Piano Guidance
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What do you bind in heaven?

"Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." By "earth" Jesus is describing this mortal experience, and by "heaven" he is naming the innate spiritual Power that is our true identity.

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How common is losing keys?

When asked which items they misplace at least one a week, the most common lost items (in order) is revealed as – TV remotes (45%), phones (33%),...

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What are the 7 elements of sound?
What are the 7 elements of sound?

For the purpose of this class, we will refer to SEVEN elements of music: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Timbre, Dynamics, Texture, and Form.

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"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matthew 18:18-20).


I am interested in the power of prayer and the metaphysical interpretation of this quote as a Unity prayer chaplain. I know that the Christ presence is always within me and within anyone that I pray with. Does this Bible quote mean that or because Jesus says "gathering in my name," it means that prayer is intensified by invoking Jesus’ name in the prayer-shared experience? Thank you.


In the 18th Chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is instructing his disciples on how they are to carry his message forward. He is speaking not simply as Jesus of Nazareth, but as Jesus Christ—the full embodiment of the Christ, the Presence of God that he is realizing and expressing through his mortal limitations, and that he calls us to realize and express from within ourselves, by following his example and allowing his example to teach and empower us all. What’s interesting about this passage, I think, is the practical, three-stage instruction on how to express our innate Christ energy, which is the creative Power of God. When we are expressing from our own Christ awareness, our choices will have full creative power. "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." By "earth" Jesus is describing this mortal experience, and by "heaven" he is naming the innate spiritual Power that is our true identity. When we are centered in Christ awareness, our choices have the creative Power of God. That Power is absolute and infinite; it can’t be said to get stronger, because it is already an expression of the absolute strength of the divine. But it can be easier for us to express that infinite Power if—stage two—we join our own energy with that of someone else. It is easier for each of us to recognize the Christ Energy in another than it is to see it in ourselves. Together we can support each other through the process of bringing the Christ into expression. And if we take it to the next stage—"where two or three are gathered" (or "two or more" in the KJV translation)—we are clearly and firmly linked to our shared creative power. "I AM" is the name of God given to Moses through the burning bush in Exodus 3. "I AM" is the statement with which we claim and express our own Christ Power. When we gather for that purpose, and when we commit our shared Christ energy toward a creative intention, then the infinite energy and love of Jesus Christ is present to augment our own intentions. Yes, this is the very essence of prayer, I think. There is infinite Power even in our most personal, intimate prayer intentions. But that Power increases exponentially when we come together—not to beseech a distant God, but to share a creative intention—to combine our personal I AM intentions to bring a healing, empowering expression of divine love into expression in this life experience. Blessings!

Rev. Ed

Who invented instruments?
Who invented instruments?

Antiquity. Images of musical instruments begin to appear in Mesopotamian artifacts in 2800 BC or earlier. Beginning around 2000 BC, Sumerian and...

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Can I learn piano in 5 years?
Can I learn piano in 5 years?

Most people who want to learn piano to play for their own enjoyment can get great results within three to five years of study and practice....

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What tuning did Motley Crue use?

D standard tuning Many of Motley Crue's songs were played in D standard tuning; however, we'll be using E standard tuning here so you don't need to worry about altering anything on your guitar.

“Home Sweet Home” by Motley Crue is considered to be one of the greatest power ballads of all time. In this guitar lesson, we’ll be learning to play an acoustic version of the iconic song. Since we’ll be playing the piano part on our guitar as well, you should be prepared to use both strumming and fingerpicking techniques throughout this song. Many of Motley Crue’s songs were played in D standard tuning; however, we’ll be using E standard tuning here so you don’t need to worry about altering anything on your guitar. As you move through the lesson, you might find a few new chords and shapes, so be sure you download the PDF sheet music to help you follow along. Add this version of “Home Sweet Home” to your daily practice time and work towards executing all of the different parts perfectly. If you enjoyed learning this song, you might want to dig into some other Motley Crue tunes as well!

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What wood is poisonous to burn?

Poisons. Watch out for any wood covered with vines. Burning poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, or pretty much anything else with "poison" in the...

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What is a 512th note called?
What is a 512th note called?

U+E1E4. note512thDown. 512th note (hemidemisemihemidemisemiquaver) stem down. 

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Why music is important in our life?
Why music is important in our life?

Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or...

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How do I keep my piano shiny?
How do I keep my piano shiny?

Regularly vacuum the room in which the piano is located to reduce dust particles and build up in the room that might damage the piano. ... Invest...

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