Prayer for Faithfulness

There are times when we feel we've stumbled or fallen in our walk with God and need to ask forgiveness and for renewed faithfulness. This sample prayer is to aid in encouraging your church members after a sermon on this topic. Lord Jesus, we thank you for loving us despite our many stumbles and failings. Please forgive our missteps and guide us as we seek to serve you wholeheartedly. Lord, please help us to be faithful followers of Christ. Help us never to be ashamed to live our lives according to your commands. We long to be more like you. Please mold us more into your likeness every day. Thank you for your love and faithfulness to us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for Abiding

We are told that when we abide in Christ, and he in us, we will bear much fruit. This is a sample closing prayer for church service centered around abiding in Christ. Dear God, we thank you for bringing us together in one place to worship you today. We ask that you help us to stay consistently in your Word each day, that we might abide in you, and you in us. Please help us not to get swept up in things of this world. Help us to keep our minds focused on you and may we strive to do your will. Thank you, Lord God, for your compassion and kindness toward us. In your precious name, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Tithing

Finances can be awkward to talk about on Sunday morning, but the Bible is clear that God expects his followers to tithe. This sample prayer can be used in closing after a sermon on tithing. Heavenly Father, we come before you with love and adoration. We thank you for gathering us here today to worship you. Lord, as we consider giving back to you, help us to do so with generous and joyful hearts. Help us to honor you and to remember that all we have is a gift from you. We now offer a portion of those gifts back to you. Please accept our tithes as good and pleasing in your sight. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for When Life is Hard

There are times when very hard things happen in the world and they must be addressed on Sunday morning. This sample prayer can be used for those occasions. Lord God, we come before you today worn and weary. The world seems harsher even than usual this morning and we ask for an extra measure of Your grace and compassion. Fill this place with your presence, Father, and help us to feel your comfort flow over us. Lord God, we realize in times like these just how much we truly need you. Thank you for your steadfast and unconditional love. Please forgive our uncertainty and doubt. Help us to be faithful servants. We love and praise your name. Amen.

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Closing Prayer for Marriages

Marriage is another topic often addressed on Sunday morning from the pulpit. This sample closing prayer can be used after a sermon on marriage. Lord, we thank you for this time together to learn about your plan for our families. We believe that you have brought us together for a purpose. Help us to keep you at the center of our marriages, to rely on you for wisdom and guidance. Please forgive us when we fail to put our spouses before ourselves, when we fail to speak kindly; when we fail to act humbly. Please guard our marriages and help us to do the work necessary for them to succeed. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for Health

The health of congregation members can also be of concern to church leaders. Use this sample closing prayer to address health concerns in your church. Heavenly Father, we come before you today grateful to be gathered in your name. We lay at your feet our brothers and sisters who are dealing with health concerns. Lord, we ask that you lay your healing hand upon them and bring them comfort. We ask that you free them from any worries and anxiety; we ask your Spirit to fill them completely. Lord, we believe you are our Healer and our Counselor, our Great Physician. Please hear our prayer. We ask this all in Jesus' precious name, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Faith

Is your worship service about strengthening your faith this week? The following sample prayer can be used for weeks centered around faith. Lord God, we are so grateful to be together worshiping and praising you. Lord, we desire to know better. We ask that you strengthen our faith, and help us to be bolder in how we live our lives, and serve you. Give us faith that can move mountains. We want to be strong in you. Ready to give an answer for our faith and do battle against any lies of the enemy we may encounter. Lord, please fill us with wisdom and faith that only come from you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Grieving

There will be times when your church family experiences the loss of loved ones. Use this sample closing prayer for times of grieving and loss. Lord Jesus, we come to you today full of sadness and sorrow. Lord, we ask you to wrap your arm around our loved one and comfort them during this difficult time. Please give us the strength to bear our burdens while we grieve. Thank you, Lord, for your compassionate love, and please help us to extend that love to one another during this time of loss. Draw close to us, Lord, may we feel your presence. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Purity of Mind

When your church service includes the topic of being cleansed or purified of mind, the following sample prayer can be used. It is a closing prayer for worship. Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you humbly today, asking that you remove anything within us that is not pleasing to you. Lord, we thank you for sending your Son to pay the penalty for our sins. We ask your forgiveness for those things we have done that go against your commands. Lord, we ask that you renew us and purify us from within. Make us wholly pleasing to you. We desire to be people who serve you above all else. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Prayer for the Holy Spirit

If your service is focused on learning more about the Holy Spirit, your closing prayer should focus on this as well. This sample closing prayer can be used to help close a service focused on the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, thank you that we are able to be here today, gathered together to worship you. We thank you for your gift of the Holy Spirit. Please fill us with your Spirit and may we be full of grace, joy, and peace, because of your presence within us. May your Spirit's power produce fruit within our lives. May your Spirit allow us to live in victory over sin that has weighed us down. Help us to live holy lives, focused on serving you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

Closing Prayer for Patience

In this hustle-and-bustle world, it can be hard to live a patient life. This closing prayer is for times when this is the topic of your worship service. Lord, we come to you today grateful to be gathered with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord, we are weary and battle-worn. We feel pressure from every side. Help to stay steadfast in our faith and keep our eyes focused on you. Lord, please grant us patience as we wait on you to fulfill the promises in your Word. Help us to be full of grace and compassion when dealing with others; help us to love others as you have loved us. Lord, thank you for your never-ending patience with us. Help us to be patient people, so that we may point others toward you. We ask these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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