Piano Guidance
Photo by Jill Burrow Pexels Logo Photo: Jill Burrow

What country is not deaf friendly?

In India, Iran, and Russia, lack of sign language interpreters and information in accessible formats hampers access to public services and courts. In these and other countries, communication barriers also impede access to health care for deaf people.

Why do people burn pianos?
Why do people burn pianos?

The Story Behind The Tradition Originally, pianos were supposedly set alight by pilots who wanted to avoid taking lessons aimed at improving...

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At what age is singing voice best?
At what age is singing voice best?

Different people mature at different rates, and this applies to your voice too. But generally speaking, singers usually see their singing voice...

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Click to expand Image The names of the months in French and sign language are depicted inside a classroom for deaf students in Leveque, a community where a group of deaf people relocated after the 2010 earthquake in Cabaret, Haiti, April 17. 2016. © 2016 AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery We often take for granted our ability to interact with others in our own language. But significant barriers to communicating in sign language are depriving many deaf people of enjoying even these basic interactions. More than 70 million deaf people around the world use sign languages to communicate. Sign language allows them to learn, work, access services, and be included in their communities. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities calls on states to accept, facilitate, and promote the use of sign languages with the goal to ensure that people with disabilities can enjoy their rights on an equal basis with others. But Human Rights Watch research around the world finds deaf people often struggle to access basic services. In India, Iran, and Russia, lack of sign language interpreters and information in accessible formats hampers access to public services and courts. In these and other countries, communication barriers also impede access to health care for deaf people. In one case, Shahla, a deaf woman in Iran, told us she can’t visit the gynecologist unless her mother accompanies her. “But this is very embarrassing to share everything when my mom is there. So it’s better not to go,” she says. We have documented cases of deaf children in Nepal, China, and northern Uganda who were denied their right to education in sign language. In Brazil, we found many deaf people living in institutions spend their lives without being able to meaningfully communicate because they were never taught how to sign. Everyone should be able to access information equally. Human Rights Watch offers multiple formats to increase accessibility of more of our products, including videos in sign language, closed captioning, and reports in easy-to-read format. On this International Day of Sign Languages, governments should remember their obligation to ensure deaf people are able to access schools, jobs, medical treatment, and other services, and fully support their equal inclusion in society.

How does learning piano affect the brain?
How does learning piano affect the brain?

Learning to play an instrument increases motor control, listening, memory (especially of audio information). The benefits extend beyond the...

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What is the 3 stages in long jump?
What is the 3 stages in long jump?

There are three major flight techniques for the long jump: the hang, the sail, and the hitch-kick. Each technique is to combat the forward rotation...

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How old is the oldest song?

3,400 years old The Hurrian Hymn was discovered in the 1950s on a clay tablet inscribed with Cuneiform text. It's the oldest surviving melody and is over 3,400 years old.

Listen to the enchanting sound of the world’s oldest song, the Hurrian Hymn

By Lizzie Davis

The Hurrian Hymn was discovered in the 1950s on a clay tablet inscribed with Cuneiform text. It’s the oldest surviving melody and is over 3,400 years old. The hymn was discovered on a clay tablet in Ugarit, now part of modern-day Syria, and is dedicated the Hurrians’ goddess of the orchards Nikkal. The clay tablet text, which was discovered alongside around 30 other tablet fragments, specifies 9 lyre strings and the intervals between those strings – kind of like an ancient guitar tab. But this is the only hymn that could be reconstructed – although the name of the composer is now lost.

The oldest English song sounds like a joyful summer anthem >

Choir sings 800-year-old Icelandic hymn in train station >

Here it is:

Doesn’t look much like music, does it…?

The system of music notation we use now wasn’t invented until 1000 AD. This is something altogether different. The notation here is essentially a set of instructions for intervals and tuning based around a heptatonic diatonic scale. There’s much more detail about the precise language and instructions here. The lyrics are very difficult to translate, but one academic has come up with this rendering of them: ‘Once I have endeared the deity, she will love me in her heart,

the offer I bring may wholly cover my sin,

bringing sesame oil may work on my behalf in awe may I'

Here’s the whole haunting melody

Why do pianists have long nails?
Why do pianists have long nails?

There's more control over the sound and achieving dynamics and articulations become much easier to do. Because long fingernails force pianists to...

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Is it too old to learn piano?
Is it too old to learn piano?

“Learning piano has no age limit. In fact, activities like learning piano can stimulate the brain, increasing the ability to recall information....

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How do you learn all 12 keys?
How do you learn all 12 keys?

The Most Practical Way To Master All 12 Keys Simply put: Take 3 songs you know and learn them in all 12 keys. ... So if a song is in Eb major,...

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What does +9 mean in A chord?
What does +9 mean in A chord?

The add 9th chord is simply a major or minor triad to which we add an extra note, called “the 9th”. The 9th of a chord is simply the note that is...

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