Piano Guidance
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What do musicians struggle with?

Mental health. There are a lot of issues and problems that can take a toll on a musician's mental health. All these struggles can drain out a musician, mentally and emotionally. Anxiety and depression are common in the industry and this should not be taken for granted.

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10 Unknown Struggles of Being a Musician

Being a musician is not glamorous and polished all the time. Behind the curtain, all musicians have struggles that are unexposed to the world. Here are the problems that musicians deal with and how to go about them.

1. Building a team

If you are new in the music industry, building a team may be a downplayed struggle for every musician. Rising stars or newbies may hit this the hardest because they need the right people to extend their connections and coach them in the industry. Musicians need to build a team made of managers, PR, agents, assistants, and more. Building a name in the industry itself is hard, and finding a team of reliable music professionals can make it harder. Up-and-coming musicians need to pay this team and might cut budgets even further. To get around, give your friends a chance and consider team players whose passions are in line with yours. You can have a DIY course of your career, although this may take some time off your practice.

2. Staying motivated

Motivation won’t knock on your door every day for you to make music. There will be days when you just don’t feel like yourself with your instruments and your music sheets. Having these days is normal for a striving musician. Set your goals and take a step to meet them each day. These goals will keep you focused. Let loose and try playing for fun when you come across days where focusing on your goals is a blur. Be accountable with your decisions, but don’t forget to reward yourself with every goal met.

3. Funding in projects

Being tight on funds is not new if you know the struggles of the musicians in the industry. This may be unknown to the crowd, but funding in projects and shows can hinder every musician’s rise to fame. You can always let go of the lavish and extravagant lifestyle and focus first on the career you aspire. Getting yourself well-supported through music can require a great deal of time and perseverance. As long as your music is worth your sacrifice, manage your costs wisely. You can also attract sponsors through the use of the right social media platform.

4. Mental health

There are a lot of issues and problems that can take a toll on a musician’s mental health. All these struggles can drain out a musician, mentally and emotionally. Anxiety and depression are common in the industry and this should not be taken for granted. Once you feel burned out, reach out for someone to talk to and consider taking a breather from your music. There are a lot of online resources where you can connect to people and open up on your struggles. Know that you are not alone in this struggle and it is fine to have bad days on your musical journey.

5. Discrimination

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The music industry has always been a male-dominated one. And it is quite common to be bashed on the stage, but most may not know that women are treated differently behind the curtain. The salary could be an issue, and harassment could also among the challenges that female musicians face on their own. If you are a woman trying to set aground in the industry, never stop voicing out. Involve your male friends in the discussion of discrimination and promote equality in your little ways. This is a global struggle that has been around for decades and you can’t change people’s thoughts in a day. Participate in women’s groups and be supportive of other female musicians. When you just set your music out for the world to hear, that one thing you should consider is having the ears that will take time in listening to your passion for music. Promoting your music can be a tedious task and discouraging at times. You need to find out where your potential fans are. Do not ignore the people who appreciate your music, and acknowledge how they are fans of your work. Take your music out on social media and consider having a press release of your work. Send out your music to blogs, sites, and playlists to promote your love for good music.

7. Publishing delays

This unknown struggle isn’t new for musicians trying to break out. Having delays in publishing can also delay the reviews, articles, the spotlight can give credit to your work. When publicity is being ignored, it gives you less chance to have your music heard. Partner with reliable publishers and companies that can get you onboard the music industry at the right time. Remember to read contracts so you can take out your frustration on delays in releasing your work.

8. Having connections

Although it may seem like people in the music industry are tightly knit, they have struggled their way to make the right connections. People who can connect you with the right people will get your music across your area, and even globally. Relationships in the music industry can be tricky, make out your opportunities so you can expose yourself. Attend conferences in your area and meet different people who may have worked with different musicians. Don’t forget to be wise with social media and get involved in the local scene. Letting your music be heard is among the overlooked ways of making connections in the industry.

9. The right platform

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Choosing the right platform can be one of the most tedious things a musician can face. The world and the technology around it are evolving fast, and you need to make you are at par with this progress. One of the reasons why your music isn’t heard well enough is because it is on the wrong platform. There are common social media platforms that can enhance the following of your music. Expand your musical career online and roll out your opportunities.

10. High competition

Having tight competition in the industry is common, but some only see the cherry on top. This struggle can drown out your hard work and kill your ambitions if you are not eager to compete. Bring up your game in the music industry and stand out. It is reasonable to start with a website and book a contract with reputable clients. You can also take another route by having a video of yourself with your music. It is also best to engage with your fans and rely upon that this can ease out the competition in the industry. The unknown struggles of a musician are often unkempt in the industry as most people are blinded by the fame and the success that they have now. Although these struggles are hard to avoid, this can be a seed for growth and will humble down every aspiring musician in the industry. It serves as a foundation of your core values and the footing of many relationships.

About the Author

Charles is a songwriter, and the managing editor/founder of TheGuitarJunky.com, a website dedicated in helping aspiring musicians become real musicians. He provides expert insights, reviews, and guides in picking the right music instruments such as acoustic guitar, digital piano, drums, and more.

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