Piano Guidance
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What color makes people happy?

Yellow Yellow is usually the color of happy, joyful emotions.

Why are songs only 2 minutes now?
Why are songs only 2 minutes now?

Attention Span Again Today artists and labels still fight attention span and many feel it's lower than ever, hence the shorter songs. But songs...

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Do violinists go deaf?
Do violinists go deaf?

This loss of hearing is caused by the musician's own instruments, as the violin is placed under the chin with the left ear almost touching the...

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Yellow is usually the color of happy, joyful emotions. But according to a new study, not all people associate the sunshiney shade with good vibes.

To find out what factors might play a role, researchers tested a new hypothesis: What if people's physical surroundings affect their feelings about certain colors? For instance, if someone lived in cold and rainy Finland, would they feel differently about the color yellow from someone who lived near the Sahara Desert?

The researchers looked at color-emotion data from an ongoing international survey of 6625 people in 55 countries. The survey asks participants to rate 12 colors on how closely they are associated with feelings including joy, pride, fear, and shame. Yellow is not so fun in the sun The darker the shade in the below map, the higher the likelihood of people associating the color yellow with joyful emotions. Overall, people were more likely to associate yellow with joy when they lived in rainier countries that lay farther from the equator, researchers report in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. A. Cuadra/ Science The team looked only at the data for yellow, and analyzed how different factors—including hours of sunshine, hours of daylight, and amount of rainfall—lined up with the emotions people reported for the color. The two best predictors of how people felt about yellow were the annual amount of rainfall, and how far they lived from the equator, the team reports this month in the Journal of Environmental Psychology . The farther someone lived from the equator, the more likely they were to appreciate some bright hues: In Egypt, the likelihood of yellow being associated with joy was just 5.7%, whereas in chilly Finland it was 87.7%. In the United States, with its moderate climate and amber waves of grain, people's yellow-joy association levels were between 60% and 70%. The team also checked whether associations changed with the season—whether, for example, people in a certain country liked yellow more in the winter than they did in the summer. The researchers found that opinions about color remained fairly constant year-round—even when the weather changed, the data on yellow-joy associations were as good as gold.

Who is the best piano teacher in the world?
Who is the best piano teacher in the world?

1. Muzio Clementi (1752 – 1832) is most commonly known for his piano sonatinas and sonatas. He spent most of his life in England playing...

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How long does it take to master the blues?
How long does it take to master the blues?

For the majority of first time guitarists, learning blues guitar will take between 200-900 hours of practice to reach a playable status. 900-2,500...

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What happens if baby poops in womb before birth?

If your baby poops in the womb or during the birthing process, they might develop a dangerous lung condition called meconium aspiration. Babies are at risk for passing meconium before birth if: The mother has preeclampsia. The labor or delivery is particularly stressful.

When your baby is born, you may be given a chart to track your baby’s wet and dirty diapers while you are there. The doctors want to make sure that there are a certain number of each kind of diaper so that they know your baby is properly passing waste through their body and getting rid of it. A baby’s first poop, called meconium, is known for being dark and thick. Learn more about meconium and what your baby’s poop will look like after the meconium passes. What is Your Baby's First Poop? When your baby is in the womb, they begin to practice drinking by taking in the amniotic fluid that surrounds them. Then their body processes out the waste, filtering the fluid through the digestive tract. While your baby often passes urine while still in the womb, they won’t poop until after birth. Your baby’s first poop is called meconium. As your baby begins to breastfeed or drink formula, their body will get rid of the meconium, making room for processing the milk or formula they are drinking. It's expected that the meconium will pass through your baby's system within the first 24 to 48 hours after birth. Ideally, your baby's poop will change color and consistency while you are still in the hospital. This change lets doctors know that your baby’s digestive system is working properly.

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Is music haram in Islam?

Views of legal scholars range from music being strictly forbidden, to generally forbidden but with varying restrictions such as singing is allowed,...

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Why do I feel music so much?
Why do I feel music so much?

Music can activate the brain's reward system Those possessing high and low empathy both activated areas of the brain linked to auditory and sensory...

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What are the 4 types of microphones?
What are the 4 types of microphones?

There are 4 types of microphone: Dynamic Microphones. Large Diaphram Condensor Microphones. Small Diaphram Condensor Microphones.

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What is a custom mechanical keyboard?
What is a custom mechanical keyboard?

It's all about customization. The main difference between a customizable mechanical keyboard and more basic devices is, well, that they're...

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